《 Chapter 1 》

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Pomegranate cookie woke up to the sound of yelling and screaming. She sat up in her bed, rubbing her forehead while having a headache. She knew what was happening, Licorice was fighting with Dark Choco again. This happened every morning and every evening, they would fight over the most simple things ever. Pomegranate has told them multiple times to simply stop the fighting when Poison Mushroom is around and not in the morning but they usually ignore her, so she gave up on trying to tell them to stop. Pomegranate got off her bed and walked over to a vanity she had in her room. It was a maroon with gold on the sides, it was decorated in tiny Pomegranates and drawings that Poison Mushroom drew for her. She slightly smiled remembering how many late nights she spent watching Poison Mushroom draw pictures of all of them. But quickly, that smile turned into a frown hearing Licorice and Dark Choco fighting. She slammed her hand on the vanity as she heard her mirror falling off the vanity. She quickly raised her hand off the vanity as she looked at her mirror on the ground and saw that there was no broken glass or scratch makes. 'Surprising...' Pomegranate thought as she looked at her hand and saw that none of her dough was cracked as she sighed relief and heard her door open. The bright light from outside her room filled the room brightness, but she couldn't see who opened the door until she looked really hard. She saw a small figure with a round shape on top of the cookies head, she realized who this cookie was immediately. "Oh..! Good Morning, Poison Mushroom. Why did you come into my room?" Pomegranate said trying her hardest not to use fancier words around them because they wouldn't understand them. "I... heard... a.. loud... crashing sound..! So... I wanted... to... see if... you were... okay!" Poison Mushroom said slowly as Pomegranate slightly smiled but that smile slowly turned into a pissed look. She heard their arguing even louder, which made her very angry. "Oh, well. I'm fine, I just... my mirror fell off my vanity! Nothing else, Poison Mushroom!" She said as Poison Mushroom nodded and closed the door behind them as they left her room. Pomegranate sighed again as she sat on her bed and laid down on her back staring at the ceiling. 'Why do they always have to fight over the dumbest things..? Can't they just shut up for once, damn.' Pomegranate thought as she heard her door open again. She looked over to see.... "Master..! Sorry that I'm in... this condition at this exact moment-" Pomegranate rambled but she was shortly cut off by Dark Enchantress Cookie. "Poison Mushroom told me they saw you in a bad mood. What's the matter my faithful Pomegranate cookie?" Dark Enchantress said as she closed the door behind her and sat on Pomegranate's bed. "Nothing is the matter, Master. I'm just a little fed up with Licorice and Dark Choco cookies fighting at this exact moment." Pomegranate said as she knew she was lying to the own she looked up too. Dark Enchantress eyed Pomegranate as she knew something was up with Pomegranate cookie. Dark Enchantress put her arm on Pomegranate's shoulder as she looked her in the eyes. "You may talk to me, Pomegranate cookie." Dark Enchantress said as Pomegranate started to tear up in her eyes but she hid them well enough from Dark Enchantress. "Master, I do respect you but at this moment. I am fine... like I said I'm just a little fed up with Licorice cookie and Dark Choco Cookie." Pomegranate said as Dark Enchantress noded and sat up. "I understand your privacy. However, if you do need to talk to a cookie, I'm here whenever you need someone to talk to." Dark Enchantress said as she walked out Pomegranate's room and closed the door so gently that it was more quiet than a mouse walking. As soon as Pomegranate knew that no one was near her room, she couldn't hold in her tears anymore. The tear fell down like waterfalls and she couldn't control them, not this time. She didn't understand why she was crying, she usually never cries which made her confused. Confused about... everything.
She was confused by Licorice and Dark Choco always fought, why she betrayed Star Fruit cookie when she didn't want too at all, why she slammed down her hand on her vanity. She was just confused on what to do anymore, she can't do anything for Dark Enchantress because she already fulfilled her mission for Dark Enchantress cookie. She can't help Poison Mushroom with anything cause all they do is sit around and talk with Strawberry Crepe, she refuses to talk to Licorice and Dark Choco since she doesnt really like them and because they're always fighting. She wiped away her tears with the long sleeve puffy shirt she was wearing because thats what she wore to bed. Pomegranate sat up as she started to calm down and take deep breathes. She got off her bed and walked over to her vanity, and looked at herself. She looked like a mess, her hair was all messy and not brushed, you could tell she had been crying, she was still wearing the same clothes she wore when she was asleep. 'God, I look like when I first got out of the oven...' She thought as she walked over to closest and grabbed the clothes she usually wears. She walked back to her vanity and saw her hairbrush and brushed her hair. She out her hair into the two buns on the side of her hair like she usually does. She looked at her face and saw that her face was still red. She wiped off the tears off her face the best she could, and saw that her face was barely left. She walked over to her door and grabbed the door handle and turned it to see that Licorice and Dark Choco stopped arguing and walked away from each other. She walked out of her room and closed the door behind her as she walked around the palace. She was walking to calm herself down, she just wanted to calm down and take everything slowly. 'Why was I crying..? Maybe, its because I'm tired of Rags and Daddy Issues arguing? Or is it because of what I did to StarFruit? Most likely, both.' Pomegranate thought as she stopped walking and saw Red Velvet playing with Chiffon. She rolled her eyes as she knew that Red Velvet cared way more about Chiffon then anybody there but she didn't really care. All she cared about was trying to find something to do, to pass the time. After a while, she found a spot that nobody was around and that she could sit on the ground and think. 'Finally, somewhere where no one is around... so I can be alone and it just be me and my thoughts.' She thought as she thought more and more to the point that she lost track of time. Next thing, she knew it was dinner time. "EVERYONE, COME EAT! ITS TIME FOR DINNER!" Licorice screamed as Pomegranate groaned and got up from where she was and walked over to the dinner table and waited for everyone to arrive.

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