Chapter 14

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"Is that what I think it is?"

Hyunji glances up from washing her hands in the bathroom sink, spotting Sumni staring at her from behind with a stunned look along her features.

Her curiosity peaks and she finally asks.

"What is it?" Hyunji asks, squeezing the water off of her hands before moving to the paper towel dispenser. But Sumni's eyes follow her.

With no response coming from her, and her eyes glued to some spot below her face, Hyunji touches her neck.

"Sumni, what's wrong?"

This time her best friend comes closer, still speechless, and touches a spot against Hyunji's neck that had made itself known when she had tied her hair back earlier in the bathroom.

"You have a hickey-"

Hyunji's eyes widen and she lets out a small gasp, taking a step back from her best friend. She then turns to the bathroom mirror, stretching her neck to the side to be able to see the mark. She spots the small bruise.

"N-no, it's just from when I was using the curling iron last night," Hyunji begins with a panic before turning back to Sumi, "and then it touched me neck and-

"Hyunji." Sumni's voice was firm as she spoke her name, "Don't even bother lying to me right now."

Oh Jungkook was so dead for this.

Hyunji's eyes squeeze shut as she groans, cupping her face into her hands.

This was just so embarrassing. Yes, she was going to tell Sumni about her relationship eventually, but this was not how this was supposed to go.

She lifts her face from her hands, her cheeks heated red as she checks the bathroom to see whether there was anyone else there.

Luckily, they were alone.

She steps forward and takes her friend's hands.

"Listen, this isn't how I was planning on telling you, but I was going to eventually, I swear." She looks into her best friend's eyes with sincerity, and Sumni slowly nods.


Hyunji nibbles on her lip for a moment and looks away, attempting to gather her thoughts and plan out how she could spill it all out without making herself look crazy.

She takes a deep breath in.

"Jungkook and I have been seeing each other."

Sumni's hands fly to her mouth.

"No way!" Sumni gasps, "Who, what, where, when, and why! You have to tell me everything!"

Hyunji chuckles at her reaction, her cheeks growing even more pink.

"You hate Jungkook! How did this even happen?! Is this like an enemies to lovers trope-?"

"Stop, stop!" Hyunji giggles as Sumni keeps bombarding her with questions.

"I need answers Hyunji!"

"I know! Just calm down!"

Sumni finally quiets down, her eyes sparkling with excitement. That is until she realises another important factor.

"Wait-your parents. How do you keep this from them?"

Hyunji's lips purse together for a moment before she replies.

"They know."


"Sumni," she pauses for a moment, "Jungkook and I are married."

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