Interpol Officer Clay Bailey's Worries

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Back at the American headquarters of the International Police in Washington D.C., Clay had gotten even more worried than before about his work friend in the New York office, Raimundo, and exactly how well the Brazilian could have possibly been holding up after the incident between the both of them. The cowboy turned Interpol officer had only wanted to make sure that his Brazilian friend was not feeling any unnecessary guilt about the incident and planning on taking his own life just to relieve himself of his guilty conscience. Clay would have done anything to make sure that Raimundo was not going to give up the fight that was his life just yet.

Clay Bailey: That ain't at all what I'm saying. I just don't think that things like this come outta thin air.

Clay's immediate superior bore an expression of annoyance on his middle-aged face. The cowboy turned Interpol officer had only been under said middle aged man's command for about a month since his previous superior turned out to be a double agent from within the International Police. Clay and his new superior, however, kept on butting heads over the matter that was his best work friend, Raimundo.

Clay Bailey's immediate superior: What makes you think that, Agent Bailey?

Clay Bailey: Because, Agent Staller, it's only common sense that I'd think it. Ask anybody who's ever watched a mobster movie. Crime syndicates like the Heylin don't open themselves up overnight, least of all over something as small time as an arms deal. This has been goin' on for a long time and there is somethin' bigger here than just the transference of a few guns here and there.

International Police Officer Staller: And what might you think is going on?

Clay Bailey: I haven't got the faintest clue as to what, but it's just common sense. Like I told ya, the Heylin Organization wouldn't put their heads on the chopping block just for somethin' as small time as a gun deal. That part, there's, nothin' but a cover. There's somethin' bigger goin' on here, a lot bigger. I just know it. Trust me on this.

Agent Staller was not quite sold on what Clay just continued to tell him about the Heylin Organization. He even shook his head as he told Clay his next words.

International Police Officer Staller: Sorry, Agent Bailey, but you need to get me some proof before I can call off this strike.

Clay just growled at Agent Staller for his doubts.

Clay Bailey: Don't ya think I would if I could? I can't do nothin' when I'm basically chained to a desk.

Agent Staller got annoyed with this same old conversation with the most restless agent under his watch.

International Police Officer Staller: Don't start that with me again, Agent Bailey! You're benched 'till you can get your medical clearance. You know that better than anybody else in this Interpol office.

Clay Bailey: Ya could at least think about it, boss man. I'm beggin' ya ta think about it. If ya fixate too much o' yer focus on this tiny gun's deal, yer not gonna be able to think o' the possibility that there's somethin' else goin' on with the Heylin Organization from right under yer noses.

International Police Officer Staller: Again, Agent Bailey, get me some evidence to support your theory that this gun's deal isn't the Heylin Organization's main event and then, you and I can talk about it.

With that, Agent Staller turned and stalked off as he left a frustrated and highly annoyed Clay behind. The blonde Texan cowboy turned Interpol officer stifled a groan and shuffled right back into his desk, the very same desk to which he was basically chained because he had yet to receive medical clearance to get back out in the field. He checked his messages and found them still void of any and all life. He knew the guns deal was practically being advertised to keep the Interpol division from which he had worked, the Interpol division which focused on the Heylin Crime Syndicate Organization, away from whatever was really going on with them... he just knew it. They were normally just called the Heylin by their adversaries amongst the Interpol.

Clay Bailey's thoughts: Must be somethin' big.

Clay logged onto his computer once again as he let his thoughts keep tabs on his theory regarding that of which the Heylin was really up to when forgetting their little ruse of an arms deal. Before the incident that had pretty much bound the blonde Texan cowboy turned Interpol officer to a chair and a desk, Clay and his best friend from their division of the International Police, Raimundo, had been neck deep into the pursuit to take down the Heylin. Smaller levels of the crime syndicate organization had usually been taken out eventually. It was, however, the mysterious head, or rather heads, of the Heylin who were always the main focus for their division of the Interpol.

Raimundo had been deeply involved him and Clay taking out a high-ranking member of the Heylin. She could have even been a second in command of some sort. She had gotten away on a technicality, however, but not before Clay's Brazilian friend, Raimundo, could do his fair share of damage to the woman's reputation. Granted, it was also a giant risk. At the same time, however, the woman never once knew his real identity.

Clay sighed and began getting to work on looking for some kind of hit, any kind of hit, that would prove his hunch about the Heylin Crime Syndicate Organization's real intentions for the havoc they had high hopes of unleashing on the world.

Clay Bailey's thoughts (continued): This sure would be a lot easier if Rai were still here at the office with me.

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