𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓲𝓿𝓮

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Eddie was nervous. He was nervous because he hadn't talked to nor seen Steve in days. He was nervous because he feared that Steve might end things officially once the two men talked. He had no idea what to expect. No idea how Steve would react. But he was also excited to see Steve again. His heart beat faster the closer he got to the video shop that Steve was working at. His hands felt sweaty on the steering wheel of his van and he wiped each one by one on his skinny jeans — the nervousness was taking over. He felt a pit in his stomach. This was the most nerve-wrecking moment he had ever found himself in. He hadn't even been this nervous and anxious going into the Upside Down where they fought against literal monsters.

Eddie pulled into the parking lot in front of Family Video and shut off his car. He nervously tapped his steering wheel, his heartbeat so loud in his ears it almost drowned out the music coming from the radio of his car. Eddie took a few deep breaths, tried to calm down, relax a little. This was Steve after all. Steve who he loved so much and who he knew cared about Eddie a lot, too. But exactly that's what made it so much worse. Because what if Steve's feelings for Eddie weren't enough?

Was Eddie going to walk into that shop just to get his heart broken for good? Could his heart break past a mending point? Eddie wasn't sure he'd ever recover from losing Steve if it were to happen. Never before has he felt this way about anyone. And him and Steve had been through so much together, their bond was special, it was unique. The love Eddie felt for the other guy was something incredible, magical, everlasting. Maybe Eddie was overexaggerating. Perhaps he would be fine eventually after Steve dumping him. But it sure as hell would take a damn long time.

Eddie looked into the rear view mirror of his van and brushed his fingers through his messy looking hair, trying to tame his wild locks. He sighed when he came to the conclusion that his hair just wasn't to be tamed and then he shook his head, it didn't matter anyways. The look of his hair surely wasn't going to be the deciding factor whether Steve still wanted to be with him or not. Eddie sighed heavily. He had to get out of his car and walk over the parking lot to that shop. It was now or never. He had to go talk to Steve now before he had the chance to change his mind and go back home instead. The worry was threatening to get the better of him and he quickly had to stop it before it actually took over.

Each of Eddie's steps towards the video shop was filled with dread. Dread of what might happen. So many whats and ifs. What if Steve had changed his mind about Eddie? What if Steve didn't even want to give Eddie the chance to talk to him? What if, what if, what if. He couldn't allow himself to think that way any longer. He stopped in his tracks for a few moments, looking over at the shop where he saw Steve talking to a pretty blonde girl through the window. His heart sank. Steve looked happy. He was smiling at the girl, laughing about something she said.

And in that moment it felt like Eddie's worst fear had become reality. It was irrational to think that way. For all Eddie knew that girl was just a random customer and Steve was letting his charme work its magic to get the girl to leave some money in the store. Of course he was friendly, of course he was charming. He was just doing his job. He was just being Steve.

Yet, Eddie couldn't stop the negative thoughts flooding his brain. What if he would ask the girl out on a date? Eddie knew that's something Steve used to do all the time. Robin had told him about the scoreboard she had made for all the failed attempts at getting a date Steve had at the place the two of them worked at before. Could Steve have gotten over Eddie that quickly?

Eddie shook his head and proceeded to walk towards the shop. He couldn't allow his thoughts to drift off any further and imagine the worst possible outcome of things. He was just freaking himself out over nothing. Just as he reached the door and was about to step inside the blonde girl he had seen through the window slipped out, looking back over her shoulder and smiling at Steve, waving her hand a little before she walked away to her car. Eddie watched after her with a raised eyebrow for a moment and a sick feeling in his stomach. He tore his gaze away from the girl and then he finally entered the store.

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