Making new memories.

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Here I was laying in my childhood bedroom, not imagining I would ever be back. But here I am. Tom is downstairs with the police, turns out my mum and dad died 2 days ago, a drug deal gone bad they suspect. I feel a sense of fear and grief. Fear because being back here brings back all the things my parents had ever done to me growing up, the beatings, the pain. Grief, not for them but for the life I could've had if they'd just loved me how parents should love their child. Every night in this same bedroom I would be abused, I would be pinned to the bed and had the shit beaten out of me. No one knows about that part of me, other than Tom. Tom is the only other person on this planet that knows everything that happened to me. I hear the front door shut and footsteps coming up the stairs. "El?" I hear Tom calling, "in here". He finds me laying on my bed in a ball trying to suppress tears. "Oh baby, come here". He lays down next to me, holding me tight, making me feel safer than my parents ever had, reassuring me I was going to be ok. "I hate being back here, in this town, in this house, in this room. It... it's brings back to much hurt". He holds me close. I feel his lips meet my neck comforting me. "Stop". I say, feeling the heat quiver up inside of me. "Ok". He does but I didn't mean it. "Keep going" I say. "Baby I'm not trying to fuck you right now". I turn to face him. "I know you're not, but... if I'm going to have to stay here for a few days we may as well make this feel a bit less sad". He looks at me shocked, then smirks. "I can do that". He turns me into my back and hovers over me. "I'll take this pain away baby". He kisses me lips and I feel him climb over me. His pants tighten by the way I can feel his huge bulge covered by his jeans digging into my sweats.
I feel the intense pressure building up inside of me, merely from a kiss. I fist his hair, making sure to pull it slightly, he lets out a moan and I become undone. I moan and whimper his name. "Baby. Did you? Did you just cum?" He asks. I turn red and nod. "That was hot as fuck. Just from our kiss?", I nod again, trying to hide myself. "Holy shit I think I might cum just from the thought of you finishing that fast", he starts to pull away, I clench his shirt in my fist pulling his mouth back down on mine. "Think I'm done with you yet?" I demand. He growls into our kiss, I switch us around so that I'm now on top. He pulls my shirt off over my arms and head, only breaking the kiss for a millisecond. I drag his pants down past his hips, bringing his briefs with me too. I look down and see his extremely erect penis hit his stomach. My eyes widen and all I want is to see him squirm. Once we are both completely naked, I look him in the eyes, not breaking contact, and crawl down his body. My hand connects with his dick. I pump him a few times, before I see his eyes roll back into his head. I giggle loving see him so fragile, I hold his dick and bring it to my mouth, leaving a slobber of saliva on his tip. His hands grip the back of my head, slowly pushing my mouth down deeper and deeper onto his cock. "You like this baby? You like to see me deep your cock?", he nods then lets out a sigh. I start pumping and sucking faster. Leaving the wettest residue imaginable. I pull away and see his eyes snap open. "Don't worry baby, you'll get your finish" I tell him, before walking over to my closet opening my suitcase and pulling out a vibrating dildo. He looks excited. He starts to stand up, "lay back down, we aren't finished yet". I lay next to him. He goes to touch me, "not yet Tom". I part my legs feel the cold air hit me. I moan out, making sure to scream his name. I turn the vibrator in and start massaging my clit. I see Tom wrap his hand around his big cock, slowly pumping, watching my every move. I start getting wetter, I pump the dildo into my pussy just once, before pulling it out and holding it to Toms mouth. He opens and licks it all up. I slowly hover it above my clit again, making sure to turn the setting up. Faster. I place it on my clit and start to move my hips to the rhythm is the vibrations. I pump the dildo inside of me, the vibrator still in full force. He pumps harder and faster, watching me squirm is one of his favourite time passers. "You wanna see my fuck myself baby?", he nods. I go to dip the dildo inside of me again, before I'm hit with a heavy weight sitting in between my legs, the vibrator still on my clit. I feel Tom lower his head to my heat. His tongue makes a welcome appearance, he dips it inside of me and I feel a sensation that I never want to not feel. I force his head down closer and start grinding in his face. "Baby" I scream out. Before I know it I feel him pump into me, I moan. "Ahh baby that feels so good, faster baby, faster, deeper" I scream. He speeds up, pushing into me as hard as humanly possible. His mouth crashing with mine leaving weaker but deep kisses nonetheless all over my mouth. I feel him get tired, feel his penis start quivering inside of me, that undoes me just like that. "El fuck El" Tom groans, I feel his cum shoot inside of me. I moan, his fingers still pinching my clit. "Baby", I finish then I'm a shaking mess as he falls on top of me, heavy breathing. I feel one last sensation that finishes me off together and I believe I may have just gone to heaven. His lips still meeting mine as our breaths become heavy and non equips to carry on. He lays on his back beside me finally pulling out of my sensitive pussy. "God baby. That was..." he says, "sensational" I finish for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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