Chapter 22

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The clicking of the front door opening suddenly has Hyunji slipping out of her slumber and squinting her eyes as she looks over her shoulder. 

"Oh, you're awake," Jungkook shuts the door behind him and flashes her a smile, a gym bag slung over his shoulder and a water bottle in hand. 

Seeing him walk in, Hyunji sits up on her elbow this time and rubs her eyes, still attempting to adjust to the bright sun coming through their windows. It clearly wasn’t too early in the morning, but enough to still be drowsy. 

"What time is it?" She grumbles just as he sets his bag on the floor and runs his fingers through his sweat drenched hair. His skin was a little more flushed than usual, only proving that he had just come back from a workout. 

"Almost nine." He replies, heading towards the balcony doors. "Gosh, it still smells like sex in here." she hears him say before pulling one of the doors open and taking a moment to gaze out to the city below them. 

It was bright outside. Nice enough for a jog later perhaps. 

Hyunji gives him an odd look as his back remained turned to her, her brows stitched together. 

"What time did you wake up?" 

Jungkook looks over his shoulder at her briefly, his eyes lingering on her puffy features and messy hair. The duvet remained just above her breasts, teasing him with the view of their curves. 

"Around seven, I think?" he answers and steps towards her this time, hearing her scoff.

"Didn't know you were capable of waking up that early." 

"Well," a grin spreads across his lips, "I slept like a baby." 

He hears Hyunji sigh and fall back into the sheets, pulling the sheets higher to cover her bare chest. 

She wasn’t blind. She could see him glancing down. 

"Wonder why that could be." 

"Are you sore?" 


"That's good." He leans back on his heels, "I'll make breakfast once I'm out of the shower, unless you want to go down but I suddenly feel like cooking—" 

"You're not tired?" 

He glances at her before heading towards their closet. 

"Not really. I got to check out the gym for the first time, and damn is it nice. Maybe we could go together sometime. I'll definitely be making it a routine."

"Yeah maybe." 

Jungkook grabs his clothes and looks back at Hyunji still curled up in the sheets. 

"You can sleep a bit more if you like. I'll handle everything." 

This time Hyunji shakes her head, sitting up and bringing the sheets with her. He almost chuckles. Why bother when they had already seen every bare inch of each other? 

Fighting a grin, he pulls his shirt over his head, ruffling his damp hair and taking his clothes with him towards the bathroom, knowing very well that Hyunji's eyes followed the whole way. 

“Took you long enough,” 

Hyunji looks up from attempting to dry her hair with a towel just as she walks out of the bathroom, the smell of food reaching her immediately. 

“What did you make?” she asks curiously, nearing the kitchen just as he places a plate of food right on the island counter, a proud grin spread across his lips. 

“Buchimgae.” he answers, referring to the veggie pancakes piled on top of one another on the plate. But it wasn’t the pancakes that just caught her eye. 

“Jungkook…the kitchen…” Hyunj whispers, glancing over the veggie scraps and egg shells that covered their counters, along with the mess on the stove top. However he doesn’t seem phased by it, instead rounding around the island to sit on the high chairs. 

“It’s fine. I’ll clean it after we eat. I’m starving.” 

And he did in fact not keep his word, instead laying on the couch while scrolling through his phone, an hour past the time that they had finished eating. The fact that the kitchen still remained a mess annoyed Hyunji more than ever but she didn’t have the energy to remind him for the nth time. 

With a silent scoff, Hyunji stands up from where she was sitting on the opposite smaller couch, putting aside her book and heading towards the bathroom. If he wasn’t going to clean it, then she would, and she would do it in a way that ensured that he knew she was pissed. 

But she would do that after going to the bathroom. 

Hyunji pushes the door open, about to close it, when she notices the toilet lid up. 

Even though she had kindly reminded him several times over the past week about putting it down when finishing his business. 


She only hears him hum in acknowledgement, his eyes still glued to his phone. 



This time he sits up on his elbow to look back at her. 

“How many times did I tell you to stop leaving the toilet lid up?” 

Jungkook groans and rolls his eyes. 

“Seriously?” he responds, going back to laying down and staring at his screen, “I must’ve forgotten, alright?” 

Hyunji glares at him and crosses her arms. 

“Like how you forgot to clean the mess you made in the kitchen?” 

“I said I’m going to do it!” 


“When I want to!” he sits up this time, his brows narrowed as he catches her strong glare. “God damn, why are you so grumpy today? We literally just had sex last night-” 

“Are you fucking kidding me?!” Hyunji exclaims cutting him off. He did not just say that to her. 

“You think just because you,” she brings up her fingers to make quotation marks in the air, “gave it to me, I’m supposed to be all happy about it?!” 

“That’s not what I’m saying!” he yells back, standing up this time to face her. 

“I didn’t know you would be such a jerk about it!”

“For fucks sake, listen to me!” 

“No!” they both glare at each other, infuriatiom spread over both their features. But instead of staring at him any longer as her insides boiled, Hyunji took a step back and shut the bathroom door behind her loudly.

“Fine!” she hears him say on the other side of the door as she stands with her arms crossed, “Don’t come out until you’re actually ready to listen to me!” 


She was this close to just swinging the door open and just give him a nice punch in that pretty face of his. Who was he to tell her that she was supposed to be happy because they finally fucked? As if she had been begging him this whole time. The thought of it just made her anger fume and want to walk back to him and blow off everything she was ready to say to him, starting with his audacity. 

That is until she hears a knock on their front door followed by Jungkook's footsteps and their door being opened. Unable to hold her curiosity, Hyunji leans closer to the bathroom door. 

"Hey buddy, how's it going?" 


I apologize for the wait, but my school year is now over! Hopefully I'll be getting some more writing done :) thank you for reading ♡

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