Get on my face~ Tom Kazansky.

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⚠️Warning: Smut!/ Masterbation/ Fingering/ Daddy kink/ Safe Sex/ 18+⚠️

"What are you doing?" Tom asks me, "I am reading? Bit obvious isn't it", "yes. I don't know why I asked that" he laughs, coming to sit down on the bed with me. I continue reading my book when Tom start nuzzling kisses Into my neck. "Baby". "Tom what are you doing?", "I'm horny baby" those words give me chills. "Well I'm reading". He groans out in frustration. He kisses me again, trying to get me change my mind. I look down and find he is pushing against his pants. My eyes widen, always forgetting how big he is. "Like what you see?" He teases. I pretend to be too distracted with my book. "Fine. I'll sort it out myself". He pulls down his pants and boxer briefs, revealing his large cock. I move my eyes to face him. "Don't look at me like that darling or this is going to finish very soon". "Like what?" I ask innocently.

I out my book down. "Uh I'm really tired" I complain. "I'm going to get dressed in my pyjamas" I tease, standing up in his view. I pull of my top, showing my perky tits. His eyes widen l, he looks hungry, needy. "Uhhh baby" he groans. I then slowly slide out of my shorts, my pussy coming into his eye line.

I crawl into our bed "good night handsome". I see him watching me intensely. His slow and teasing pumps of his cock, turning me on. I lay on my back, opening my legs and slide my hand down to my tight pussy. "Touch yourself baby" he tells me. I slide my fingers into my slick and wet pussy, my other hand slowly rubbing my clit. "Daddy" I cry out in pleasure. All the while I stare at him masterbating whilst doing so myself. "You like watching me wank huh dirty girl?" He states. I nod, the only way I can express how much I truly do love to see it. He smirks. "Why don't you come over here and ride daddy's cock?" I smile and climb on top of him.

I slowly slide onto his dick after putting on a condom for him, feeling all of him enter me. He holds onto my hips as he groans. "Such a tight pussy". I let out a soft moan. I start to move my body, grinding on him. His hands direct my hips where he wants me. I move faster, him hitting very deep inside of me. "God baby. Get on my face" he encourages. I do just that. He pulls the condom off and I sit on his face. I feel his wet tongue enter my, his hand coming up to my clit and creating a sensual and pleasurable sensation. I grind on his face, he laughs, leaving vibrations going to my pussy. I come undone like that. His tongue keeps dipping into me until I finish shaking. I get off him and look at him, seeing him like up all my juices off his face. "That's so hot baby" he whispers. "Now come over here and let me fuck you like a good girl" immediately I am wet again. He pulls me under him, with a smile in my face, he puts on another condom. I nod to him, giving him the sign that I want hai as much as he does. Instantly he pounds into me. Hitting deep. Causing me to release already. I tighten around his dick. "2 already. Wow" he laughs. He kisses my neck. I feel a. Release coming again but I hold off. I feel him slow down. "Ahh baby your so fucking sexy". "Fuck me daddy. Fuck me so hard that I can't walk tomorrow" I tell him. He fuck's me harder. "Y/N!" He shouts. "His hand coming down to my sore, swollen clit again. He kisses my lips, I grab onto his lip and bite it. He is nearly there as am I. I kiss his neck, sucking it, making sure I leave my mark on him. "Daddy" I cry out. I feel him shake. I tighten around his cock, feeling our releases rush over us. He lets out one final groan. As he slowly pulls out of me. He throws himself down next to me. Holding my tits in his hand for comfort. I lay down on his chest and stroke his abs. "That was incredible" I tell him kissing his abs. "I know baby, it was for me too"....

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