Chapter 6 - Reluctant Grooms Need Not Apply

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"I'm sorry, Mother, but what?"

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"I'm sorry, Mother, but what?"

Delayed by the need to evaluate the coral reef plantings for my brother and finish the scheduled outpost appraisal, Manannan and I had barely arrived in the capital city when my mother called us to the royal chamber. At our appearance, she'd vaulted up from the silver throne with her long silver and black braids swinging in agitation. Silver starburst eyes, so like my own, were narrowed and her predominantly silver brow furrowed, highlighting the midnight edges and lines crossing her face. Skipping a greeting entirely, her first words had come out with such rapid-fire fury, I hadn't caught her meaning.

"I've received a message from the Winter Realm," she said. Her usually melodious voice was tight, with her words clipped, but slower this time. "Did you know what they were planning?" she asked Manannan as she pinned him in place with her glare.

"No, Queen Ethniu. I've only just come from the Summer Court with a message to make you aware of the situation. Queen Aine and King Nuada instructed me to tell you they would leave the decision as to how to proceed to you," he said, inclining his blue-haired head, large hands upturned and palms open. "What is it the Winter Court is demanding?"

Yeah, that's what I wanted to know, too. What did they have to do with this diplomatic octopus in an oyster bed?

Mother's high black boots tapped the slate floor tiles in a hard staccato as she paced back and forth in front of her throne. Like a flag flapping in the breeze, the ebony wrap draped over her shoulders trailed behind her, alternatively hiding and revealing her shining silver skinsuit. "Shannon's paternal grandparents are insisting the marriage be upheld. Since Shannon is already well past the onset of adulthood, they've demanded the consummation ceremony take place no later than Samhain." A growl of disgust escaped her throat.

Who in the first shell are her paternal grandparents? All I knew about Dylan, her father, was that he was the God of Selkies.

Manannan's spine snapped straight and his expression darkened, turning his tricoloured-blue eyes into the depths of the ocean.

"Who are Shannon's paternal grandparents?" I asked, looking between my mother, Manannan, and my two siblings who were currently leaning against the wall, silently watching thus far. That Mother had included not just my older brother, but also Eriu, my younger sister—only two hundred and future Queen of Atlantia—told me how seriously Mother was taking this situation.

"Gwydion and Arianrhod. Predominately Winter Court if you aren't familiar with their names, but Gwydion pretends to play both sides, so my daughter still welcomes him into the Summer Court. Those worthless shits don't care about improving Fomorian and Sidhe relations through this marriage. They have some other purpose to their demand, and I'll bet it has something to do with getting payback against the Asgardians," Manannan snarled.

I winced at hearing her grandparents' names. Gwydion was one of their most powerful mages, and Arianrhod was a strong air elemental. Odd that Shannon's father was so weak in contrast, but then, Shannon certainly had inherited her elemental abilities from him, so perhaps the strength was there. Given what she'd told me about her upbringing, it made me wonder if she knew she was related to them. After her experience last year, to find out she had relatives in the Winter Court that hadn't helped her... damn, that would hurt her.

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