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We follow Walker to an abandoned train station, pausing just outside the door as Sam turns to me. "Just a heads up, Walker's a Super Soldier now."

"What?" I ask. "How? I thought Zemo destroyed the remaining serum."

"I guess Walker managed to grab one of the vials," Sam explains. "Y/n and I witnessed him kicking a Flag Smasher through a wall before you showed up at the building."

"Well, this changes things..." I mutter. "We can't let him leave with the shield. Not after what he did."

Sam nods. "We'll try to solve this peacefully. I want to avoid a fight."

"And if we can't?" Y/n asks.

Sam turns to her. "Then we take him down."

With a final glance between the three of us, we enter the building to find Walker crouched on the floor, his head resting against the shield.

A few moments later, he stands, grunting as he does so. "Time to go to work."

"Walker..." Sam addresses.

"You guys should see a medic," Walker replies, pushing past us to head for the door. "You guys don't look so good."

"Stop, Walker," Sam orders.

Walker turns to face us. "What? You saw what happened. You know what I had to do. I killed him because I had to! He killed Lemar!"

"He didn't kill Lemar, John," I remind him.

"And even if he did, that doesn't justify killing him," Y/n adds.

Walker scoffs.

"Don't go down that road," I urge him. "Believe me, it doesn't end well."

"I'm not like you," Walker spits.

"Listen, it was the heat of the battle," Sam reasons, stepping in. "Okay? If you explain what happened, they may consider you record. We don't want anyone else to get hurt."

My eyes catch the drying blood on the shield, and I flick my gaze back to Walker as he thinks it over.

"You gotta give me the shield, man," Sam declares.

Walker lifts his eyes, glancing between the three of us. "Oh, so that's what this is. You almost got me."

"In all the years that shield's been used, it has never drawn blood, John," Y/n states. "Did you honestly think we would let you keep it?"

"You don't wanna do this," Walker threatens, looking between me and Sam before his gaze falls on Y/n.

I take a subtle step forward. "Yeah, we do."

I lunge as the four of us converge, swinging my leg up to kick him. Walker ducks, turning on his toes to kick Sam and Y/n away before turning his attention back to me. I dodge his attack, retaliating with a punch of my own, but Walker blocks it with the shield.

I grab it with my free hand, trying to tear it from Walker's grasp, but Walker holds it tightly. Y/n rushes over, reaching for Walker's gun, but he grabs her wrist, yanking her off her feet before elbowing me in the face. I lose my grip on the shield, and Walker punches me in the jaw, turning to face Sam as I stumble to the ground.

Using his thrusters and wings, Sam dodges Walker's attacks, and Y/n throws herself at him, wrapping a leg around his arm and hoisting herself around his neck and shoulder. Walker grabs her leg, throwing her into me as I charge at him. We collapse on the ground in a heap.

"Get off of me!" Y/n shouts, struggling to untangle herself from my limbs.

"You crashed into me!" I shout back as I scramble to my feet.

Y/n charges at Walker, dodging his attacks, but ultimately, she's smacked away once again. I rush in, using my metal arm to punch the shield over and over, forcing Walker backward. His back collides with one of the support beams, and Walker strikes back, hitting my arms and torso. Through the series of attacks, I manage to grab the shield, and Walker glares at me as we struggle back and forth.

Walker swings his shield arm in a circle, forcing me to lose my grip. I throw a punch with my metal arm, but Walker dodges it, and I punch clean through the support beam instead. Sam flies in to help me, but Walker kicks him away before spinning on his toes and launching the shield at me with so much force that I crash into a forklift. With the shield in my hands, Walker runs over, attempting to rip it from my grasp.

"Why are you making me do this?" Walk demands, struggling to take the shield. "Why are you making me do this?!"

Walker finally tugs the shield from me, throwing me across the room in the process. I crash into an electrical panel, and it sparks, the electricity shooting through my metal arm. For a split second before blacking out, I see Y/n hesitate, glancing in my direction. It's all Walker needs. He grabs the back of her head, forcing it down as he brings his knee up to her face.

When I come to, Y/n is laying on the floor, her eyes closed and blood trickling from her nose. My gaze shifts to find Sam, and I see that Walker has him pinned down.

"I. Am. Captain American!" Walker spits.

He screams as he tears the wings from Sam's suit with unnatural strength, grabbing the shield from the floor. Walker lifts it over his head for the final blow, and I sprint toward him, tackling him to the floor.

We spring to our feet, and Walker strikes me with the shield. I grab it, pulling Walker closer so I can punch him in the face. We struggle back and forth, exchanging blows until Walker rips the shield from me.

I kick Walker in the knee, swinging my metal arm at his head. Walker lifts the shield just in time to deflect my and retaliates with a punch to my stomach. I buckle over, gasping for breath, and Walker grabs my jacket, punching me in the face before throwing me to the ground. He swings the shield at my head, but I get my arms up in time to stop the blow. Refusing to give up, Walker leans against the shield, using his bodyweight to force it down. At that moment, a gun clicks.

"Get. Off. Now," Y/n orders, blood trickling from her nose as she aims Walker's gun at his head.

Walker turns to her, a smirk growing on his face. "I'm not afraid of you."

Her cold glare turns murderous. "You should be."

I don't give her the chance to pull the trigger, punching Walker in the face. He stumbles back, and Sam rushes over, grabbing the shield and using his thrusters to pry it from Walker's grip. I grab the shield as well, using my metal arm and Super Soldier strength to pull it away. With a crack, Walker's arm breaks, and Sam collapses to the floor with the shield in his hands.

"It's mine," Walker declares, slowing getting to his feet. Sam and I follow.

"It's over, John," Sam pants.

"It's mine," Walker repeats, throwing another punch at me.

I deflect his fist with my arm before grabbing the back of his head, holding him steady as I sock him across the face. Walker stumbles back and I grab his legs, throwing him through the air as Sam gains momentum from his thrusters to kick him in the chest. The three of us collapse to the floor.

Sitting up, I crouch beside the shield as I catch my breath, and when I finally stand, I take the shield with me, dropping it next to Sam before exiting the building.

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