18. Jeons

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3rd person pov

Currently Jungkook is sitting on his hospital bed and other trio ( Yoonso, Jin, Jimin ) is looking at him like they are some goddamn detective trying to find some crime he has done. Jungkook sighed heavily.

" For how long you guys are gonna look at me like I'm a criminal?" Jungkook asked in boredom.
" Ok tell me what's going on?" Jimin squinted his eyes.
" Wh...what what's going on?" Jungkook stuttered.
" With Tae?" Jin asked.
" Nothing special......" Jungkook looked down.
" Are you sure?" Yoonso folded her hands on her chest.
" Ok ok....I'll tell you guys everything whatever happened between us. Gosh...don't be dramatic." Jungkook huffed.
" You better to spill the Tae right now." Jimin said.

Then Jungkook explained everything from getting  drank, Taehyung's ignorance and his insecurities,meeting RM and whatever happened in hospital.

" So he wanted to give yourselves a chance?" Yoonso asked.
" Yeah....he said. But I don't know if he thinks the same right now." Jungkook looked down.
" Don't worry Kookie. I and Yoon is sure. We know our Tae well. He doesn't makes promises easily. When he makes one he fulfill with his life." Jin smiled at youngest.
" Even if he doesn't then I'll make sure he get on knee in front of you." Jimin smirked.
" Yeah....we will make everything alright together." Yoonso hugged her brother.
" Now you have to take rest. Try to sleep. Tomorrow we will leave the hospital." Jin made Jungkook lay down.

Then they bidded goodbye and went away.

Time skips

Right now Yoonso is helping her brother to getting ready. They are going home today.

" Ok....you are ready. Now come sit on the wheelchair." Yoonso helped Jungkook to sit on wheelchair.

Jungkook is still recovering the surgery. He is still kinda numb that's why they ordered a wheelchair for him.

" Noona who is coming to pick us up?" Jungkook asked.
" Tae...." Yoonso didn't saw the blush on Jungkook's face as she was packing some stuff.

'I'm a fool' Jungkook mentally slapped himself.

" Ok bub let's go. He is here." Yoonso started to push the wheelchair.

Jungkook noticed that doctors,nurses and other stuffs are bowing at them.

" Noona....why are they bowing at us?" Jungkook asked.
" Ummm....our family owns this hospital that's why." Yoonso said.

They made their way to out of the hospital. At the doorway they saw Taehyung is standing for them.

" How are you Jungkook?" Taehyung smiled.
" I'm fine...." Jungkook blushed lightly.
" Yoon get in. I'll take care of him." Taehyung said.
" Ok..." Yoonso got in the car.

Taehyung picked Jungkook up bridal style making younger blush furiously. Taehyung noticed that. He smiled at the adorable bunny. He made younger seated in the car. Then he drove to Kim&Min Mansion. The car filled with a peaceful silence. After some time they reached their destination. Taehyung again picked Jungkook up and made him seated on wheelchair making younger blush again. They entered the house.

" Welcome home." Jungkook saw everyone is standing doorway to welcome him.

He couldn't help but teared up. He didn't got any family warmth from his childhood. He always dreamed to have a happy family. He felt like he is with his family today. That's why he started to shed happy tears and Taehyung is the one who noticed that first.

" W..what happened koo. Are you hurt somewhere? Are you feeling any uncomfy?" Taehyung's panicked.
" Noo....it's just I didn't got any family warmth in my life. I always dreamed of it. Today I feel like I'm with my family." Jungkook cried while smiling making everyone's heartbreak.
" Don't worry bub. We will always stay with you. We are you family." Yoonso hugged her brother.
" Yeah we will never let you feel lonely." Taehyung said.
" Thank you all of you." Jungkook smiled at everyone.

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