30. Lost you

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3rd person pov

The brunette boy along with friend Luhan kept bouquet of orchids on the graveyard.

Kriss Wuu

1999- 2023

Cause of  death : Betrayal.

That's what was written on the marble cemetery. Luhan patted his back assuringly. He is here because no matter what he once loved the guy and he can't help but feel heartbroken.

" I'll never forget you. You gave up your life for us. I'm grateful to you hyung. I'll take revenge of you by hurting her everyday until I find him. Rest in peace hyung." Jungkook bowed.

" Rest in peace." Luhan bowed too.

Then they went to the car and drove to Han river near the bridge where Taehyung fall from. Irony right.....the Han river which used calm the man everytime is the end of him. Well that's what everyone else saying.

It's been a week. Today is last day of searching Kim Taehyung. Everyone already gave up as they couldn't even found a piece of clothe of the man. But Jungkook believes Taehyung is still out there alive. His gut feeling saying love of his life is still breathing.

" Kook....accept it. He is not alive." Namjoon said.

" Then where is his dead body?" Jungkook blankly said.

" There is no trace of him. Maybe the body went to other side of the river....a..and some wild a....." Namjoon cut off by Jungkook.

" Don't....don't you dare to say something like that hyung......I...I believe....I believe that h..he is alive....he promised to never leave me....." Jungkook finally broke down.

After that vicious night he never cried. He is not himself. He was always blank.

" I...I know he...is a...alive....he can't die like this....." Jungkook cried.

Luhan hugged him. Namjoon just sighed.

" Let it out bub....cry as much you want but be alright in the end. We are here for you." Namjoon patted his back.

Jungkook kept crying. After sometime he calmed down but still in Luhan's arms. Suddenly he felt heavier that's when he knew.

Jungkook fainted.


" After a long week of searching no one found any trace of the Top CEO Kim Taehyung. So the Kim family finally declared death of him. Who will be the new CEO is still not clear. Stay tuned to know more. KBS Seoul."

Every news channel are showing death news of Kim Taehyung. Everyone believed the news and felt sorry for Kim family for losing a loved one.

Except one person......Jeon Jungkook. The boy is lying unconscious in hospital bed.

Yoonso sat beside him worried. Jimin sitting couch while holding his baby. Besides him Junghyun is sitting with a broken heart.

'How many more death I have to witness?How many more love one I have to lose?' These thoughts were echoing in his mind constantly.

Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok are still handling the mess created by one psychopath.

Jin were checking Jungkook. After checking carefully he stood up.

" It's normal for him. He is going through a lot. He hasn't been eating or drinking well. Also he is mentally shattered. I think there is something else I have to examine. Now he needs a good rest." Jin said while connecting dipp and wet out with blood sample.

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