chapter (5)

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Author note: before this start, I'd like to say I'm sorry for not updating sooner I lost track of time now you can read.

This story has:
𝗔𝗻𝗴𝘀𝘁, 𝗮𝗯𝘂𝘀𝗲, 𝘀𝘂𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀, not eating, f slur.


Drew POV:

I was laying on my bed after the argument I had a few days ago with Jake, I couldn't talk to him everytime I do he has a annoyed look in his face that drove me away and made me panic. Maybe this is all my fault? He avoided me alot now, I couldn't get out of bed so I stayed home for 2 days I feel nothing but regret for not telling Jake that my girlfriend did this, guilty for what happened to Jake And I just feel like I should of never met him if I never met him he'd be friends with the club and don't need me around to stop him. My dad is right 'I'm just worthless and ungrateful I'm worth nothing not even a Penny people only talk to me because I'm popular' I'm so spoiled by stuff my dad buys me when he's not getting angry at me. My mom hasn't came home for a while I wonder if she's ever coming back usually she'd come back from her party's I guess I'm alone now, Henry and Liam hasn't talked to me in a while and kept there distance now I feel terrible.'

'Maybe if i hanged myse- no. I can't give up I can't go so low, what's wrong with me? I'll have to tell the music fre- club that Zoey did it even if I don't want to, I mean it's Jake where talking about I'll do anything to help him.  Now I just have to get out of bed and go to school.. easy, right?'

I sighed to myself sitting up from my bed, I felt like a bat hit my stomach. I got up stretching "good another day of hell." I said walking to the mirror to see how ugly I am, awesome. I looked at myself threw the mirror and grabbed a brush from on the table the mirror was on, I brushed my hair actually feeling confident in myself, I tryed to preformed the words that I had to say to the music club.  "I'm sorry I was being a jerk to you guys, yeah right lile they'd ever forgive me? Maybe I should just talk to one music club member, I'd get nervous if I talked to all of them" I said talking as low as I could so my dad don't hear me. I sighed and instantly knew who to ask for help and I know they like Jake.. so its worth a shot, 'hailey.' I knew her name I just used 'the president of the freaks' because it was easier. But it's clear I'd have to ask her for help, but- this do NOT mean where friends.

I talked in my head the lines again, I didn't know what exactly to tell her and just thought if I find her I'll know what to say by then, Jake is more important I would even talk to my enemies to make him happy.. Ugh I hate these feelings he gave me maybe it's good he's avoiding me I don't like these feelings at all and I don't like feeling like a fag.


I got done with my hair and already changed from my night clothes into my school ones I wasn't hungry today infact I haven't eaten at home after what happened I only eat with Henry and Liam at lunch but they just talk to each other fully ghosting me.

I opened the door to my room opening it, I had my bookbag on already, I hurried downstairs tiptoeing I saw my dad sleeping on the couch as I went to the front door I unlocked it and then closed it back, I haven't seen outside for a while the breeze felt so good. I waited for my bus the bus pulled up and i got up the stairs from the bus, as I scanned the bus for a open seat I saw one ... Right next to Jake he wasnt looking, he had headphones in so I just walked to the seat beside to Jake and took it, I looked the other way because I didn't want to see Jake with a annoyed, mad, disgusted look. My face is already ugly so I'm doing him a favor and not looking at him

Jake POV:

I was looking out the window when I felt someone sit on the seat beside me, I didn't hear who it was I sigh-eyed them and I realize who it was. It was drew, I fucking hated him why of all people he had to sit next to me? Didn't I make It clear I hated him, whatever. My song just got done and then there was silence, I put my hands on my lap because I felt a shiver of anger in me I keep remembering what happened everytime I see my ex friend. Ugh why won't he just go away, until I heard a familiar voice.

Drew POV:

I got all my confidence and started to talk "so Jake about before..." I said stopping after I said it, I wanted to continue but he wouldnt listen to me and just ignored me for a little. "What about before? You mean when you fucking made me lose my real friends way better then you. Now Leave me alone" he said with a angry tone I was scared at this I mean.. it should be normal that he's mad but his voice scares me now, maybe I should kill myself. No No NO. my mind repeated rapidly, I then grabbed Jake's hand "PLEASE LISTEN PLEASE." I yelled. I know my plan was supposed to talk to Hailey but I was still scared right now so I just thought maybe talking to him will help.. but I just grabbed his hand, even if I tryed to act like I didn't notice I just keep blushing at it, I just did that. I just grabbed his hand, he stared at me with a  disgust looked like the ones Zander gave me. That hurted but whatever, he pulled his hand from mine "don't touch me, and don't come near me. Leave me alone." He says, I was so scared and I didn't know what to do, at this point if I do explain he won't even say anything or he will think I'm lying. I don't have proof anyway I plan on sneaking Zoey's phone later so I just gave up. "Ok." I say leaning on the seat waiting for the hell ride to end.


The bus stopped and the bus driver signaled us to leave and that's what we did.. as I got off the  bus I saw Jake walk away like nothing happened, he looks like he hasn't slept in years. This was my fault I'll have to wait when it's lunch time now, I walked into the school fully ignoring Henry and Liam who just stared at me with worried faces trying to talk to me, why would they wanna talk to me now. Why now if they could of been talked to me? I put my bookbag into my locker closing it, I didn't wanna go to class though anything but that. I thought it would be a great idea to just skip one tiny class or come in late a little.


I walk down a lot of lockers and I hear a familiar voice "it's ok I'll break up with him baby." It sounded like Zoey so I followed the voice, I then saw her kissing another boy. And he looked like a grade bigger then ares what the fuck. I just looked at her with a disgusted look then she realized I was there "wait! Drewy bear it isn't what it looks l-like!..." She made me sick at this point, the guy just looked at me I wanted to kill him and her. I just whispered to Zoey "where over and I'll make your life a living hell for cheating on me. Don't get mad when you see rumors going around." I smile with a blank expression, the guy just got angry and walked up to me "what do you think your doing, hurting my girl!? You fuck boy" the guy pissed me off so fucking bad I will make him wish he wasn't born. "Help me babe, he's trying hurt me!" Zoey yelled to her sugar daddy, I wish I could laugh at that I just went up to the guys and pushed him, then stepped on him then jumped on the ground, he hit his head on the ground "fuck." He said under his breath, Zoey was shocked and started to help him "this is fucking why I only use you for money. I used you, and it was worth it." She said, those words sank into me and hurted like really bad. I tryed to act like it didn't but it did "I shouldn't keep my breath because of you, your not even worth it. Anyone is better then you, you golddigging bitch." I really wanted to throw my phone I had in my pocket at her but I can't hurt a girl. Her sugar daddy looks good with a blood on am I right?. I chuckled and walked away as she wined, I could understand why she would use me tho. I'm a fuck up anyway but I'm happy she did that now I understand how much of a bitch she is and how much I'm happy I'm telling the club off Abt her.


I walk to my next class, and sat down it was boring and no one seemed to realize I was gone from my last class. Good.

I was done and it was about lunch already, I didn't wanna eat anything tho. So I just went to the music room, and started to look for Hailey, then I ran into someone. And it was......







Hailey . .

Author note: #cliffhanger also sorry Abt me not posting I usually post everyday, I'll try to tho, and have a great day or night.

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