Iron Man and Movie Dates

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"Ok. If we're gonna start dating, can we act natural at school and not tell anyone." "Why don't you wanna tell anyone? I wanna to scream it to the rooftops that I'm worthy enough to date Sarah Berch!" "Shut up! And keep quiet. I really don't wanna anyone to know ok." "Fine." "So..." "So what?" "Well, if you're my boyfriend, aren't you supposed to ask me out?" "Oh yeah. So. Wanna go see a movie this weekend?" "Sure. can we go see Avengers; Age of Ultron!?!?!?!?!??" She said excitedly. "You like the Avengers?! I thought you would wanna see some chick flick!" "Are you kidding me! I hate chick flicks! It's been about, what, a month and a half, and you don't know me that well enough that I hate chick flicks?!" She started laughing and shoved him with her elbow. "Ok. Then. I guess we're gonna see the Avengers!" "Yay! Wait. Do u wanna see it? Or am I just a loner here on being an Avengers nerd." "Of course I wanna see it!!! I've been waiting to see it ever since they announced it!!!" "Ok then...who's your favorite avenger?!?" "Iron man! Duh!" He said with a bright, excited expression. But this time, he was excited. "Me too!" She said. They grinned at each other. Then out of no where, they both started laughing.

Saturday night arrived, and Jack picked Sarah up and they arrived at the theater. "Two tickets for Avengers; Age of Ultron please." Sarah said. "Wait. I'm the man. I pay." "No remember our deal. I order you pay." She said laughing a little. "Oh yeah forgot about that deal." He said smiling at her. "I guess I'm buying snacks too." "Ye-p." She said popping the 'p' on yep like he did. "Large popcorn? Wanna split?" "Sure." They got the large popcorn and headed to the theater where the movie was playing.

"THAT WAS THE BEST MOVIE EVER!" Sarah screamed after walking out of the theater. "I KNOW RIGHT! I loved when iron man went pew! pew!pew! And hulk came in and he was like smash! smash! smash!" They walked out and got into his car. Jack looked at her trying to look real. He leaned forward, this time with Sarah leaning in too. They kissed, and they kissed, and they kissed some more. Jack got the feeling again and this time he couldn't ignore it. He started to think that maybe he should call off the bet...because now all he could think about was Sarah.

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