Special 1

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Jin woke up alone this morning. It was Namjoon's birthday, and he had shared a slice of cake with his lover when the clock hit 12 am. But since Namjoom needed to go to the studio for work, they would celebrate in the evening. Jin, after discussing with Taehyung, has made a reservation at a small but pretty fancy restaurant by the seaside. He didn't want anything extravagant for the proposal. Private and simple, that's how he likes it.

He had taken a day off from his job at the acting academy, so he woke up at 11. After scrolling through social media, it was suddenly 12:30. He got up, took a shower and tidied up the bed.

Since he wasn't one to eat breakfast, he settled for a coffe and an apple. Wasn't that considered breakfast though?

He made his way back to the bedroom and opened his closet. He needed to check on the most important thing for today. He reached for the back of the first shelf, under some clothes and took the little box. It was a ring box with two silver rings with a golden line in the middle. Jin loved the design and was pretty sure Namjoon would too. After checking up on the rings, he put them back in their place.

Namjoon would be home at 3 and the reservation was at 7, so they had plenty of time to get ready. He turned on his computer and decided to play some games waiting for Namjoon.

Apparently time passes by faster than he thought, because he suddenly felt hands around his shoulder and a soft kiss on his hair. He removed his headset and turned to see Namjoon smiling at him.

"Sorry, didn't hear you coming in"

"no worries, love. How was you day?"

They shared a tender kiss before Jin finished his game and tuned off the computer.

"Are you hungry?"

He asked his lover, who just shook his head.

"No thank you. I will shower quickly"

Namjoon said as he removed his jacket and took off his shirt.

"I could use an iced coffee though"

He added as an afterthought, as he made his way to the bathroom. After he had finished his shower and put on some clothes, he made his way to the living room and found Jin with two glasses of iced coffe.

He couldn't suppress his smile and settled down next to his lover, leaving barely any space between them.

"What's with this clingy behavior?"

Jin asked jokingly as he gave Namjoon his glass. The latter pressed a soft kiss on Jin's cheek and took a sip from his coffee. They sat like this for a while, talking about work and games.

"Do you want your present now?"

Namjoon looked at his lover.

"you know you don't need to buy me anything, we're past this stage"

He answered Jin.

Of course they were past this stage, and Jin knew it. He just happened to come across a leather notebook a few days ago and he couldn't help but buy it thinking about how Namjoon would wrote all his lyrics in it.

"It's a small thing that made me think of you, I would have bought it anyways"

He said as he stood up and went to the drawer to get the wrapped present. Namjoon smiled at him as he took it and unwrapped it, more like tore the whole paper off, to reveal the leather notebook.

It was so beautiful, and Namjoon's heart warmed at the thoughtful present of his lover.

"Thanks love, I will write all my love songs in it"

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