22. Wuu Qian

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3rd person pov

It's been 2 weeks Kriss proposed Jungkook and got rejected. It's been 1 and half month Taehyung and Jungkook are together. Jungkook continued his study and his favourite part time job. And let me tell you his family members loves to spoil him way too much.

His masterchef noona always cooks him the best food for him. She forbidden him from food of outside, cause she wants her only baby brother healthy as always. She told him that whatever he craves for just to tell her. About Yoongi....well he told Jungkook that he will bear his expenses and he does, way too much.

Namjoon always buys him expensive stuff for painting to encourage him to make best best painting ever. And he buys those almost every week. Jin is obsessed with jewelry. He buys expensive jewelry every time he would go to mall. Now when he buys for himself he buys almost everything for Jungkook too.

Hoseok was the youngest sibling of Kim&Min family. So he has been spoilt by his family till now. But he always wanted to have a younger brother/sister so that he could spoil him/her. Now he has Jungkook. His habit of shopping is very rich. Whenever he would go to mall he would buy almost everything of the mall. Nowadays he has been buying even more. For whom? His new baby brother Jeon Jungkook. And his Chim hyung has been spoiling him from childhood.

Kim Junghyun spoils him with everything. If he would want to eat icecream his new dad would buy him whole fridge of icecream or banana milk. Even those little one wants to spoil him with every little things they would got.

And do you know who is spoiling him most? The one and only Kim Taehyung. He already bought a Iceland under Jungkook's name. He has been buying little to big properties for Jungkook. Isn't it too much? No...let me tell you he bought Jungkook Buggati Divo which Jungkook is scared to drive.

When he would ask why they are buying him almost the whole world? They would simply reply " You deserve the world." So he started to think about social work.

The properties Taehyung is kept buying him are business thingy. He gets a huge amount of money from that. He decided to help needy ones by those money. He is already thinking of opening a hospital where poor people will get free medical services. And a luxurious orphanage where orphan kids will get happy childhood and good quality to education as he didn't got.

Whatever he is already working on his ideas. Whenever he would see a some poor people he would help them as much as possible. Almost settle them up. He is hella rich now you got it. Something like this happened today.

He was walking in the park with two little one. They came here to get some fresh air. They played and laughed together a lot. Now they are way towards their home. Ofcourse a whole team of guards are following them. As they were walking he saw a girl was sitting there while crying silently. The girl looked very poor. Her torn clothes and her dirty hair made her pitiful and she also looked like she hasn't ate for days. He made his way to her.

" Hi noona...." Jungkook sat down beside her.

" Hi little one. Do I know you?" The girl wiped her tears and tried to smile.

" No...but have you ate today?" Jungkook asked from nowhere.

" Y-yeah...." the girl lied.

" Don't lie to me noona. I know you are hungry and I also know you need help. Let's feed you first then we will talk about you." Jungkook pulled her to a restaurant.

" So what do you wanna eat?" Jungkook asked.

"........" The girl didn't answered.

" Ok....I'll order for you. Do you have any allergies?" Jungkook asked and the girl shook her head. " Jinsoo...Minji do you guys wanna eat something?"

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