2.Chaotic kims and Mins

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3rd Person pov

Kim Junghyun and Min Sejin ( I made some random name) were best friends or you can say soulmates forever. Both of them were only heir of theirs dad's business and mafia position. So after taking their own positions they became so busy that they couldn't have their friends time. Their wives Kim Taeri and Min Yeji who also were besties couldn't live in comfort without gossiping with each other. So they decided to make a beautiful huge mansion so that all of them can live together like a big family. Thus their children also became siblings. In a mafia mission Min couple and Kim Taeri died. Kim Junghyun couldn't breakdown because he had to take care of buch of teen kids, two huge company and two strongest mafia gang. Min sibling also calls him dad ever since they lost their own parents.Kims and Mins still live together like ever. Elder Kim and Min son got married. After stepping down from everything Junghyun became hella free but lone person. Cause his kids became very busy to handle their own field. But his son in law Seokjin and daughter Yoonso who is married to Yoongi blessed him with two little cute friends aka his grandchildren Jinsoo and Minji. He spends all time with his grandchildren. This year Jinsoo got admitted in kindergarten school. After 2 year Minji will also start her school. He wants another bunch of grandchildren. But neither Younger Kim or Min have found their perfect better half yet so that he could get another bunch of grandchildren. His son Taehyung doesn't even believe in love or relationship, only god knows why. Now he is afraid to be alone.

Now back to story. Junghyun and his grandchildren was play with Yeontan. Yonsoo was cooking breakfast for everyone and Jin was helping his bestie. But suddenly.....'CRASH'....'CRASH'.....
Everyone looked at the source of sound only to find out Namjoon broke his husband's favourite vas. Namjoon smiled sheepishly.
" YAHHHHHH....you know that was my favourite vas. Why do even touch things?" Jin scolded.
" Sorry Jini I'll buy you new one." Namjoon tried to cool his husband down.
" Then what? You'll again break that and make maids suffer." Jin scolded again and looked at the maid who cutted her finger while picking up broken glasses.
" Sorry Jini, it won't happen again." Namjoon said in a sad tone

But Jin continued his scolding session and treated the maid's wound and everyone looked at them expect Yonsoo with so done expression.

" Oppa don't be so useless. Go upstair and wake those two lazy brats up." Yoonso said with bore expression.
" 168 IQ isn't useless you brat." Namjoon spat.
" Yeah yeah....yet you can't use that." Yoonso sassed. " Now go and wake those two lazy jerks up."
" Yah bitch, whom are you calling lazy jerk?" Tae and Hobi yelled unison while coming downstair.
" I didn't mention anyone's name though. But seems like the lazy jerks one knows themselves well." She again sassed with smirk.
" Your hubby is the lazy one. A lazy cat." Tae spat.
" Says the one who is alien himself." Yoongi said in calm but dangerous tone while coming down.
" YAHHH....I'm not alien." Tae yelled.
" You definitely are." Namjoon said
" No I'm not." Tae defended himself.
" Human doesn't put fire in freezer to see fire freezes or not." Jin said and rolled his eyes and everyone expect Taehyung burst into laughter.
" Yah I was a young back then." Tae again defended himself.
" Then what about last week? You buried a diamond thinking that a plant of diamonds will come out. You are not that young now right? You are 30." Yoonso said. " So it's proved that you are a alien."
" I agree." Everyone said unison. " Yeah, my lovely wife gave birth to a alien indeed." Junghyun said and laughed.
" Dad!!!!! You too.....ughh I hate you all." Tae said in defeated tone.
" We love you too. Now everyone come to the dining table. Breakfast is ready." Yoonso said.

Everyone seated in dining room and started to eat their food.
" Tae Hobi, when are you two getting married?" Junghyun asked.
" Dad I haven't found any suitable boy for me yet. Everyone is gold digger." Hobi said sadly.
" And you tae?" Oldest asked.
" I have no intention to get married or have relationship or love life. Those are useless and I don't believe in love." Tae said with calm voice.
" How can you say that? Your mom and I, your Sejin uncle and Yeji aunt were happy and perfect couples." Junghyun said.
" Yoongi and I, Joon oppa and Jin are aslo happy, loyal and perfect couples. Can't you see?" Yoonso spat.
" You guys are just lucky. Beside I can always find plenty of one night stands to relieve my frustration, yeah." Tae said cockily.
" Ewwww, We should stay away from this fuckar. Someday he will definitely get STD." Jin said with gross tone.
" Yah....I always use protection." Tae yelled.
" But honestly you should stop being like this. Your habit is affecting your image." Yoongi said.
" Like I care." Tae said in duh tone.
" Yahh...stop this conversation in front of kids." Yoonso yelled.
" Yahhh bitch, your voice is annoying." Hobi said.
" You...you asshole....

And that's how Kims and Mins eats their breakfast daily. Morning isn't peaceful at all In Kim and Min Mansion. They bicker a lot but still loves each other. After finishing breakfast Taehyung, Yoongi and Hoseok went to their own offices. Namjoon went to his University. Jin went to his hospital and Yoonso went to her restaurant after dropping Jinsoo at his school. Junghyun Minji and Yeontan started to playing again.

And this is our Chaotic Kims and Mins.

Hope you guys like it.

Borhae 💜

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