5.Heart Beat

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3rd Person pov

Currently Taehyung is sitting in his office and looking at the pendent. He didn't have work right now. So he was waiting for Jackson's report about Jeon Jungkook.
Few minutes later Jackson came in with his note pad.
" Here you go Tae. But why you suddenly asked for information of this kid? Are you perhaps interested in him?" Jackson asked.
" He is so cute and looked innocent. He doesn't knows me at all. Not even when I said my name. So I was curious about who is he. Nothing else." Taehyung replied more like convinced himself something.
" Whatever makes you sleep at night. I never saw you smiling widely in past 5 years after you broke up with that bitch." Jackson retorted and earned a glare from Taehyung and Jackson ofcourse didn't care.

Name : Jeon Jungkook
Age : 20
Profession : Student of Seoul University.  2nd year in Fine&Arts major. Works part time at " Sweet Mochi".

"So he is a student of hyung's University. And isn't that where your boyfriend works?" Taehyung asked.
" Yeah that's why I could report you this early. He is kinda close friend of my boyfriend." Jackson grinned remembering his boyfriend.

From : Bushan, moved to Seoul 2 years ago.
Family : Orphan, grew up in a orphanage in Bushan.

Suddenly Taehyung felt bad. He knows how painful is to losing parents cause he lost his mother. It must be more painful since Jungkook lost both.

Friends : Park Jimin, Mark and few from his university
Lives in : XXXX alley.

" Well that's very dangerous place for him. Jackson do you know about this pendent? I don't know why this pendent looks different and old." Taehyung showed Jackson the pendent.
" Goddamn it. Tae where the fuck you got this?" Jackson asked looking so surprised.
" From the boy I asked information about. But why are you so excited?" Taehyung asked.
" You know my dad loves to collect expensive antiques and knows a lot about them. Well  my dad once showed the picture of this ruby inside of the pendant. This ruby is so rare. I mean people found only 4 piece of this ruby until now. 2 of them are blue and two of them are red. This ruby is so fucking expensive. You can say most expensive. My dad still finding one to make his collection more rich" Jackson finished his explanation.
" But how are you so sure. It can be fake too right?" Taehyung can't believe the explanation cause if Jungkook was this much rich why the fuck he would do part time job or why the fuck he would grew up in orphanage.
" Ummm....there is few people knows about this ruby you can say only the people who are interested in antiques. I know too because of my dad. We can prove right now if this ruby is real or not. This ruby will spread bluish light in a dark room." With that Jackson closed the curtains and turned off all the lights made the room dark. Then Taehyung opened his hand to see the pendent more like ruby.

Both were stunned by seeing the beautiful ruby which made the whole room illuminated by bluish light. It has proved that this ruby is the most rare gem in the world. After few minutes of admiration they turned on the lights and Taehyung carefully hide the expensive ruby pendant in his hidden closet in the hidden room of his office.

Then Jackson again started, " My dad said, people found 4 of these ruby in South Africa in 1997 and two of them sold out right away, one red and other one blue which came to South Korea. So looks like you found one of them. Are you going to  keep it?"
" No. I'm going to return this to it's rightful owner which I assume Jungkook. But I'm confused if he is this much rich then why he grew up in a orphanage and need part time job to support himself. I don't think he stole it. If he stole it then he would be billionaire by now and wouldn't be a part time worker. I think he doesn't knows about it's being so precious. There is something more about this kid which I'm curious to know. Then I'll return this to him." Taehyung said.
" You can get him in University or that cafe you know." Jackson retorted.
" Yeah, we're going to the cafe today. Ask your boyfriend when is his shift." Taehyung said.
" Ok." Jackson called his boyfriend. " Babs, do you know when is Jungkook's shift?.....ok see you then. His shift starts from 3 pm."
" Ok." Taehyung replied.

Time skips
3rd person pov

Jungkook is very sad today. He couldn't find his pendent. His friends in University asked him if he is alright cause he was awfully quiet today. He said he is fine. Luhan thought Jungkook is sick so he checked up on Jungkook if he is fine. After university he went to his work. After changing his outfit into his uniform he approached Jimin," Hyung, did you saw my pendent?"
" No kookie, why?" Jimin asked.
" I lost it. You know that's the only think I have from my family." Fat tears was oozing from his big eyes.
" Oh kookie don't cry. I cleaned cafe this morning but didn't saw it. No baby don't cry." Jimin patted Jungkook's head and hugged to comfort him.

Few moment later they heard a ding sound means some customers came. They saw it's Mark's boyfriend with a stranger. Jungkook felt like he saw the stranger. After staring few seconds he remembered the stranger is none other but his life saver Kim Taehyung. He was looking soooooo handsome. Taehyung looked at him and smirked. Jungkook blushed.

" Yah whom are you smirking at? Keep your eyes down or else...." Jimin's yelling cut off by Jungkook." Hyung hyung...come down. He is no harm to me. He actually he saved me yesterday."
" Saved you. Wha...what happened to you?" Jimin asked worridly. Jungkook explained timidly cause he knows his hyung is fuming in anger by now because he didn't told him what happened last night.
" Jeon Jungkook I told you to live with me, didn't I? I told you that the area you're living in is very dangerous. Now look what happened. You are moving in my apartment today. I won't listen to you at all." Jimin scolded him.
" Hyung I don't want to be a burden." Jungkook said timidly.
" I said you are never a burden to me. And now I ain't gonna listen to your bullshit. You are moving in my house final. Now stay here." Jimin spat.
Mark, Jackson and Taehyung looking at them dumbfounded. Jackson whispered to Mark, " Who is your boss to that boy?"
" They grew up in same orphanage and Jimin is a big brother to him." Mark whispered back.
" Thank you mister for saving my brother. But I still don't like the fact that you gawking at him like he is a meal." Jimin said sweetly.
" You are welcome. I'm Kim Taehyung and no one dare to talk to me like that." Taehyung replied sweetly.
" I don't care...." Jimin again cut off by Jungkook.
" Taetae hyungnie, did you saw any pendent after I left. The  design is golden with a blue stone inside." Jungkook said looks like he is gonna cry.
" Yeah I came here for that. I want to talk to you alone. I want to discuss about it with you." Taehyung replied.
" Okay hyung." Jungkook said and made Taehyung seated in another table. Taehyung ordered a cup of hot chocolate. Few minutes later Jungkook placed the order on the table and took a sit in front of other male.
" Okay so where did you got the pendent? I think the pendent is very special to you. Tell me about it." Raven haired asked.
" Yeah the pendent is very special to me. When I was 7 something bad happened to my family which made me orphan. I don't remember clearly anything not even my family member's face. I was injured badly. So when I woke up I found myself in a orphanage. And the orphanage's supervisor handed me that pendent and said that they found me wearing the pendent. So I assume the pendent was from my family. That's the only thing I have from my family. Please give me back." Fat tears again started to oozing from brown haired male's big bambi eyes.

Taehyung hugged him and started to comfort him. Taehyung felt so bad about the boy. He felt like he should protect the boy from world. He wanted to hide the brown hired from every bad things. He doesn't know what is this new feeling. But whatever it is, it felt so good. He felt so good to wanting protect and make happy someone who is making his heart beat crazily.

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Borhae 💜

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