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Still frustrated, I decide to finally confront Sam about his decision to give up the shield. I head over to the U.S. Air Force base to try and track him down.

Entering the hanger bay, I see Sam's dark figure coming down the flight of stairs at the far end of the room.

"You shouldn't have given up the shield!" I shout as I approach him.

Sam huffs, shaking his head as he steps around me. "Good to see you too, Buck."

"This is wrong," I state, falling into step with him as we walk toward the open hanger door.

"Hey, hey, look, I'm working, all right?" Sam informs me. "So, all this outrage is gonna have to wait."

"You didn't know this was gonna happen?" I demand.

"No, of course I didn't know that was gonna happen," Sam defends. "You think it didn't break my heart to see them march him out there and call him the new Captain America?"

"This isn't what Steve wanted," I remind him.

"Oh, my God," Sam exclaims. "What do you want me to do? Call America and tell 'em I changed my mind? Huh?" Sam chuckles. "Yeah, right. It's been a great reunion, Buddy. Be well."

"You had no right to give up the shield, Sam," I declare.

Sam stops in his tracks, finally turning to face me. "Hey. This is what you're not gonna do. You're not gonna come here in your overextended life and tell me about my rights. It's over, Bucky. Besides, I have bigger things to deal with right now."

I scoff. "What could be bigger than this?"

"This guy," Sam answers, pulling out his phone to show me a picture of a man wearing a black mask with a red handprint across it. "He has connections with rebel organizations all over Eastern and Central Europe, and he's strong. Too strong."

I turn my gaze back to Sam. "And?"

"Well, he's been connected to this online group called the Flag Smashers," Sam explains. "Now, Redwing traced them to a building somewhere outside Munich. So that's where I'm going."

"Well, I don't trust Redwing," I state as Sam walks toward the plane. I follow close at his heels. "Hold on a minute."

"You don't have to trust Redwing," Sam counters, turning to face me again. "But I'mma go see if he's right. 'Cause I have a feeling they might be part of the Big Three."

I pause for a moment. "What Big Three?"

"The Big Three," Sam repeats.

"What Big Three?" I ask again.

"Androids, aliens, and wizards," Sam explains.

I narrow my eyes at him. "That's not a thing."

"That's definitely a thing."

"No, it's not."

"Every time we fight, it's one of the Three."

"So, who are you fighting now? Gandalf?"

Sam's brows furrow, taken off guard. "How do you know about Gandalf?"

"I read 'The Hobbit,'" I state. "In 1937, when it first came out."

"So, you see my point?" Sam urges.

"No, I don't," I state. "There are no wizards."

"Dr. Strange."

" a sorcerer."

"Ah!" Sam chuckles. "A sorcerer is a wizard without a hat. Think about it. Right? I'm right. I just came up with that. It's crazy. But that's not the point. These guys aren't magical. They use brute force like you, the incredibly annoying guy in front of me with the staring problem."

Sam turns, moving toward the plane again. I shout after him. "I'm coming with you!"

"No, you're not!" Same shouts back.

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