Chapter One: Home

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It's been about three months since Sokovia and it's safe to say that I'm officially considered an apocalypse magnet. Now that the 'oh-my-God-thank-the-Lord-that-you're-not-dead' relief has passed and all of my scrapes and bruises are beginning to fade, my friends and family are teasing me endlessly. Or, well, at least my brother. My parents are convinced I should go back to Michigan like they did after New York and my first encounter with the Apocalypse, but frankly I'll put up with my friends' teasing for the rest of my life if it means staying here. I might've been born in Michigan, but I barely remember it; this is my home.

Of course, I've told my version of events to pretty much every person who's figured out I was in Sokovia during the Apocalypse (Take II) or who's asked about my injuries, not all that willingly though. Almost dying isn't something that's easy to talk about, and though I'd think New Yorkers would know that, apparently they don't care or have forgotten. I usually just gloss over what happened and people are satisfied, but my roommate/best friend and my family seem to be sure there's more to the story and keep pestering me. They're right, but that doesn't make it any less annoying. I don't want to freak them out with exactly how close I came to not being here to tease. And it's all because of the silver-blonde-haired boy that that's not the case.

"Vi," Kaylee snaps her fingers in front of my face, rolling her eyes. "Violet, you paying attention? You're spacing out again."

"Sorry," I shake my head. "I'm still a little..."

"Worried about starting the next Apocalypse?" She chuckles, shaking out recently-dyed pale blue tresses. I sigh.

"Let it go. Besides, what's the likelihood that New York's hit twice in our lifetimes?"

"I dunno," she grins. "Stark Tower's nearby."

"Don't remind me."

"Hey," Kaylee pushes my hot chocolate toward me from across the table in a gesture of good will. "some of the Avengers are hot, let's be fair. The blonde one... ugh. Don't even get me started, I'll never stop."

"Thor, Iron Man, Black Widow, Hulk, and Captain America." I pause. "There's one more."

"Hawk something?" she shrugs.

"Hawkeye." I finish. "I guess some of them are kind of cute. And way out of our league. And way older than us. And mutated and/or alien."

"I never knew your name was Nancy. Quit being so negative. Now come on, it's getting late."


"Does Fury have anything on Banner?"

"No," Natasha shakes her head at Steve, clearly crestfallen about that little fact even though she tries to hide it. I never got to know the so-called Hulk well, but he seems well-loved by the rest of the group. Noticing me in the doorway, she turns. "How're you feeling?"

All the Avengers (minus Thor, who hasn't been back since a few days ago when the majority of us finally moved into Stark's new facility) turn toward me, including my sister, as weird as it sounds that we're on the same team as Tony Stark, and seem to scan me over. I probably shouldn't feel as good as I do, though I still ache where I was shot, but Helen Cho is a miracle worker. It'd been touch-and-go for a while, but if you're able to essentially 3D print the Vision out of nothing you can keep a troubled nineteen-year-old from Sokovia alive, apparently, even without the cradle and the smaller versions of it. "Better. What's going on?"

"Trying to see if we can figure out what happened to Banner." Clint leans back in his chair, probably more worried for Natasha than Bruce. I know he wants to be with Laura, but I don't think he could leave Natasha right now if he wanted given this conversation. Besides, he's been with her for the last three months or so if the others are to be believed.

"Look, he'll show up eventually." Tony interjects, taking a swing of what looks like coffee but may be something stronger. "When he hulks out again - and he will - we'll find him."

"There's no point in stressing." Wanda interjects. "If he does not want to be found, he won't be."

"I think Wanda is right," Vision speaks up.

"He'll do something stupid." Natasha disagrees.

"I've said what I have to offer," my sister rises from her chair, walking toward me with no further comment to the group. She grabs my hand and pulls me back through the door. Wanda whirls on me once we're out of earshot. "You're not leaving."

"I just want to get out of here for a little while. I've barely left my room or Helen's at Stark Tower since we've been to America." I sigh. "I just want some time to think and relax."

That seems to catch Wanda's attention and her eyes narrow. "You're hiding something. Still."

"I told you, it's nothing." I insist. "Besides, that's not what this is about. I want to be outside."

"Fine," she agrees. "let's go."

No one bothers to ask what we're doing or what we're up to when we head outside, though a few people seem to eye me in particular. When the sun hits my face and the wind muses my hair I feel freer than I have in weeks, but I'm still not free to think, especially since I know for a fact that my sister is trying to get things out of my head. I know how to keep her out for the most part, but I also know she slips through sometimes. Wanda can't read thoughts, exactly, but she can get the gist of what someone's thinking.

I flip my thoughts over to New York. I haven't seen much except for my view from Stark Tower, but it seems nice enough. It's not Sokovia, but maybe it's better that way. Sokovia's gone, meaning the place where Wanda and I had lost our parents and simply been twin Maximoffs and nothing more is too. New life, new start, new home, New York. "Wanda?"


"I'm sorry."

I'm gone before she can try to stop me.

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