Chapter Eight: His Story, Her Story, The Truth

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 Helen's not sure what's happening to Violet, but even though nobody's said anything we all know it has something to do with my sister. It has to. Worse, her family and friends are starting to kick up a scene about her disappearance. Stark's managed to keep it pretty under the radar for a while, but enough time's passed that they're beginning to take manners into their own hands. And, assuming she wakes up, it's not like we'll be able to just send her home right away. God, this whole thing's a mess.

"Hey, Maximoff."

I turn, though I already know who it is. Tony Sark. "Yeah?"

"We need your help."

"With what?"


Somehow I don't think I'm going to like this.


 Beep... Beep... Beep...

What the hell? I slide my eyes open, feeling like they haven't moved in a year, and try to reorient myself. The smell of antiseptic, the painfully white room, the monitor, and the — ugh, God — needle in my arm... it all adds up to one thing. Well, that and the fact that I feel like my head's just been through a meat grinder. The hospital. But when did...

The last thing I remember is the boy, er, Pietro, offering to show me around the Avenger complex a little if I'd come inside.

"Violet!" my mother all but sobs, attacking me from out of nowhere. I jump, not having seen her somehow even though both she and my bestie are directly to my left. Though the latter is passed out with dark circles under her eyes.

"Mom?" I sound like I haven't used my throat in forever. "What're you doing here?"

"You were- you were missing and- and they said you might not- might not wake up." she cries, still clinging to me like her life depends on it.

"Woah, woah, back up." I soothe, rubbing her back for lack of anything else to do. Mom looks grayer than I remember, but then again I haven't seen her since around a year ago. "How am I here?"

"Kaylee found you on your doorstep." Mom tries to pull herself together a little, pulling back from me though only in favor of scanning me over like my arm's going to fall off any moment now. "You were passed out and... it was awful, Violet. We didn't even know if you were alive. The doctors don't know what's wrong with you."

"I don't either." But I probably have more of a clue than they do... which is kind of sad, if you consider that I don't know how I got conked out in a first place. A doorstep? What the hell happened? Did something happen at the Avengers compound? Is everyone alright? No, there's no way there's something wrong with them. Which means... did they leave me there? By extension, that means Pietro, somebody who convinced me to trust him, screwed me over. I see red. "How long?"

"A week ago."

Oh yeah, I'm mad. Furious, even. What'd they do to me?

Kaylee picks that moment to wake up and I push my thoughts to the back of my mind for the moment to deal with another round of hysterics. It may be a little annoying, but sometimes it's nice to feel loved.

Not now, not today, not ever. I'm on a date with a kid from my math course, Byron (the only reason Kaylee agreed to let me go was that 1.) she knew him and 2.) he came to pick me up. Apparently she's not over the whole kidnapping thing yet), and out of the corner of my eye I see two people sitting down at a table on the opposite side of the restaurant. God damn — can't I go two weeks without those freaks popping up in my life again?

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