Chapter 8: Sister?

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3:00 PM


Mikey was riding draken on the back while baji was being careful not to make a noise. They decided to follow takemichi since chifuyu and takemichi went different ways.

They reached a tunnel until takemichi stopped.

''you...GO HOME YOU STALKERS!!'' takemichi turned around and yelled at the three. The three flinched. Draken just ran away with mikey yelling to go back. Baji ran along with draken.

''Jeez...assholes..'' takemichi sighed. He walked backed home when suddenly he saw someone standing next to his doorstep. He was surprised.

''South? Are you here to apologize? If you wanna apologize, then apologize to mitsuya and not me'' said takemichi.

Back then, south was the only person takemichi could ask for help and rely on when he moved out of his 'Old Home'. That's why he knows where he lives.

''Yeah...can we talk?'' south said in a stern voice. Takemichi nods and then both of them get's inside.


''What do you need to tell me?'' asked takemichi. They were on the table, sitting from across each other. ''I know your Family is a sensitive topic for you, but this is Bad news and a need to tell you'' said south. Takemichi's anxiety rising from just hearing him say 'Family' and 'Bad News'.

''Your Mother, Mrs. Takemichi, Gave birth'' said south. Takemichi's eyes widened.

''She...what? No...But! Your lying! Maybe it's fake news right?'' said takemichi as he stood up, asking south to make sure.

''I'm sorry, takemichi. It's true.'' South gave takemichi papers, along with a picture. It was his Mother that he's ashamed of even calling her 'Mother' as a Title, holding his new born sister.

''Her name is Furumi. Takemichi Furumi.'' said south.

'' is she even still to give birth? and, if she's my sister...were 14 years apart!'' takemichi yelled.

''Takemichi, they want to invite you to celebrate their new born child, your sister.'' Said south. ''More like, 'Company Replacement'.'' said takemichi.


In the Takemichi Family, takemichi was their first Born. Their child that was suppose to Inherit the Family Company. Takemichi was their 'Golden Child' because he was one to inherit the company, A Male and the First Born.

The Family takes their business seriously, even if it takes to resent a Child.

Takemichi was always fed up with their strict rules and their saying about that he will soon grow to be a gentleman, a proper inheriter that will make their Family shine.

During those days, takemichi felt like it was hell on earth. This and there, he felt like he was suppose to make achievements. He was a child that thought to make his Family proud, especially his parents, but it just wasn't enough.

Takemichi developed stress and anxiety at a young age. Takemichi has achieved many achievements, was on High Honors, yet it wasn't enough. They focused more on his flaws then his own achievements.

Takemichi's only goal was to make his parents happy, so he sacrificed his own happiness just for them, but again, it wasn't enough. His family craves for his Academic Validation and to always do better.

Tired, on his parents 24th anniversary, he left the family. He's 12, and at this age, takemichi considered for himself that he was old enough to make decisions himself. Plus, he was intelligent, had money and help from a friend, which was south of course.

It's been 2 years, the family still hasn't gave up on takemichi. Because he was their only child, their only hope for the future success, but now, a new child has been born, so that means takemichi would be worthless now, since the family has a new Inheriter.


''They always send letters and letters and more letters yet they don't even pay visit. I hate them.'' said takemichi.

Anger piled up on Takemichi. ''They are that stupidly desperate so they even made a new child just for the better, or should I say, 'The Worse'?''

''Cry it out, takemichi.'' Said south.

Tears then fell from takemichi's face, he didn't sob, he didn't make sound, he didn't even felt sad, just tears mixed with loads and piled up anger all together.

''Furumi's gonna suffer. The family's gonna treat her bad like they did me. I don't wanna interfere yet I don't want that to happen'' said Takemichi.

''Tell them I'm not gonna join their shitty celebration.'' said takemichi as he stood up.

''They aren't worth my Tears.'' said takemichi as he wiped them, but anger still left sticking to him.

''Let's not talk about this any furthur now, say, can you lend me your phone?'' asked south.

''Sure, what for?'' asked takemichi. ''I gonna apologize to Mitsuya through your phone'' said south. ''Sorry, I don't have him in my contacts.'' said takemichi. ''You don't? why?'' asked south.

''I just asked him to be my partner for the dance, but nothing else.'' said takemichi. ''Oh, then, I'll apologize to him the next time we meet then.'' said south. ''Good Idea'' said takemichi.

South then stood up and went near takemichi. He held his hand and leaned on him on the table. south then held his waist and rested on his shoulders and planted his nose on his neck.

''where do you think your touching?'' asked takemichi. ''Let's stay like this for a while'' said south.

South was fighting the urge to bite takemichi's neck. He then lifted his from takemichi's shoulder and pulled him on the couch for a more comfortable space for both of them.

South then caressed takemichi's cheeck. ''Can I?'' south asked for permission. Takemichi nodded.

South then pulled for a kiss. He held takemichi's waist as takemichi was holding onto his shirt. South then deepened the kiss, ''mhh...''

Takemichi let out a moan. He opened his mouth to breathe, south then shoved his tongue inside. Takemichi was pinned on the couch as he gripped on to south's shirt harder. It was hot. south explored his mouth as he opened his eyes to take a glance at takemichi.

Takemichi's eyes were closed, with a hint of pinkish blush on his cheeks.

South held his chin and deepened it more. Takemichi couldn't breathe, he pinched south, indicating him to let go. South then ended with a bite on his lips and a small peck.

South then moved away from takemichi for them to breathe. Takemichi then wiped his lips, then seeing blood on his finger.

''You bit to hard...'' said takemichi. ''Heh, sorry'' south chuckled.

''let's have sex.'' said south that caught takemichi off guard. ''No'' said takemichi. ''I didn't ask'' said south.

''Still a no, maybe when we grow up a little more or for the right time'' said takemichi. ''Then let's wait. But better make your decision, cause my patience can be thrown away the longer I wait'' south snickered.

''sure'' takemichi smiled.


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