A day in the life of war

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The place was not what it used to be. Humans running in and out, frequent phone calls, and  countries, provinces, and cities running around in their military uniforms.

It's been a week after war was declared. South knew that this war wasn't going to be a quick victory, and honestly didn't know why his brother had declared war when he knew that his military was much weaker compared to South's. South also wondered how he persuaded China and Russia to declare war on him.

There were a million questions swirling in his mind. He had decided to fight without any foreign help for now, since North wasn't fighting with any extra soldiers, although he got some extra weapons from his allies. South shifted in his seat. He didn't want Seoul to get captured again. She was so close to the border, and she had switched sides quite a lot during the first Korean War.

He went to America. (countries in this AU can get to other countries really quickly.) He wanted to talk to him about the reunification. If any side ever won, at least the entire Korean peninsula would have to reunite. They couldn't stay divided forever, and both sides knew that. The problem was that one side wanted to unite under communism, and the other side wanted capitalism.

He greeted America with a sad smile. Truth is, both America and South still had their worries about the unification, and what would happen about the cultural clashes. Ame, wearing his usual shades, welcomed him.

"I want to talk to you about what will happen if me and North united." South said, getting straight to the point.

"Huh?" America blinked in surprise. "The last time you ever mentioned that was like, 70 years ago. Why do you bring it up suddenly?"

South sighed. "You know that if we win or North wins, we will have to unite, right? I want to talk about it as soon as possible."

Ame folded his arms. "Yea, of course I know that. It's just that.. that I honestly don't know myself. I care for you, South. And I know that you and North want unification. But we are also going to have to consider the fact here that there is a chance that North and his allies will win. When that happens, I can't do anything major for you.. It's going to hurt all of us, South. Worst-case scenario, North kills you and takes over the entire peninsula with his influence, and spreads it to other countries."

South's face melted into a sadder expression than before, but quickly regained his blank face.

"If he kills me, at least I'm not going down with a fight. But I believe that it will not happen. I need to believe that he still remembers our childhood, and how close we were. I have to believe that beneath that violent and cruel face, there is still some of his brotherly love to me."

He looked at America with determination in his eyes.

"That is what I choose to believe. And we will win this war."


Ame looked at South under his shades, with an intense look on his face.

South seemed so different, so.. so serious. He was in his military uniform, very different from his usual white gradient hoodie. Instead of his usual sarcastic and smiling face, it was replaced with a serious, blank expression in which it was impossible to know what he was thinking.

He was disheartened to see one of his close friends so different in such a terrible way. The last time he saw South like this was over 70 years ago.

He knew he had to help him somehow, in any shape or form. Countries who knew him thought that he was some guy who didn't care for others. That wasn't true. He did do some war crimes in the past, But everyone else did too. But somehow when the talk of war crimes came up, he is the one who everyone targets.


South and America talked for a while (Im to lazy to write an entire conversation oop).

When South got home, he threw his picture of North and him when they were kids and screamed in frustration.

"FUCK COMMUNISM FUCK NORTH FUCK KOREA FUCK EVERYTHING!" He screamed repeatedly while punching his pillow.

He looked at the floor and saw the picture with him and North shattered.

He took it out and ripped the photo to pieces, cursing as he did so.

When he could rip the photo no more, he sat down on his bed as the anger slowly melted out of him. When his anger died down, he started to uncontrollably sob.

He didn't know what to do. His parents were dead, and his brother wanted to kill him. He didn't have a family anymore. He envied the other countries for having parents who were still alive or siblings who cared for them. If they didn't have either of those, at least they didn't have a sibling that was constantly at war with them.

His sobs died down eventually. He looked at his watch and discovered that it was 3am. South sighed as he changed and went to bed. Another day of worries awaited him the next day.

Yall I started middle school and now I am on my way home as I am writing this. JEEZ MIDDLE SCHOOL IS SO TIRING. I might be posting a bit less now since I got school, but who knows.

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