You come for me and only me-Tom Kazansky.

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"Come on baby" Tom says. We are getting ready to go to the pub up my road. "One sec" I say from upstairs, applying the last coat of mascara. I walk down the stairs in my yellow flowered summer dress, **whistle** "ok, why don't we just not go" Tom jokes when I get to the last step. He wraps his arms around my waist, his face close to mine, "oh no, we're definitely going" I tell him, kissing his lips then walking out the door. I hear him release a groan of frustration, at my sudden want to go.
He comes out a second later, joining our hands as we take the short trek to the pub.
We order our drinks, a whisky and coke for Ice and one martini for myself. He carries them for us whilst I find us a seat. "Thank you handsome" I say and he stares at me, his hot gaze pinned on just me. I giggle knowing just how compliments affect him.

"Kazansky!" We both hear from behind us. Tom's eyes widen, a smile spreading across his face reaching his eyes, "Cougar!" He replies, standing up and giving one another a hug. "How've you been man?" The man I now know as Cougar questions Tom. "Really good. Hey, this is my girlfriend Y/N". "Wow! Who'd have thought. Ice man get a girl". I laugh and they both take a seat back down. "Hey babe, I'm just gonna use the women's room" I tell him, leaning over and placing a soft kiss to his cheek. "Ok". Honestly. I don't need the restroom but I wanted to give them a minute to catch up.

On my way back from powdering my nose I feel a pair of hands cop around my ass. I Spina round flabbergasted. Knowing full well that is Tom's hands. "Get your hands off of me!" I warn. "Well aren't you a pretty little thing". I walk off, eager to get away from this random man. But low and behold, he follows me. "I said leave me!" I say again. I get near to our table and see I've caught the attention of every other table but our own. "Get away from me freak". "Aww darling no need to be like that! I'm just admiring your figure in that right little dress". I stare at him shocked. Finally making it back to my table, feeling disgusted and dirty. "Baby?" Tom asks worried. I shake my head and get up to go. He grabs my hand. "What's happened?".
Before I can answer the man returns.

"How about I show you a good time gorgeous. I could show you what your missing" Tom's eyes crease at the corners and his head turns to this man. Oh no. This is going to be bad. "Tom" I say trying to pull him away. "Aww come on sweetheart, I could give you a right food fuc..." Before he could finish the sentence, Ice charged right to him and landed a soccer punch right to his jaw. Causing the strange man to topple over, holding his jaw. "Speak to my girl again and I'll do more than break your face! You hear me!" Tom yells. The man whimpers, crying out in pain. "I'll see you later Cougar man" Tom says and walks over to me. "Come on darling" he take my hand and walks us to the park away from the commotion.

He sits down on a bench, pulling me to sit on his lap, I lay my head down in the crook of his neck, breathing in his safe and comforting scent.

His arms cradle me. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that" he whispers in my ear. "Don't be. You helped me" I replied. "Still. No woman should ever have to experience some weird dude trying to hit on them non consensually". I smile, knowing full well he means it. "I love you so much Kazansky". I feel his breath hitch, then start again. "You do?". "Don't be daft. You knew I do". He smiles "yeah but it's nice to hear it. I love you too baby". I stare at him and lay my mouth to his. His tongue slowly sliding I to my mouth as the kiss becomes more passionate. "Honey we can't do this here. People will see" I remind him, that we are indeed in public. "Thats what makes it all the more fun". He stands up putting me on the ground, and walks us over to a wooded area. "I want all of you" I whispered to him alone. "You got it" he says kissing down my neck. I remove his jacket as the soft caress of his mouth moves over my skin. Slowly he pulls my sun dress up around my shoulders. We both stand there in our underwear admiring one another's beauty. "Jump" he says as he lifts me into his arms.

"Im going to fuck all the innocent out of you sweetheart" he warns me. I giggle, feeling my heat grow hotter and wetter by the second. He releases himself from his pants and I feel it bounce up in-between my thighs. I start grinding against his stomach, his strong arms still holding me up. I jump down and get him to lay down on the grass. I climb on top of him seductively making sure he sees me. All of me. Every inch of my skin. He looks at me in aw. Like he wants to eat me all up. And that is all I want.

I sit down on his abs and start grinding against them, the feels causing a chemical imbalance inside of me. "Baby, your so fucking gorgeous" he tells me. "Ahh" I moan out. "Go on baby keep riding my thighs like a good girl" I almost give in then but I can't. Not yet. I slide down further until I am directly on top of his dick. "He groans as I slide further down, taking him in my mouth. "Even though I love what your doing baby, if you keep going I'm not going to last much longer. So if you want me to fuck you, let me know now". I smile and nod. He flips us around with the widest grin stapled on his face.

"He removes my panties, slowly sliding into me. Bring my legs up around his shoulders. I moan out in satisfaction, even more so when his fingers massage my clit. "Baby" I squeal. "You like that?" He asks, his breathing sputtering. His smile still strong. "Always" I whine. He pumps into me, his hands still going. "Faster and harder baby" I tell him. He goes faster creating an untimely rhythm. I start to feel his balls hit my ass, as my pleasure is soon to errupt. "Baby you feel... So good. You come for me and me only" he says, taking a second to egg his breath back, I almost finish right there. I get impatient and flip us around. So I'm on top. He smiles wider. Knowing how dominant I can be. I start moving my hips fast. His member hitting my spit everytime. Don't get me wrong when he is on top god he knows what he is doing, but sometimes I like to take the heat off him and take control. He groans, grabbing one of my tits. "Baby I'm about go cum" he says. I go faster. And faster. Until I hear his breath of release, "you like my big cock don't you baby girl" those words completely undo me. I tighten around him, my legs beginning to shake. I drop my head to his chest, feeling his heart beating fast under my head. "Baby that was so good" he replies. Kissing the top of me head. He grabs my fave and plants a kiss on evey inch. "I will never get enough of you" he says. "And I will never get enough of how good you are. There's not many men that know how to do what you do. Believe it or not, you could say anything to me and I would completely fold" he smirks, wiggling his brows.

There is a sudden creak behind us and we jump up in alarm. We can't see anyone but before anyone sees us, we get dressed and run back home.

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