Chapter Nine: A Curious Case of... Well, Something

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 Byron's so never calling me again. And I'd been beginning to really like him, dammit. This Avenger just really wants to ruin my life, doesn't he? Sheepishly, I watch my date leave down the street, still glaring at Pietro like he wants to slap the guy. A part of me doubts I'd care if he did.

"Alright, talk. Now."

"I already told you the basics." Pietro shrugs, not quite meeting my eyes. "Helen would probably need to explain the rest of it."

"You're hiding something." I accuse. He doesn't exactly deny it. "I'm not going two steps with you if I don't think I've got full disclosure."

"There is a chance you could die if we do not help you, okay?" he responds bluntly, obvious frustration making its way to his face. "And it's my fault you were involved in this in the first place, but I can't really blame myself for that because you'd be dead otherwise. But so would I, so I can."

I take a step back, eyebrows shooting up. He sounds really... upset. Maybe I did jump to a few conclusions. I won't say that for sure, but I know it's hard to fake that kind of self-anger. "Calm down, Pietro. I'm mad, but it's not your fault."

Pietro gives me a side-eye that makes me think this conversation isn't over, clearly unamused. "I'll be right back."

For half a moment I expect him to just disappear into the wind, so I'm probably  little more shocked than I should be when he retreats back into the coffee shop at a normal speed. He is human, I remind myself. Well, mostly.

My phone buzzes at that moment and I suppress the urge to laugh at the irony: If Kaylee hadn't called right at this moment, she'd probably assume I got kidnapped again. Or whatever she thinks happened to me last time. I press "accept".

"Hey, Kay."

"How's it goin', Vi? I hope I'm not interrupting, but Mike wants to know if you want to go out to dinner with him and I tonight and he needs an answer like, now-ish."

"I'd love--" Pietro and Natasha round the corner just then and I hesitate. I don't really know what Helen -- and everyone else -- has planned for me; For all I know, I'll be in a coma or with purple skin from some kind of weirdo drug tonight... But I love my brother and don't get to  see him as often as I'd like. Plus, it'd kill Kaylee if I just disappear again with a tissue of lies and excuses. "I'd love to."

"Seven sound good?"

"Seven sounds wonderful." I agree.

"Well, I'll let you get back to Byron. Fingers crossed, my friend!" I can almost see her excitement in my mind and it does my heart good to feel so loved, even if I have to let her down a little bit. She wants me to find someone and get back into the groove of things after my last ordeal with dating.

"Actually, I forgot about a doctor's appointment I made after my incident." Considering I'm leaving because of my health, it's not exactly a lie. "I forgot to tell you, but I'm going to a... specialist."

"A specialist on what?" She sounds incredulous. "You're kidding me. You're ditching Byron?"

"I'll see you tonight." It's really all I can come up with, as sad as that sounds. "Love you!"

"Vi, don't you dare hang up the--" Click.

I'm sure they have an opinion, but I'm glad that Natasha and Pietro don't comment.

This is going to be a hell of a day.

((Hoping to get back into this. :) xx Thanks for your patience!))

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