chapter (6)

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This story has:
𝗔𝗻𝗴𝘀𝘁 , 𝘁𝗼𝘅𝗶𝗰-𝗶𝘀𝗵 𝘁𝗺𝗳 rude-ish Hailey.

Be aware of these.


Hailey's POV:

I was walking down the hall then bumped into someone, it was drew. Of all people I had to bump into it had to be drew!? This day just had to get any worse, I just sighed "excuse me." I was going to walk away until I heard him call my name. "Hailey! Can I talk to you." I was confused in why and how he said my name, I thought he'd usually pick on me, this better not be a prank of some sort I can't trust this bastard.

"What do you want drew. I have things to do." I was already pissed at Jake so this wasn't helping really, I looked at him as he got the nerve to stay quiet, this is wasting my time. "Wait- uhm it's about Jake.." drew whispered to me, what about Jake. He's a traitor and called me all of that stuff, I don't wanna even speak about his name. "What about him?" I said balling my fist a little "I don't wanna hear that name again, now you can carry on and be a huge basta-" "HAILEY. ITS ABOUT THE RECORDING HE DIDNT MEAN IT." Drew yelled out, I was absolutely stunned. What did he mean he didn't mean it..but he said all of that crap about the club? I was silent until drew spoke again. "Zoey uh.. recorded it. We all manipulated him and put things in his head!" THEY WHAT?! why would they do that. They are such idiots this makes sense. At least I don't have to hate Jake anymore but what if this was some kind of prank, like why would drew tell me this why drew. All he cares is his self why is he acting like he cares about Jake? "H-how do I know this isn't a kind- of prank.." I whimpered, I was so scared of being lied to. "It's not I swear. If it was I would be picking on you and I'm not.. please believe me! He slapped me yesterday and i- I just want things back to how it was.." he actually looked sorry, I felt guilty for drew so I agreed to help him make the club believe us. "So what's are plan?" I asked "well obviously to get Zoey's phone idiot" he said with hands in his pocket, I rolled my eyes and flicked my hair "and how are we gonna do that garbage boy?" I chuckled, he gave me a stare "I don't know freak girl.." he said, at this point the word 'freak' didn't make me annoyed, well only because where working together right now. Why I agree to this? Oh yeah, only because of Jake and for Jake. I don't care about drew I'm only doing this for Jake after I can go back to talking to Jake, And seeing his smile! "You don't know?—" I chuckled and he looked away, it was pretty funny to see drew be dumb sometimes.
"We just have to find a time when Zoey's alone maybe." Drew said shrugging at what he said, that was a good idea but it was a pretty obvious idea so I guess we can work with it. "Maybe, I can distract her and you take the phone, I mean I did break up with her and I know she'd be begging me." Drew grinned I just rolled my eyes, woah I didn't know he broke up with Zoey, who knew drew was a good friend, or maybe he's just faking no way drew could ever change.

"Yeah sounds good, but what day?" "Tomorrow when she's going to the mall, she goes to the mall everyday" drew said "yeah sure, cya drew" I smiled and walked away happily and drew walked away to..

Drew POV:

it was the end of the day and I was already happy to go home, I hope my dad be there this time, I walked inside and closed the door behind me. My dad handed me a new controller and ps5 and walked back to his office. I wish I could buy his love. I headed upstairs closing the door behind me. I got dressed and went to my bed and layed down, I can't wait for tomorrow I want to make things right even if Jake stop talking to me and the jomies even if he avoid me.

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