Chapter Two: I Should Have Stayed Home Today

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 Oh come on, you're kidding me, Kaylee. I hate it when she pulls this disappearing act crap. I love her, but sometimes she seriously gets under my skin. Normally I'd be fine with it, no matter how much I were to claim my irritation, but both of us have class in an hour and the wind's really starting to pick up.

I'm suddenly thrust back to Sokovia. The day before the second coming of the Apocalypse it'd been so windy I'd actually lost my scarf. God, that'd been such a beautiful country... not that I ever have the urge to go back, even if they manage to rebuild parts of it. Of course, though, that got me thinking about my almost-death and that boy. He'd pretty much literally come out of nowhere and left the same way, but it'd been with him long enough to hear him speak, and he'd had the pretty version of the Sokovian accent. Others' voices don't always work well with the accent, I found out during my time there, but others' become very silky. I guess I can't really say, though, considering we'd both been pretty out for the count during at least parts of our acquaintance. I wonder how he's doing — if he's even alive. This, of course, spikes my anger. Ultron was a menace that destroyed so many lives, and it's because of him that I can so crisply picture the silver-haired boy and feel the fear of death.

Eventually I realize I've wasted a good seven minutes just standing around and I curse myself. Now I've really done it — whatever, Kaylee will find me in class, but I'll have to hurry to make it.

I wish I could move as fast as I'd seen that boy move right now.


"You're saying you saw what?"

"There was a girl who was very hard to read." Wanda crosses her arms. "She was thinking about Pietro and I know she was angry. It was written all over her."

"Are you sure she was thinking about Quicksilver?" Hawkeye clarifies. Most of the other Avengers have taken to calling me Quicksilver rather than my first name — Stark had originally thought of the name, and since most of them couldn't quite pronounce Pietro right they all just switched to it. I find it kind of funny that Barton's calling me Quicksilver though, considering he named his own son after me. Granted, it's his middle name, but that's still saying something.

"I know my brother," I can tell my sister doesn't want to be a part of this Q&A right now. "And she was hard to read. She'd only actively block me out if she knew what I could do. She wanted him for some reason."

"I'm sure it's nothing," I assure, though a part of me is intrigued. Of all the Avengers to think about, why the one who most people don't even really know is a part of them?

"Do you think it was HYDRA?" Vision suggests.

"I don't think so," Natasha shakes her head. "We haven't seen a whiff of HYDRA since Sokovia. They wouldn't be casually hanging around, and you said this girl just stood there for a while, right?"

"True," my sister agrees. "but that still does not explain what she wanted with Pietro."

"Look," Stark interrupts. "it doesn't hurt to check it out. If there's something going on, we'll find out."

Apparently the other five people in the room — Wanda and I, Clint, Nat, and Vision — all agree. No one says a word. This is going to be interesting.

I just hope HYDRA's not after me.


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