Chapter 24

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Jungkook hadn’t said a single word to Hyunji ever since they had left their hotel room, and if anything, it made her all the more frustrated. She wasn’t the one in the position to apologise. He was, and he wasn’t owning up to his mistake. Instead they acknowledged each other's presence, but didn’t say a word hoping the other would speak up first. 

The couple sits in silence as the car engine runs, Hyunji’s arms crossed over her chest as she gazes out her window, unaware of the few glances that Jungkook threw her way as they sit at another red light. 

Between going to his parents house and being on bad terms with his wife, Jungkook could feel the weight bearing down on him. If anything they should be supporting each other at a moment like this but instead chose to ignore each other. But if one thing was for sure, Hyunji wouldn’t be the one to speak up first. 

“Just so you know, I wasn’t saying what you think I was earlier.” Jungkook manages to finally say as he looks ahead at the road and presses the gas pedal. 

He hears her scoff, still staring out at the buildings they passed by. 

“Oh yeah? What were you gonna say then, huh?” 

Jungkook shuts his eyes for a moment and takes a deep breath, calming his nerves in order to ignore the attitude in her voice. 

“I just,” he pauses for a moment and sighs, his grip on the steering wheel tightening for a moment. “I wanted today to be nice." 

"Nice? What's that supposed to mean" 

"Exactly what it sounds like, Hyunji." He responds, "We had sex last night and it was great. Whenever we're getting into it, things are all amazing, but everything outside of that we're always in some type of argument or misunderstanding or just off. I feel like half the time you're scolding me and annoyed with me. So yes, I wanted today to be nice after doing something so intimate, but if you think I'm wrong for that then so be it." 

Jungkook falls silent and Hyunji finds the courage to finally glance his way. He kept looking straight ahead, his brows furrowed and clearly upset. 

But after all he said, she couldn't blame him. It seemed like he was just trying his best to be on good terms with her and somehow she made it backfire. That didn't mean she didn't have the right to be upset for her own reasons, but it made things different after hearing his side of the story. And he wasn't wrong, she did spend most of her time being annoyed with him. 

"I'm sorry," she finally mutters out quietly, looking down at her lap briefly. "And thank you for try to do something nice, but the way you do some things irritates me. Like the breakfast was great, and I appreciate it, but you also left it a mess even though I reminded you countless times. I’m sorry for suddenly bursting out at you, but leaving a mess somewhere genuinely irritates me.” 

Finally letting out what had been going through her mind for the past hour left Hyunji feeling a bit lighter. She found it draining to be mad at someone, but too stubborn to say anything first without knowing what the other person was thinking. It was so much negative energy for the smallest thing and it made her want it all to be over. 

“And also, the way you said what you were trying to say made it sound like I should be having a good day just because we had sex last night.” she adds, glancing out the window. 

“Just so you know, I would never say that. And I really hoped you dodn’t jump to conclusions about what I’m saying sometimes.” 

“It just happens.” Hyunji mutters, looking his way for a moment and locking eyes. 

“I know.” he answers with a sigh, but forces a smile to his lips the next second. “Can we call this truce?” 

“Only if you stop leaving the toilet seat up.” 

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