Chapter 11

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"I still have to go back to the office, I will drop you at home"

Jungkook said as he took a turn and stopped at the red light. Taehyung, still shocked at what has happened, nodded silently. The elder looked at Taehyung and smiled amused by how much the younger is blushing.

"Earth to Taehyung? Hello?"

Taehyung turned his face to the older and muttered a small 'what'.

"Mmhm nothing"

Jungkook answered and continued driving after the light has turned green. When they arrived to their destination, Taehyung whispered a small 'thanks' and immediately got out of the car. Jungkook chuckled at the younger and drove back to his workplace.

Taehyung went to his room and threw himself on the bed frustrated. His heart is still pounding and his feelings are all over the place.

"Damn him, he could've just handed me a tissue"

Taehyung got up and went to change his clothes. He opened his closet to find something to wear. After some seconds he noticed a black shirt he has never seen before. He picked it up and looked at it. It was not his size.

"Hmm maybe mum has bought it for me"

He thought and started changing his clothes. He wore the black oversized shirt with some short shorts that exposed his tanned thighs.

He grabbed his phone and went to the kitchen. Jimin must know about what has happened.

After grabbing a cold cola from the fridge, he went to the living room and dialed Jimin's number. The other immediately picked up.

"yoooo how's my best friend doing? You abandoned me after getting married"

"Jimin we literally talked yesterday shut up"

"yeah sure. So what's up?"

Taehyung took a deep breathe ready to tell what has happened

"So listen Jimin..."

And so he told his best friend about the incident with his 'husband'.

And Jimin?

He lost his shit.


Taehyung had to move the phone from his ear so he wouldn't get deaf. Jimin was screaming in his ears out of excitement.

"So he actually kissed you? Like, kissed you?? Oh my God that's so cute-"

"It's nooooot!!"

Taehyung protested in an annoyed tone. Jungkook kissed him without his permission.

"Oh come ooon, how did it feel when he kissed you?"


Taehyung answered immediately.

"Be honest with me, how did it feel?"

Jimin asked again knowing the other was pretending he didn't like it.



"Well, in all honesty, it was not as bad as I imagined it to be-"

"So you liked it?"

Jimin teased his friend who started blushing.

"I didn't say that!"

"Well I'm saying that. I bet you liked it, didn't you?"


Taehyung whispered but it was loud enough for Jimin to hear.

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