A Quick Stop at Omi's Apartment Building

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Raimundo Pedrosa's brain: What the hey am I doing?

Raimundo navigated the streets of New York City with Kimiko Tomye following closely behind him. What exactly was wrong with that picture? The two of them had only just met that morning and barely even knew one another. Despite the two of them having just met not even an hour prior to that point of time, they both had to trust one another with not only their own lives but the lives of her papa and his youngest sister, too.

Raimundo Pedrosa's brain (continued): What the hey have I even gotten myself into?

Interestingly enough, Raimundo and Kimiko's journey to his New York friend, Omi's, apartment would have actually been pretty amusing if the two of them both knew that the other person on their joint journey together thought the same thing as they, themselves, had thought.

Kimiko Tomye's mind: What am I even doing with this guy?

Kimiko barely even knew who Raimundo Pedrosa even was, but what she did know about him was that he had a sister and was apparently a New Yorker since he never even once stopped to look at the street signs to make sure he knew where he was going. He never even once paused during their journey onto his apartment, not even just for a break.

Kimiko Tomye's mind (continued): No. Not his apartment. His New Yorker friend, Omi's, apartment where he's been staying since arriving in New York several months back. Of course, that would obviously mean that Raimundo's not from New York.

Kimiko just scolded at her mind from there, especially since she was not exactly a native New Yorker, herself, and had a roommate she was keeping her true past hidden from, too. Afterwards, she just continued to follow after Raimundo on their way to his New Yorker friend's apartment and focused on that, alone.

Kimiko Tomye's mind (continued): Wasn't something just like this covered in one of my classes on 'what not to do 101' or something? I remember it being sort of near the beginning of that textbook.

Kimiko had no real choice at the time due to her papa being in danger along with Raimundo's youngest sister.

Kimiko Tomye's mind (continued): I admit that I'm pretty curious as to just what this Raimundo guy has to do with any of this. Why was he even dragged into this sick game whoever's putting papa's and my lives on the line as some kind of sick joke?

Kimiko kept her questions to herself at the time, however, since she and Raimundo did not really need any more of those at the time. They already had enough they needed to process without having to ask about one another. She continued to follow behind him as they moved through the crowds of New York City.

Kimiko Tomye's mind (continued): Man, this guy's hot. Not like this is the first time I've thought this way about him, though. I mean, just look at him; he's at least a good head taller than I am. Not to mention he's got broad shoulders and such a muscular, well-toned body.

Of course, Kimiko was just guessing how well-toned Raimundo's body really was judging not only by his grip on her arm from back at his friend, Omi's, martial arts dojo gym but also by how nicely his two-layer shirt had hugged his form. He was not really trying to show off to her, she had ascertained. He certainly did not hide exactly how fit he truly was, and was he ever fit.

Suddenly, Raimundo stopped, and Kimiko just barely missed slamming into his back. He turned to face her and noticed just how close she was to him.

Kimiko Tomye's mind (continued): Focus!

Raimundo Pedrosa: We're here.

Raimundo keyed in on the door to the apartment. Kimiko nodded mostly to herself and followed Raimundo inside his friend's apartment as soon as the door had been unlocked. They stepped into the lobby of Omi's apartment. It was completely covered in marble. Kimiko admired the detail on it.

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