Bring back the hour

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Time, seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, month, years .

They had all seemed to elapse with the division of the periods regards the hour.
For all that was known 10 hasty years had advanced their seasons resulting to also ageing the younger to older and the older to wiser. Daenys Targaryen for instance had no longer been the adolescent with aspires, she had now turned out a wise woman, however some things at no time change. The brutal lady still remained unmoved, the same aspirations held the princess under wrap's as cruelty still flew in her veins.

10 years of mushroom has it that the princess was far from evil, described as wicked, immoral and sinful through out  the folklore and court. Long had gone the rumours of Daenys being a sweetheart with the face of pure gold and a even shinier smile been spoiled by the years of trauma and dispute, yet again maybe the girl they painted her out to be was never there for that to begin with, instead a destructive hateful Targaryen had been hidden by the gold paint of greatness.

The tale of the future heir was told as a rumour, a story or more so wrong a terror tale that would be unveiled to the ears of children who would refuse to eat their vegetables. The fright of how the women would chop the heads of those unworthy that refused to comply under her rule, the trembling princess that ate the kids whom challenged her majesty.

To the elders however had been spoken a different tale, the narrative of where the princess enjoyed her cups further more than she did her own children. The spawns of Daenys Targaryen consisted of Daemion Targaryen, fist born, first son and future king to the Iron throne. The lad was storied out as a almost recognisable copy of his 'uncle ' Daemon Targaryen who had long taken residence through out the land of Pentos with his lady wife and his two daughters, leaving behind a once loved and perhaps a son.

The son of the princess gave of the image of what every Targaryen child would aspire to look alike, the silver hair, pale skin and the icy blue eyes, however such description had not seem to be fit the spoke of the other prince and princess. Not much was known off the children as their mother keep them hidden for most of the time, shielding them from the leer of the eye.

Giving the oldest appearances many ogled to the fact of Tycell Lannister not being the blood father, many pointed out how they viewed the boy to be Daemon's as rumours of the affair between uncle and niece resurfaced from the mouths of not only soldiers whom witnessed the two back in the day of when the war for the Stepstones had taken place but also nobles who spectated the kiss they had shared while attending Rhaenyras wedding. It was to be noted that the difference between the oldest boy and the other children of the women had not gone unnoticed, just as Rhaenyra had suffered the accusations of being unfaithful to her own husband Seer Laenor.

Besides Daemion, Daenys had also given birth to Elain and Jaime Lannister, a girl only of 8 years of age together with a lad a year younger than his sister. It had been discussed and established that only the future heir would take the Targaryen name while all the other further babes were bound after the Lannister name and faith. Long had the days where the only worry bitting at her finger tips would be of where to hide in order for the septa to postpone her daily lessons vanished, instead the princess was now the one in search for her kids as the Lannister spawns refused to engage with their knowledge of writing, reading and poetry.

Daenys accompanied by her sworn shield walked the grey halls in order to find and drag the lions back to their dens. This was no new found activity as the days consisted of the faul behaviour of running around sending maids and guards in search for the two as it became a ritual for the red keep to turn every stone until the hidden be found

" I think I might have knowledge of the whereabouts " Seer Harwin Strong, known as breakbones informed the princess as they had accidentally passed one another through the garden. The mother of the two lions chuckled with a shake of her head as she and the curly headed man walked side by side all way from the greens of the gardens to the woods and the steal decorating the busy courtyard.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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