Chapter 4

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"Have you lost your fucking shit?!"

Jungkook swallows. 

"Hyung, listen—" 

Seokjin raises his hand and shuts him up immediately. 

"I take that question back, you have definitely lost all your shit." 

Jungkook groans this time, raking his fingers through his hair. 

He knew that this conversation with his older brother wouldn't be easy, but Seokjin loved to prove that he was underestimated every single time. 

"I just want your help, that's all." 

"This isn't asking for help, Jungkook. This is—this is sending a nuclear bomb into our household. This is asking for war, and not just between you and our parents, but Hyunji's parents against ours as well." 

"You're being over dramatic—" 

"And you're being a dumbass you dipshit!" 

Jungkook watches an elder man walk by their bench in front of his brother's hotel, giving them the side eye. He sighs. 

"We just want to have somewhere to go when we get married, is that asking for too much?" 

"Yes." Seokjin fires without hesitation. "Why don't you act like normal teenagers and date in secret if you like each other that much?" 

"You don't get it! We just want the freedom of not having to deal with our parents every single day. Yes it's going to be tough at first, but eventually they'll have to accept the fact that we're married. And that's what we want. For them to leave us alone." 

And sex.

 Just a minor part of the plan. 

Seokjin gave him a skeptical look with his arms folded over his chest. 

"Do you not understand the damage I'll receive for letting my eighteen year old brother get married, then live in my hotel? They'll disown me!" 

"You're fucking thirty hyung. You escaped from their hold years ago and have a daughter. They can't disown you." 


"Hyung, I'll work for you in whatever position you want me to. All I ask is for one hotel room that we can stay in." 

Jungkook watches his brother rub his forehead and flutter his eyes shut, releasing a tired sigh before letting moments tick by. 

Jungkook swallows as he tries to come up with more ways to persuade him in the meantime, but his brother interrupts his thoughts instead. 

"Rent is going to be 300,000 KW a month." 

The younger immediately jumps to his feet with wide eyes, a grin spreading across his features. 

"So that's a yes?!" 

"You'll have open access to the hotel features, including the buffet—" 

"No way–"

"And I'll give you the terrace rooms at the top floor—" 

Before he could finish his sentence Seokjin found himself engulfed into a bear hug, Jungkook squeezing him tightly, muttering multiple thank you's. 

Finally being released from the tight hold, he brushed off his suit jacket and fixed his hair, a gleaming Jungkook staring right at him. 

He finally cracks a smile at his younger brother. 

"Consider this your wedding gift." 


Spotting Jungkook in the courtyard from the foyer doors, Hyunji took a moment to inhale and relax her shoulders. 

This was going to be one hell of a conversation, but once pushing aside her demons telling her to just dip and say she forgot to meet him just because of the growing anxiety within her, she ends up walking through the doors and settling beside him at the picnic table. 

“Hey,” Jungkook is first to speak, flashing her a quick soft smile. 


“Um, I brought lunch for the both of us.” 

He pushes the brown paper bag toward her and she curiously stares while he empties the KFC inside. 

“I wasn’t sure what you liked, but I thought this was my best bet.” 

“Thank you.” she responds with a smile and goes to open her box, taking a glance at the chicken drums and fries inside as Jungkook quietly stares. 

He clears his throat. 

“I spoke with my brother yesterday,” 

Her eyes wander up to him, waiting for him to continue. 

“He said he’ll give us one of the terrace rooms with the inclusion of all the hotel features, only for 300,000 won a month.” 

He watches as her eyes widen. 

“That’s like nothing!” she gasps, and his lips spread into a grin. 

“I know. And we’ll be able to eat at the buffet as well.” 

“Are you sure about this? Wouldn’t he be losing money because of us?” 

Jungkook chuckles and shakes his head. 

“Trust me, he’s already got more than enough.” 

She gives him a sceptical look. 

“It’s our wedding gift.” He accompanies the sentence with air quotes, hushing his voice slightly. “And I’ll be working for him anyways, so we both get what we want.” 

“If you say so.” Hyunji sighs, chewing on the inside of her cheek now as she directs her attention to her hands on her lap. 

“What’s wrong?” Jungkook asks, noticing the shift in her mood.

It takes her a moment to answer. 

“It’s just kinda crazy that we’re doing this.” she mutters. 

“You can back out anytime you want, Ji.” Jungkook gives her a sincere look. “I’m not pressuring you into anything, that’s the last thing I want.” 

“I know.” she fiddles with her fingers. “And if it wasn’t for my curiosity I wouldn’t have agreed to this.” 

“And I wouldn’t have offered.” 

They lock eyes for a moment, and Hyunji’s cheeks grow a slight pink that he’s able to catch.

He sucks in a breath. 

“So, what day are we agreeing on?” 

Hyunji sucks in a breath in thought. 

“My parents are away on Saturday to go out of town, so I think that would be the perfect time to move my belongings to the hotel.” 

“So move in before getting married, great idea.” Jungkook chims in. “My mom is usually out for groceries that day with my dad, so maybe if I work efficiently and say I’ll be going out with friends, I should be able to pack my stuff and get to your place with my dad’s car. How does that sound?” 


“And we have dinner at your house on Sunday, so how about we meet up then? And maybe we can come back to announce it.” 

Hyunji nods in agreement.

“That works.” 

Jungkook finally grins. 

“So I guess this is us saying ‘fuck virginity’ ?” 

Unable to keep back her laugh, she chuckles. 

“It is indeed.” 


It's been a while, I hope everyone is doing alright ^-^♡

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