Chapter (12)

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Henry and Liam said at the same time, surprised that drew of all people was gay but really.. was it that hard to process, there was lots of signs that he was queer like the time with Liam and Drew at the Cinema or lots of other times. Drew just gave off zesty and gay vibes, Drew was looking down at the floor waiting for any type of insults or discrimination. It was unlike drew to be so scared about coming out to his friends but Henry and Liam knew how that felt. Henry and Liam gave a look at each other and nodded "Drew.." Henry began to speak but in a soft manner, his voice was soft and calm for Drew knowing this was a important situation. Henry and Liam gave him a smile "we love you." Henry said giving drew a hug, at that moment Drew's eyes lit up. He was so happy that he was so easily accepted by his friends at school even daisy. Liam then put his hand on Drew's shoulder "Drew, we're your friends ofcouse we'll accept you" Liam gave a accepting grin at Drew.

Drew then gave a small smirk back. "Thanks dude, I'm so happy I can reply on you both especially sense your both straight and all.." Henry and Liam stared at Drew in a disbelief look then started laughing, Drew stood there annoyed at how much they was laughing sense Drew didn't understand why. "Why the hell are you both laughing." Drew exclaimed blindly, "oh Drew.. oh Dumb little Drew" Drew gave Henry a stare once he said that "Dude your the short one.. just get to the point why where you both LAUGHING, right now." Drew crossed his arms I mean to the looks of it, his friends where as straight as JAKE STERLING himself.
I mean, they always simp or fanboy over every girl they lied eyes on but Liam on the other hand just have a thing for mom's or even teachers which reminds Drew why he's so emmbaressed to have morons as friends. Henry had a thing for Lia sense forever, ever sense he saw her with Zoey.

"Drew.. we aren't exactly straight"
Liam said giving a chuckle after those words, Drew froze a bit that was a BIG twist for Drew, Drew being gay was really obvious but Henry and Liam? He'd expect anyone would be but them, Drew had lots of questions. "But.. how? I mean you both always liked girls like you Henry, you always had a thing for Lia sense FOREVER"


Liam playfully patted Drew's head "well you've already came out so it's only fair if we do as well isn't it?" He said with confidence, Henry nodded to Liam. "Actually.. I'm Omni and Genderfluid!!" Henry rubbed the back of his head, giving Drew a smile, Drew looked back his eyes glowing bright. "Oh yeah, I'm actually surprisingly gay and probably on the aroace spectrum..." Liam gave a sigh looking away slightly. "Also I'm trans.." Liam hesitated, Drew looked shocked everyone but Henry, Henry must've already knew which made sense, because they hang out all the time.

"Woah.." Drew said staring at them the room grew silent, Drew lips soon turned into a soft smirk. "Then why do you always make werid Stacy mom jokes?" Drew turned to view Liam, Henry chuckled.  "Eh.. I mean i ain't wrong" *Liam smirked with confidence* "Im into man but those joke never gets old haha! Stacy's mom has got it going on-" "no shut up Liam" Henry said rolling his eyes playfully. Drew agreed to Henry which was surprising but everything that just happened, Drew was happy he had such great friends. AND WAS IT REALLY SURPRISING LIAM WAS GAY? He always uses 'no homo' which is 100% gay. But Liam's grudge over Jake was still burning, he wanted to stay calm about it to Drew and Henry he knew if he did anything drastic it'd only resolve into a more of a problem then the other. It's better if he just kept it low and stayed calm about it.

After a minute of talking Drew's thoughts suddenly went to Jake, Drew knew that Liam had purse anger and Drew didn't exactly blame him for that. "Liam.." Drew had a serious tone in his voice, which made Liam shiver he knew how scary Drew was when he was serious like this. "Yeah?" Liam eye brow raises up confusingly. "I know your mad at Jake but.. I got this ok? Can I trust you not to go at Jake." Drew gave a sigh after his words, it took Liam a second but he then nodded. "Yeah dude.. I'll try to keep it under control." Liam's anger at Jake was still fuming with rage but at the same time.. this whole thing was really complicated now, now that Jake isn't there with them anymore. So he did as Drew asked but obviously he'd be secretly still talking about Jake in his mind the dude literally slapped Drew of all people..? Was Jake absolute nuts.

Word count: 860

Note : hello everyone! I'm so sorry it was really short, but sense the new episode 11 came out I thought after this chapter, next chapter would be at the end of the drake fight scene, Liam would keep his emotions in check that's why he didn't say anything and it would focus more on dromies after the fight. I have some great ideas for the next chapter so stay tuned! <3

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