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Jungkook's pov

Momma,why and where are we running and why noona is crying?

I was running with two women whom I assume my mother and sister. I was seeing everything blurry.

It's not time to talk kookoo, now be a good boy and go with your noona. I have to go to your dadda. Soso take care of kookoo.

But mom I can stay with you and fight,I don't wanna leave.

Don't be stubborn Soso...be a good girls and run with your brother. You have to save yourselves....'BANG'...Ahh...run my dare...'BANG'..

M-mon, NOOOO....

Momma are you hurt?

My b-babies,s-save yourselves p-please runnnn....'BANG'.....I love you....



C'omn Koo let's run.....'BANG'....aghhh my leg....K-KOO RUNNNN



I tried to run but again....'BANG' 'BANG'...I felt something pierced in my chest but not fully. I felt like that thing got stuck inside me. It was hurting badly and I felt dizzy. I heard my Nonna's cry and scream.



I saw some blurry figure dragging noona away. She was crying and screaming...but I couldn't do anything as I was falling in the dark. For the last time I tried to scream.....


Ahh again I wake up due to my nightmare which I'm having past 13 years. I always wake up scared,sweaty and teary. I don't clearly remember what happened to my family 13 year ago. But whatever happened was very scary and it made me all alone.

I looked at my phone screen which shows it's 7:15 am. Today is weekend so I don't have any classes. But I have to see my doctor today at 10am. After that I have to go Jiminie hyung's Cafe and bakery shop. So I did my morning routine,then did house chores and cooked myself a simple breakfast.

After whatever happened to my family 13 year ago, I was rescued by someone I think. When I gained consciousness I found myself in a orphanage.

I lived there 11 year. I met Jiminie hyung in orphanage. We got so close. He is my best friend past 13 year. He is 5 year older than me. That's why he left orphanage earlier than me.But he kept visiting me.

2 year ago when I turned 18 and I had to left orphanage. So hyung took me Busan to Seoul. He majored in Cooking because he always wanted to have his own Cafe and bakery shop. And he fulfilled his dream before I came out from orphanage. So he took me to him and got me admission in Seoul University.

I always wanted to be a painter so I'm majoring in Fine&Arts. I still have 2 years of graduation. I needed a part time job to rent my one roomed very small apartment and for my tuition fees. At first hyung told me that he'll bear all of my living expenses and tuition fees. But I refused cause I didn't wanted to be a burden. So he offered me a job in his Cafe and bakery shop which I gladly accepted.

However,I ate my breakfast and took a shower. I wore my outfit then locked my apartment. I hopped on my bicycle. I started to raiding to see my doctor.

Back then when I was 7 I took two bullets. Doctor could took out one bullet but other one stucked in my lungs. I was too young to take that kind of serious surgery. And yeah it's still stuck in my lungs which made my life relay on some medicine and inhalers. I can't run,jump or work fast. I cause me breathing problem,and that's why I always carry my inhaler with me in case.

My current doctor Kim Seokjin kept telling me to have surgery asap. He even wanted to do the surgery for free since I don't have enough money. But I don't want to be burden. So I refused which made Jini hyung angry. He didn't talked to me for few days. But my infamous puppy eyes melted him.

As I reached 'Kim Medical' I entered hyung's cabin. We chatted for 20 minutes. Then hyung checked on my and again scolded me for not having the surgery. However I again showed my puppy eyes to melt him which ofcourse worked and said goodbye. He told me to take care. I nodded and walked out. Now I have to go to my part time job. So I hopped on my bicycle and started to riding.

After 15 minutes I reached my destination. I walked in and greeted Jiminie and Mark hyung. Mark hyung also work under Jiminie hyung. He is my 3rd close friend,1st one is Jiminie hyung and 2nd one is Jini hyung. I love them all soooooo much.

I wore my uniform and started to work with my hyung. We worked,cracked jokes and giggled with each other all day long. Customers always finds me cute (I don't think I'm cute,I'm manly hmmppp) and coo's at my cuteness and childish behaviour. Some even squeeze my cheeks because they think it's so soft (which I don't like,hmmmppppp).

But some customers behaves wired. I don't understand their words. I mean what is dick....is it any kind of lollipop...cause they wanted me to suck that aaannd what is fuck....I don't know.

I asked Jiminie and Mark hyung, but they said they will explain me when I'll get myself a perfect boyfriend. I once asked Jini hyung too,he chocked on air and said who told me that kind of words he will beat them to death. However my hyungs always shoos those weird people away. Sometimes Jiminie hyung yells and chases them away with a broom in his hands when they refuse to stop acting like that. Some even got beaten....gosh hyung is so scary when he is angry. He may looks small (but still taller than me *pouts*) but he is strong and can beat up anyone.

After finishing my work I said bye to my hyungs and left with my bicycle at 8pm. I reached my apartment then took a shower and cooked myself dinner. After eating dinner I did my assignment as I have classes tomorrow. After finishing my assignment I went to bed. I don't need alarm cause I always get up around 7am due to my bad dreams. I wished good night myself and slept.


So I wrote my 1st ever chapter (gosh I'm nervous).
In this chapter I wanted to show you guys Jungkook's life.

How was it guys? Did you like my writing? If you did then please let me know and please do vote.


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