Chapter 15

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"The janitor's closet, seriously?" Hyunji whisper-yells as Jungkook is slowly shutting the door behind them once having a small peak outside to make sure the coast was clear.

"Where else are we supposed to hide?" he whispers back, and Hyunji scoffs.

"We could've just left the school, you know."


Hyunji crosses her arms and rolls her eyes, leaning back against some shelf in the janitor's closet that she now found herself inside. Apparently her parents had shown up at their school, possibly to find her and take her home just like they had been threatening to do through their now blocked text messages. And she couldn't lie, the whole thing was stressing her out, ever since Jungkook had shown up to deliver the news in the middle of the hallway.

What if her parents found her?

What if the school got involved and they were expelled?

Just about anything could go wrong, and she wasn't looking forward to finding out about how bad the whole situation was about to get.

The closet's lights flicker on, interrupting her trail of thought momentarily as she catches Jungkook's hand still by the switch. They lock eyes for a moment, and he notices the distress written along her features.

"What's wrong?" he asks with concern, almost as if he didn't know what was wrong. Like it wasn't obvious enough already.

"My parents are what's wrong." she snaps as he steps towards her, and it takes one look at his face to remind herself that this wasn't his fault and that she shouldn't be taking her anxiety out on him. Feeling guilty, she sighs and shuts her eyes for a moment, attempting to soften her nerves.
"I'm scared, Jungkook." she mutters quietly.

"I know."

Her eyes flutter open, and she finds him standing in front of her, his features soft with care; something she still hadn't gotten used to.

"I just don't know what to do, so much can go wrong, and them showing up here was so unexpected but I should have seen it coming. God I feel so stupid-"

"Hey," Jungkook cuts her off, gazing into her eyes, "Neither of us saw it coming."

"But I should have."

"Hyunji," He puts emphasis on her name, hating that she was putting herself down over something they had no control over. "You couldn't have known, alright? And even if you had, what would that change?"

He watches her eyes flicker away as she falls silent, still hugging herself with distress.

"Hey," he mutters after several moments of silence between them, tilting her chin up to him to catch her chocolate coloured eyes. "None of this is your fault, and nor is it mine. We just happened to overlook some possibilities, but that doesn't mean we're not going to figure this shit out, alright?"

He could see the fear and anxiety reflecting in her eyes, almost like a lost little girl, and it tore him to see how much pressure she was putting on herself for the smallest of things. He found himself simply caring too much to let her burden herself in a cycle that didn't seem to end.

And maybe that's why he had found himself kissing her in the following few seconds, his lips delicately pressed against hers in a cautious manner to feel her reaction, and go from there.

Fortunately for him, although caught off guard at first, Hyunji lets him pull her into a kiss that momentarily had her forgetting about the problems at hand.

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