valentine special 💞

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~ || Tw: drake ⊂⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠⊂⁠) || ~
~ || Tw: droey ⊂⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠⊂⁠) || ~

----Freshman Drake----

Drew walked down the hallway on his phone as someone spoke to him, they had brown hair with darkish greenish eyes "dude, you know it's Valentine's day? Are you gonna ask out Zoey?~" he asked drew, drew started to speak not even looking away from his phone "Mhm, If i have time" he says stopping at his locker "man, you need a break. I'll probably ask out one of the girls probably maria she's pretty hot don't ya' think?" Brown hair says smirking "uhh... i dunno dude she's your crush not mine" drew says replying "yeah your right, don't want you stealing my girl if you know what i mean." the boy say's hitting Drew's shoulder playfully "yup." Drew replies hesitantly "anyways me and the others are having a party maria is hosting it, ya wanna come? You can invite whoever.. I'll invite one of my mates their will be lots of games and plus, zoey will be there. This will be your once in a life time shot" The taller guy says to the shorter guy "Mmh, I'll think about it" drew says forcing a smile as he gets finished putting his bag in his locker. "well, I'll cya at the party if you come" The brown head says walking away waving "Later" Drew say's waving back, jake then walks past Drew "oh hi bud" Drew says before jake made it to the other side of the hallway "oh hi.." jake says giving a nervous look "so... It's Valentines day today, got anyone you like?" Drew asks nicely not tryna give him a fright, Jake stares at him for a split second zoning out then he realizes what he just said. "OH! uhm.. not really... Though i do like this girl named daisy, i just met her a week ago, would that be to sudden if i asked her out?" jake says asking him a question at the end which its drew a bit surprised sense he isn't good at the "lovey dovey" stuff .. or advice, Drew thought for a bit And he couldn't think of anything but this. "Well, you get along pretty great and i see you guys hang out pretty much, shes the class president right? I'm sure she'll like you dude. Your pretty likeable." Drew says forming a grin on his face "i am?" jake asks, drew stops and looks at him "hm?" "i'm...likable?" jake asks again, drew cheeks starts to turn pink and so did jake's "i mean...yeah of course your pretty cool- i mean uhm, WHO WOULDN'T DATE YOU- dude. Heh.. I'm just being a good friend and who wouldn't date my BEST FRIEND...Haha.." drew says panicking as his heart raced and skip beats, jake looks at him As his eye shined Jake blushed like crazy he felt some sort of butterflies in his stomach. Jake replied "oh..yeah, thanks" jake says smiling "no problem man.." Drew said "there's a party" drew says out of no where "what?" jake look confused "THERES A PARTY, one of my friends invited me and he said i can invite whoever i want. And i wanted to ask you and the other's (Liam,Henry)" Drew explains "ohh, I'll ask my mom, it sounds like a great idea and it could be fun! I'll ask Daisy if she wants to come.." Jake smiles "heh, sure dude I'll just tell them i invited her.." drew smile faded a bit "anyways we should get to class" drew says grabbing jake hand as he ran to the class,,,
(I'll make a part two to what happened at the party,, skipping to next day [party already happened]) ~

Drew comes to school happy, the party was fun there where lots of games, he seemed to not be all that happy Zoey was there it's like he didn't really like her but he always convinced himself he did, most of the girls/boys that got asked out on Valentines day where now dating someone. drew asked out zoey already and zoey said yes. But he didn't feel really any sparks then what happened to him and jake in the hallway, Drew thought maybe it was just a panic he ignored everything possible about having a crush on jake, Drew walks past jakes locker looking at it as he zoned out. He stops zoning out then he thinks about a Valentines day letter to jake.. in Jake's locker, Drew started to blush at the idea of him giving jake a letter "maybe.. i could make it and put it in his locker." he thought but as a insane voice in his head go ''he wouldn't like you,,,,,He likes daisy,,,,,YOUR HIS BEST FRIEND" It makes drew head hurts, he looks down as he thought of a idea. What if when jake gets the letter it could say 'from your secret admirer' then it won't completely expose who it is. I mean drew is basically dating zoey, would this be cheating? Maybe.. but he wouldn't be with jake. So it was worth a shot. Drew walks away to his next class (art) he can use art supplies sense today some people was still doing there Letters and Drew skipped his so today he could make it.

After art class, the glue was already dry.. the letter said:


Dear jake

,,,,,,,, ever sense i saw and met you You've made my life 100% Better then it already was. Your my best friend and Your so cute and adorable, you make me blush so much you give me butterflies whenever i see you playing bye yourself i just wanna hug you and tell you your enough for me

I love you so much Please be my Valentine ♡

By : your secret admirer '


Drew letter said with a heart at the end of the Note, 'secret admirer' Drew smiled at the letter as he walked to jakes locker shoving it in side the locker. When he got done he left for the next day so jake can see it ..


The next day drew walked down the hallway with his jomies, jake, henry, and liam. "so who did you guys ask out" Liam asks "i already asked out lettuce-chan!" Henry said replying "oh yeah? And what did she say.." "she said yes of course, who can resist MY charm~" henry says smirking, liam looks over to jake and drew who was a bit silent "so what about you guys? Did you ask out anyone" "oh, i asked out zoey and she said yeah as planned. I'm so hot who can say no to this" Drew says showing off, jake blushed a bit from that but it soon went away when liam spoke "yeah, yeah. don't be cocky" Liam says a bit annoyed "and i bet as always jake didn't ask out his crush daisy" henry says "ugh.. I'll get her next time" Jake says crossing his arms as they walked "so what about you liam." drew asks "oh me? Well of course i asked out stacy's hot mama! I even sang her a song" "yeah I'd like to see that." Drew says laughing as he smirked "well Drew who knows I'm a bit of a music freak myself!~" liam says putting his arms behind his back laying his head on his arms. "haha, very funny liam" drew says unamused, the jomies then stopped at the locker. Jake then goes in his locker, drew looks Jake's way. "huh, what's this?" jake asked out loud so his jomies can hear it "what's what?" henry asked walks twords jake, next thing you know the jomies is reading the love letter with jake as all four of there heads is next to the paper. "..secret admirer?!" jake asked blushing at the letter as butterflies forms on his face "wow jakey, who knew, you pulled someone!~" henry says giggling "oohh~ do you think it was daisy?" "Oh i dunno.. i hope." jake says forming a big smile, Drew smile faded as he looks at the ground, he knew they wouldn't ever be together but at least Jake acknowledged the letter. "well.. whoever it is sure has a big thing for you" drew speaks up "yeah.. do you think they'll say anything else?" "ehh maybe?" Henry replied "lets just go to class before we get in trouble." Liam says, the jomies rushed to class.


Drew got lazy and didn't write jake another letter, the jomies (jake,henry,liam) then thought that the letter was just some prank but jake thought it was one of his bullies who wrote it knowing no one would EVER like him. Or to just tease him, they will never know who truly wrote the letter..

Please vote! I'm working on a late Valentines special maybe I'll get done with it tomorrow? I'll post it on my channel (zanderqt) . Hope u loved this '

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