chapter (8)

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This story has:
𝗔𝗻𝗴𝘀𝘁, 𝘁𝗼𝘅𝗶𝗰-𝗶𝘀𝗵 𝘁𝗺𝗳.

Bro aware of this.



As they walked Threw the halls, the two frenemies drew and Hailey found the music room.
Hailey asked if he wanted to go in first teasing him he disagreed he felt nervous and uncomfortable going in the music club where the people be bullied was at "hah you scared?" Hailey said with one of her eye brows up "w-what. No I'm not! I just don't wanna go in your stupid club" she rolled her eyes as she walked into the club room, everyone faced her as she smiled "huh? Hailey why are you so happy and haven't been excited for the last couple of days." Luke said with a confused shallow voice, Hailey giggled "hmm so what is it." Zander said looking up at her as everyone else was silent "so it's about uh.. Jake" Hailey said looking away from them, they all got from a confused look to a furious one, everyone except Sean.

"What? What about HIM." Zander said balling his fist "don't tell me you still like hi-" "shut up Zander you didn't let me finish." Hailey crossed his arms as Zander looked unsatisfied, the others stayed silent until Milly sighed and started to talk. "So what about him? He's a traitor." Milly was serious and everyone else just moved there eyes to her.

Hailey looked down "well it's not his fault.." "he made you cry." Zander mumbled out Hailey looked down knowing that drew is most definitely is hearing this whole conversation, Hailey didn't know if bringing drew into the club room would make anyone excited from how he treated them all, Milly would probably slap him or slam him she's very strong. Everyone was silent as the silent got thicker and thicker "well uh.." Luke said breaking the huge silent that crept in the room.

Meanwhile with drew. Drew was outside the club room, wandering around the hall back and forth waiting for Hailey, he then put his ear next to the door to hear the conversation he started to get bored and inpatient "ugh would that freak hurry already" he said finding a nearby chair, he grabbed the chair and sat on it and closed his eyes. "A little rest won't hurt anyone." He grinned as he fainted to the dark void he drifted away. Now.. back with Hailey and the club
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Luke started to talk again "maybe we all should stop interrupting Hailey, she's trying to say something and as friends we should listen." Luke smiled a nervous smile. They all looked at Luke "Luke's right, so what was you saying Hailey? About Jake?" Sean said sitting on a chair. Zander and Milly stayed silent as they all faced Hailey, Hailey smiled "thanks Luke and Sean.. and about Jake I have proof he didn't mean it." Zander looked surprise but also a little unedged "DIDNT MEAN IT? yeah sure he didn't mean it..I gave him my trust and he blew it" "Zander..." Luke said putting his hand on his shoulder, Zander looks at Luke as he calmed down and took a deep breath. "i.." Zander mumbled "anyways, As I was saying he was manipulated bye his friend group." "How do you know that!?" Sean asked, Hailey stopped before answering they all would get mad if she told them that she was talking to DREW so she lied.

"Uhm.. daisy" "but how would she even know?" "She said that uhm Lia uh- it doesn't matter she's the class president and she asked Jake about it and he explained it yeah and she told me!" Hailey said stuttering, they belived her Because daisy does know lots of things knowing she's higher then them and head lady.
"ahem anyways yeah." "So what? How did he get manipulated." "Well here let me show you a recording Zoey have in her phone before he said those things." Hailey said grabbing Zoey's phone from her pocket, they looked surprised "WHAT- HOW DID YOU GET HER PHONE?" they all said at syc "I have my ways." Actually no drew helped her with it. As Zander grabbed the phone from Hailey's hand and clicked play, they all watched it "wait!? He was defending us-" Milly said confused but a smile crept on her face they all put a smile on there faces but Zander just felt bad about yelling at Hailey. The video then stopped, Hailey smiled "see-" "Hailey I'm sorry.. I should of never yelled at you I just hate seeing you sad!" Zander said looking down not wanting to make eye contact they all looked at Zander "hey it's ok Zander we all know you want to keep her safe" Sean said, Hailey hugged him "it's ok, it's not your fault" Hailey said as Zander made eye contact staying silent "but how are we gonna let him back in, we didn't even let him speak where bad friends.." Luke said rubbing his risk, they all looked down "we should say sorry we haven't been good friends either." Hailey said smiling "yeah but, those jerks did this. Why do he not see there manipulative!" Hailey stayed silent, she knew drew helped even if they are a couple of jerks he said he wouldnt bully them for Jake. "Guys.. let's not" Hailey said trying to lighten up the mood "but why they bully us." "Well the mood just got lightened let's talk about something else like helping Jake get back in!" They all listened to Hailey and smiled "ok so what about this" luke said, as they all came up with ideas..


Drew woke up from the nap and went to the clubs door that was open to hear the conversation, drew heard lots of ideas they came up with for Jake coming back into the club. "Well. At least there all back in track with Jake.. I'll just be alone again it was a matter of time anyways.." drew said everything going blank as he smirked, he hold back his tears.. maybe after this Jake will be friends with drew again? No. Hailey don't want him near the club none of the club members likes him. And no one even knows he helped.. maybe this is the end??

Words: 1048


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