A soldier without fear

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Daenys and Benjamin faced off in the
gardens of the Red Keep, the area being wide enough for the two of them to spar without problem. Daenys threw off her clock revealing a white tunic and long fitting pans that showed her toned legs off her face held a smile while Benjamin had a serious look painted on his face

She slowly drew her sword out of its holster from her waist, the blade made a hissing whisper as it was removed from its sheathe. All this while Benjamin held his gaze on the female

He was wearing a sleeveless top with loose fitting black pants. On either of his hands he has sturdy metal gauntlets. The man began turning his neck from left to right and popping it was a series of clicks in rapid succession.

" Don't hold back or I am going to break you " The women spoke with sassiness in her voice as the man could only laugh shaking his head as he reassured her he was not to hold back by any means. His words could only excite Daenys.

With a flick of her hand as to say " come on " towards her, the fight begun

Benjamin then rushed to the princess. He dipped and weaved right as he was about to slash at the women before him, Daenys paired with her blade clashed against the metal of the man's sword sending sparks flying into the air. The man was quick and uppercut slashed at the woman's neck attempting to catch her off guard, yet to his disappointment Daenys blocked his attack with her blade again.

Unknown to both the fighters, Daemon Targaryen had been looking around for this niece, and after been informed by Rhaenyra that her sister was training in the gardens he had made his way to find her, and so he did.

After Benjamin's unfortunate failed attempts at attacking the Princess it was her turn to make a point at attacking, after all it was her strongest point.

Daenys had plunged herself forward slashing at the man's hand enough to knock his sword out of his hand, she then went on to side-attack her opponent sending him down to his feet. The end of her sword had now been placed at the man's throat, just a centimetre away from making his neck bleed. " Now, now I expected better from you Benjamin.....it seems I have indeed won " She exclaimed with a big smirk on her plumb lips as she looked at Benjamin's face holding a snarl
Just as she was about to move her blade from the man's neck she felt a pang of a cold blade on the side of her neck.

" Have you not gotten far to cocky little dragon? " Daemon spoke causing the princess to stop her previous actions lowering her sword slowly from Benjamin's neck. She knew the game her uncle wanted to play far to well so she indulges in it by swiftly whirled around pointing the tip of her blade against the rough skin on Daemons skin.

Their gazes on each other stoped all the movement around them as it felt that they were the only ones in the gardens at that time. His gaze firmly leaving her eyes as his own traveled down at her rising chest, the sun glistening at the v-line that was showed do to the fact that the string of her tunic came slightly un done. " My eyes are indeed up here uncle " the princess scolded with absolute no shame as he could only chuckle dropping the blade of dark sister from the woman's neck as she did the same. Daemon brought his hand to her waist pulling her closer to him engraving her in a hug. She accepted his embrace nearly melting in his embrace, she hugged his neck tightly keeping him close as she inhaled his familiar scent she grew to love, miss and crave harder and harder. Daenys could fell the way her heart was beating yet she choose to ignore it

It had been not so precisely about 2 moons since she last saw Daemon, yet he still looked the same. His silver hair reminded still long with the front pieces tied at the back to keep them from his face, he still held the same aura within his serpent like eyes as still looked the same to Daenys, he still looked as magical as ever

They had both been in each other's embrace for a moment to long until the man that was once on the floor had stood up from the ground saying his greetings to the prince for what it was worth

" How was your journey uncle? " Daenys asked as her and Daemon walked along side each other back to the princess chambers. It was rather safe to say the princess always enjoyed the presence of the male beside her, and he to enjoyed every moment he had with his niece

" I supposed I'm to say it was rather pleasant" he had said linking their arms together. " And I suppose to say that what you actually mean by that is that the journey was indeed shit " they had both burst into a waddle of laughter at the princesses honesty. " May I ask what made you come here uncle? " she asked after the laughter died out, she knew her uncle far to well to know that he did in fact need a good reason to be back at the Red Keep.

It might have been the fact that the tournaments for the heir were to be held or just the fact that he had something else in mind. Daenys wished to dream more of her uncle but much to her disappointment for the past week her dreams involving the Prince had lessened
" Well i wanted to see my niece of course "
" And? " there was a short silence lived as her uncle looked at a loss of words for a moment short

" Well I heard a tourney was to be held for the heir and I had to be present no? " Daenys could only nod sarcastically as they had neared her chambers.

" Are you interested in my gifts for you little dragon? " Daemon had whispered in high valeryan as he brought his hands to tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear

" Gifts? " she asked with glistening eyes

He nodded gesturing for her to enter the chambers as he opened the large door for her

In the middle of her bed proudly sat numerous gifts. There were silks and velvets and numerous jewels, there were exotic oils and expensive scents that could only be brought with an extensive range  of golds.

The one thing that caught her eye was the unopened box accompanied by a small piece of paper, just as she was about to ask what was in the box he had placed a hand on her waist bringing his face to the crock of her neck placing a kiss on her skin, she could fell his hot kisses start to travel to her chin from her neck and up further and further

" Do you like them " he worded in valeryan

" I love them " she replied with unopened eyes with the back of her head leaning against his hard chest. Daemon brought his face closer to the her own leaning into but was stopped from his actions as the door to the Princess chamber had been opened with rush causing the two to separate and create space between them

" Oh dear lord my apologies! I had no idea the two of you were here, I um- I will leave " Misses Brown the women that helped birth Daenys stuttered as she stumbled to the door but was interrupted by the prince.

"It's fine don't worry, I will take my leave"
He said as he leaned to place a small kiss on the side of the princess mouth and walked out proudly with a grin on his face

Daenys remained in the same spot with a big smile on her lips as she brought her hand to her lips that have nearly been kissed by the prince. Misses brown could only shake her head at her as she looked over all the gifts the Prince had gifted the girl

It was known to everyone that almost every piece of jewellery Daenys had owned were gifts by the prince.

Daenys her self did not like to accept any form of offerings from anyone but her father and the prince. The jewellery she wore every day were indeed gifts from the prince himself

" Oh gods be good " The older women spoke as she brought the girl her afternoon tea.


I  feel like it's kind of rushed but oh well I will make changes over time :)

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