Chapter 4

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"Jimin, I really don't want to go. Please break my arm. I be-"

"Taehyung, you're going, no more arguing."

Jimin said sternly and glared at Taehyung who pouted and remained still. They were in a changing room, and the celebration has already started half an hour ago.

Taehyung and Jungkook signed the marriage contract two days ago, and decided to celebrate today. Of course, Taehyung has told Jimin everything immediately after Jungkook had left when they first met.

Jimin was in shock, he couldn't believe anything. He thought Taehyung was pranking him or some shit. It's understandable, I mean, who wouldn't be shocked if they knew their best friend is getting married to a random guy?

"it's not going to be bad, tae, relax"

Jimin reassured as he fixed his white tuxedo that matched Taehyung's. The younger nodded silently.

Taehyung's phone rang, it was his father. He answered the call to know that his father is waiting in the car for them to drive them to the hall where the celebration takes place.

"come on, Chim, let's go to hell"

Jimin chuckled at his friend's remark and followed him downstairs to the black car, where Daehyun was waiting for them.

After a 15 minutes ride, they arrived at their destination. It was quiet outside, even though there were some people parking their cars and chatting. They were obviously attending the celebration as well.

Taehyung got out following Jimin and his father, when they walked closer to the hall, Taehyung was able to see Jungkook waiting outside. He was wearing a black tuxedo and looked fine as hell, that's what Taehyung thought.

"you're finally here"

Jungkook spoke and looked at Taehyung obviously checking him out.

He stretched out his hand to signal Taehyung to hold it. The younger furrowed his eyebrows but then remembered, he's now married to Jungkook.

"Come on, let's go inside"

Jungkook told Taehyung, who accepted his hand and walked with him. Following them, there was a smirking Jimin and a..not so impressed Daehyun.

Taehyung was nervous, he was literally slightly shaking.

Jungkook noticed it since they were holding hands. He looked over at Taehyung and saw how forced his smile was.

"hey, don't worry. Just be yourself"

The brown haired said calmly making Taehyung a bit relieved, since the latter thought he has to act like a royal or something like that.

When they entered the hall, every head, literally every head turned to them and everyone became quiet.

Jungkook walked with a now very nervous and afraid Taehyung to the podium.

"greetings, everyone. I'd like to introduce you to the most important person for this gathering. Jeon Taehyung, my husband"

Jungkook announced and Taehyung was dying on the inside upon hearing 'Jeon Taehyung'. It sounded so wrong.

Everybody applauded for a short while, some were smiling and others looked very bored. And most of them not even interested.

The two 'husbands' walked off the podium, still holding hands with Jungkook leading the way.

He was heading to a group of four boys, sitting next to the food. One of them was busy eating while laughing at some funny movement an other boy did. A black haired male was sitting and listening to a taller male talking to him.

Not to mention, they looked so breathtaking.

"Kook! Congrats bud"

A red haired male, the one who was dancing some funny movements, approached them. Taehyung hid himself behind Jungkook out of reflex.

"Thanks, Hoseok hyung. And Taehyung come out and stop being a brat"

Jungkook said sternly making Taehyung pout and puff his cheeks in annoyance. But of course he did what he was told.

"Hello, I'm Ki- Jeon Taehyung. Nice to meet you"

He bowed slightly with a smile replacing his pout as he introduced himself.

The other boys smiled at him and of course introduced themselves as well. They were all older and friendly.  And at some point Jimin joined them and got along with them as well, faster than Taehyung since the silver head was a bit more shy.

Of course, since Jungkook and his parents were a very known family, Taehyung had to greet every single person they know who attended the celebration. And he was tired, really tired.

"Jungkook, can we go home..please?"

Taehyung said as he tugged his husband's sleeve with his free hand.
Jungkook, who was having a conversation with an old couple, looked over at Taehyung and signaled him to remain quiet.

It didn't take long for Jungkook to end the conversation but for Taehyung it felt like years have passed.

"what's wrong?"

Jungkook asked as turned to Taehyung and intertwined their fingers together.

"I'm tired, wanna go home"

Taehyung pouted and pleaded with his puppy eyes. Jungkook sighed, they couldn't leave just like that. The celebration was for them but how could he say no to Taehyung..?

"fine, go tell your father and that shorty so they don't get worried"

Taehyung chuckled and went to the two males to tell them. His father was against them going so early but Taehyung didn't bother to listen to the older and just bid them goodbyes.

"we can go"

Taehyung told Jungkook as he walked towards him, Jungkook hummed as a response and wrapped an arm around Taehyung's waist as they walked out, gaining everyone's attention.

Taehyung blushed at the action but didn't mind it.

They walked out and entered Jungkook's car, and for a second, Taehyung forgot that his home is now Jungkook.


I'm not happy with this chapter aT ALL UGH it turned out so bad gosh.

The next one will be probably shorter I'm not sure yet tho.

Do you have any remarks, questions or critics?

Btw I'm sorry, I actually had to publish this yesterday but I didn't cuz I'm at a sleepover and I forgot the chapter XD


Ugh I'm so ejsbfj and then we played Just Dance I'm so horrible at it but it was fun.

And then we watched The Rise of The Guardians and oMG it was so funny and sad idk how to feel-

Yea and I just woke up, at 8:15, and everyone is asleep kms.

K that's it lol, have a good day, byee❤

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