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The sound of marching boots allured the young princess Daenys Targaryen,second of her name to follow after the soldiers until she was bound to find what she had desired.

Having followed them from the import they entered the Red keep to the minute they neared the throne room, the princess that was hidden amongst the crowd of soldiers was eager to find him. Having not seen her uncle in what felt like a decade, saddened the young child as he had indeed promised to visit more often but as time passed she could only realise that it had been a empty promise.

When the men before her had suddenly came to a halt the only option for her was to turn around and conceal herself but just as soon as she was about to turn the corner she was stood in place by a big hand blocking her way out. " Now where might you be going? " the owner of the hand had spoke but instead of making a rejoined Daenys chuckled turning around facing her favourite person

" Word got out about your return uncle, i though you might come and great me but you haven't " the girl spoke with cockiness in her tone. Daemon Targaryen could only laugh as he lifted Daenys of the ground and hugging his niece tightly as he has indeed missed her

" my apologies princess but I was just on my way to great you even though it seems like you beat me to it " Daemon spoke as he made his way further from the crowd of soldiers bringing the girl to a quieter space. Daemon was known to have a soft spot for the young girl ever since she was born, maybe it was the fact that she reminded him so much of himself when he was a child or maybe it had been the fact that princess was quiet the charmer.

Daenys had always been quiet the handful
She would always ditch aside her dolls and toys to go watch the guards train outside the castle. She was always fond of her uncle Daemon as he was the best knight to walk the realm, all the stories about him made Daenys adore the rouge prince.

" I have a gift for you Daenys " The prince spoke to the girl in a soft tone as he opened a red gold engraved box, inside of it was a beautiful ruby brooch in the form of a dragon. The jewel shined bright as Daemon presented it to his niece, the girl could only stare as she has never seen such dazzling piece of jewellery.

" Its a family heirloom, a gift from my grandfather Jaehaerys I to his wife Alysanne, it was then passed on to my father Baelon to his own wife Alyssa, my mother
Then to me, and now and now I'm passing it to you Daenys "

Daenys, though only a child she understood every word perfectly, she understood the value of the gift.

" It's beautiful uncle Daemon, I will always cherish it "

Daenys reassured as she carefully ran her fingers over the brooch.

It was then the sweet kiss on his cheek that warmed Daemons heart completely and her sweet innocent laugh was what made him come back to reality

" Oh thank the lords I found you princess! His grace would have had put my head on a spike if anything happened to you " a man around the tall of a woman suddenly came into view panting and sweating as he looked like his last breath was near.
Sir Nicolas to be exact was Daenys caretaker since the moment she was born, he had always been at her side to guide her, help her and shelter her from any harm.

Daemon and Daenys side eyed each for a moment before bursting out in laughter at the man in their view. " it seems as you gave sir Nicolas quite the fright my dear" Daemon chuckled away as he finally allowed the girl to stand on her own feet.
" I'm sorry for disturbing you my prince but the queen has asked for the princess presence" the man before them bowed his head respectfully as he spoke to the prince

Daenys only rolled her eyes as she huffed before opening her mouth. " Do you promise to visit me before you leave uncle? " the girl pleaded quickly as she urged her uncle for a answer.

" I promise I will princess, now hurry and go see you mother " Daemon had kissed her forehead as he ruffled her hair before finally leavening toward the throne room

And just like that Daenys was left alone in the company of sir Nicolas who hurried her along to her mother


Ok everyone so before we begin I want to warn you all of some things

First of all English is not my first language so if there are any major grammar mistakes I apologise

Second of all the story dose includes incest, graphic details of child birth and murder, it also includes the good old smut so if your uncomfortable with any of those topics this story ain't for you. I would also like to mention Daemon only sees daenys as a child . He also only starts seeing her as a woman when she comes of age and by that I mean when she is much older

Third of all I want to mention that the character ages are not specific and I could not a find any trust worthy source so if there's any big mistakes with character ages please let me know


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