Chapter 3: The Weirdo On Maple Street

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"We should be out there! looking for will" Mike was protesting at the dinner table.

"We've been over this Michael, the chief said-" Karen was cut off, by Y/n. "I don't care what the chief said!"

"Y/n --" "He's not even real police, mom. We have to do something Will could be in real danger!!" Mike slammed his hand on the table. "More reason to stay put," "But mom!"

"End of discussion," Karen started to eat again. Mike and Y/n looked at each other, upset. Nancy starts to play with her food. 

"So... me and Barb... we're gonna study for the chemistry test at her house tonight. That's cool, right?" She asked. "No, not cool," Karen looked up from her meal. "Why not?!" Nancy stops playing with her food and drops her fork. "Am I speaking Chinese in this house? No one leaves until we know Will is safe," "So we're on house arrest?" Nancy stands up and pushes her chair away from the table. "Don't be so dramatic!" 

"This is such bullshit!" She slammed her fist on the table and rolled her eyes. "Language" This was the only thing Ted had said this whole dinner, you'd think as a father he'd take more responsibility.

"Barb lives 2 minutes away! Just because Mike and Y/n's friend got lost in the woods on his way home --" Y/n stood up dropping their fork, it made a loud clatter on the plate which made Holly start crying. "So this is Will's fault?!" 

"Nancy, take that back," Karen was trying to keep calm. "No --!" Mike stood up too. "You're just pissed off because you wanna hang out with Steve!" Ted looked up from his newspaper "Steve? Who's Steve?" "Her new boyfriend --" Nancy turned around "YOU ARE SUCH A DOUCHE Y/N!" Nancy pushed her chair making it hit the console behind them. Mike laughed. "Language!" Ted didn't seem very phased by the situation. Nancy stormed off and Ted continued to eat his chicken. Karen picks up Holly to calm her down.

"See kids this is what happens when --" Ted begins. "What happens when what? We're the only ones acting normal here! We're the only two that care about Will!" Mike grabbed Y/n's arm and Y/n nodded as if to agree with him. "That's not fair Michael, we care!" Ted took a bite out of his chicken. Y/n scoffed and dragged Michael upstairs.

Karen shoots a glare at Ted and gets up from her chair "I hope you're enjoying your chicken ted," She carries Holly out of the room.


Mike was lying on the floor while Y/n was slumped on the couch, Mike picked up the wizard piece from the d&d game they were playing the night before and studied it. He then picked up his walkie-talkie.

"Lucas this is Mike and Y/n do you copy? Lucas?" Mike spoke into his walkie talkie. "Over.."

Lucas picks up a few minutes later. "Hey it's Lucas," Y/n sat up so they could hear his voice clearer. "I know it's you and say over when you're done talking so I know when you're done, over" Lucas rolled his eyes, "I'm done. over" "We're worried about Will...over"

"Yeah this is crazy," Lucas' voice became clearer. "I was thinking, Will could've cast protection last night but he didn't. He cast a fireball. Over," "And your point is?" Mike was about to start speaking again when Y/n grabbed the walkie-talkie. "The point is he could've played it safe, but he didn't he put himself in danger to help the party," They paused "Over," Lucas thought about it for a while, "Meet me in 10 over and out,"

Mike and Y/n grabbed their bikes and grabbed flashlights. They were about to ride off when Y/n caught someone trying to sneak into Nancy's room. Steve Harrington. He turns around and locks his eyes with Mike. This was awkward, Steve held up his hand. Mike rolled his eyes and they both biked off.


Mike leads the way and slows in front of an opening in the trees.

"Why are we stopping?" Mike didn't answer he just looks off. Dustin, Lucas, and Y/n follow his gaze to find a line of police tape. And then it starts to rain, great.

"You guys feel that?" Dustin puts his hood up. "Maybe we should go back," Mike and Y/n turn to glare at Dustin. "No we're not going back, no splitting up or anything either, stay on channel six just in case" Y/n, Mike and Lucas head into the forest leaving Dustin behind. A loud clap of thunder and Dustin decides he'd rather stay with the group. 

They were getting soaked. "Will! WILL!" "BYERS??" "WILL ? WILL PLEASE!" "I've got your x-men 134!" There was no response. They kept walking for a while until Dustin spoke up. "Guys I really think we should turn back. "Seriously Dustin, if you want to be a baby go home already!" Lucas shined his flashlight in Dustin's face. "I'm just being realistic Lucas," "No you're just being a sissy!" "You ever think Will went missing because he ran into something bad and now we're going to the same spot," 

"Shut up Dustin" Y/n finally speaks up. "I'm just saying, does that seam smart to you?" "Shut up!" Mike is listening to something, in the bushes. "You guys hear that?" The group listen to the rustling bushes, frozen in place. It stops

Mike turns around and his flashlight illuminates a girl. Her head was shaved and she was wearing a benny's burgers t-shirt, she was covered in mud and soaking wet. Mike stares at her. It's not Will...


Word count after edit - 943

a/n - pretty short chapter but say hello to El!!

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