Studying Scavenger Hunt Clue No I

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Kimiko sat back up from lying down on the couch and slid over even closer to Raimundo as the Brazilian Interpol officer spoke to her once again.

Raimundo Pedrosa: Well then, we should really get started on solving this first clue already.

Kimiko crinkled her nose at Raimundo as if she were desperate to figure out the clue right away.

Kimiko 'Tomye': I've never been all that good with riddles, though, is the only thing.

Raimundo gave Kimiko a suggestion as to how she could understand the riddle in which the instructions for the first clue were held.

Raimundo Pedrosa: Readin' the riddle aloud sometimes helps you to understand it better than you would if you read it in your head.

With his suggestion to her, Kimiko silently urged Raimundo forward closer to her.

Raimundo Pedrosa (continued): Here goes. Welcome to the start of our little game. Ready to put it all on the line? Find the thirteenth floor, although it's far from home. There is where you'll get your first command.

As soon as Raimundo finished reading the riddle aloud, Kimiko certainly seemed to have a thing to say.

Kimiko 'Tomye': Well, I can't believe it; I've still got nothing.

Raimundo Pedrosa: We're gonna need to take this apart piece by piece, then.

Although Kimiko had just barely heard what her new partner had said regarding the game into which the two of them had both been drafted, Raimundo had meant to say what he did more to himself than out loud with her listening in on his words.

Kimiko 'Tomye': Are you sure we can? There are no parameters to our assigned search for us to go on, really. We don't even know where to start. We've got nothing.

After a moment or two in silence, Raimundo spoke to his newest partner, Kimiko, once again.

Raimundo Pedrosa: That's not entirely true, you know.

Of course, Kimiko was pretty shocked by what her new partner, Raimundo, had told her by then.

Kimiko 'Tomye': Why's that? Do you know something about this that I don't?

Raimundo stared off into space as he spoke to Kimiko.

Raimundo Pedrosa: I don't know why, but for one reason or another, there's something familiar about this.

Kimiko 'Tomye': The clue seems familiar to you?

Raimundo only shook his head at Kimiko's question. Clearly, he was thinking about what had seemed familiar to him about whatever it was. So, she chose to just leave the Brazilian be. Raimundo was quiet for a while before finally speaking up once again about the game into which he and Kimiko were both drafted.

Raimundo Pedrosa: I just can't quite put my finger on it, but the whole format of this game seems familiar to me. I feel like I've heard of it before.

Kimiko knew that her partner, Raimundo, had to be messing with her by then. She had not been amused by it at the time, though.

Kimiko 'Tomye': You're kidding me, right, aren't you? You've gotta be just fooling around with me on that statement. You said, yourself, what it was like before. You'd called it a scavenger hunt, only in this particular scavenger hunt, the prizes are people walking away with their lives. It's particularly our own loved ones walking away with their lives.

Raimundo did not understand why at the time, but he just could not help the grin which had grown itself onto his face by then. She might not have felt that way about him, but the Brazilian former Interpol officer certainly found his newest partner, Kimiko, to be pretty amusing at the time, even if it was by sheer coincidence. That was when the thing the game in which the two of them were both drafted into for participation had finally come to Raimundo.

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