《 Chapter 5 》

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"This is all Bullshit." Pomegranate said as she closed the book only to find out it was a children's book that he wrote for little five year olds. Explains why he wrote it, to inform little ones about the war and how they won but also lost. However, Pomegranate did somehow remember this book. Maybe, she read it when she was younger or Dark Enchantress read it to one of the younger ones when they were more little. She just somehow knew this book but she didn't know how. She stood up from where seat and grabbed the book, she placed it back on the shelf and tried to find a clock in the library but there was none. 'Great. It's most likely Eleven right now and most likely Dark Choco and Licorice are fighting.' She thought to herself as she turned off the lights as they walked out off the library and into the long, dark, hallways. "Pomegranate..!" Poison Mushroom ran to her as she jumped a little from them running at her at full speed. "What's the matter, Poison Mushroom?" She asked as they pointed to Licorice and Dark Choco using there own weapons against them. Licorice kept summoning his servants at Dark Choco and Dark Choco kept using his sword against him. "Stay here!" Pomegranate yelled as she already was running over to the fight to break it up. She knew that she was going to get hurt but it was better than them not fighting. "STOP. STOP YOU TWO." Pomegranate screamed at the top her lungs at the two fighting as they stopped and faced her. "Don't you two see what your doing!? You two are being stupid and dumb!" Pomegranate screamed as she thought it wasn't working but it seemed to be as Licorice shoved away his servants and Dark Choco put down his sword. "And why do you care?" Licorice asked as Pomegranate pointed at Poison Mushroom and Strawberry Crepe. "Your not teaching them to be not like you. Your teaching them to be like you, your also hurting them mentally. You two keep arguing and fighting without seeing the consequences of your own actions." She said with a stern tone as she stopped pointing at the two of them as Licorice stared at the ground and kicked it and Dark Choco just stared at Pomegranate. "Well... we'll try to argue quieter and in one of our rooms." Dark Choco said as Licorice nodded and just kept kicking the ground. "You better, it's getting old and tiring of hearing you both argue over the same things over and over again." Pomegranate said as she walked off to hear neither one of them say a word to each other. Not even a little peep could be heard out of them for minutes. As soon as Pomegranate left the room and turned to corner. She heard them argue again but quiter, she rolled her eyes as Strawberry Crepe and Poison Mushroom both were playing tag with each other. She smiled as she remembered that's how her and Starfruit were when they were younger. She kept walking until she got to the front door and walked out the door. She felt the cool air breeze as she walked outside and over to the tree that she threw her alarm at. She sat down under the tree and touched her broken her alarm clock. The shattered pieces of glass cut her fingers as the blood got on the glass. She looked at her fingers to see that there was only small cuts and not huge cuts, so no glass was in her skin. She let out a realized sigh as she looked back at the clock to see that the blood mostly dried up as she grabbed the alarm clock and threw it across the grass. Pieces of shattered glass went everywhere in the glass flying in the air. If someone walked over near that area, they would get shards of glass in their body parts. She knew that was a bad idea but she didn't care, she just wanted to get rid of that damn thing. She heard the front door open to see that it was Strawberry Crepe with Wafflebots. "Oh, hey. Dumb cookie, why are you out here?" They asked as Pomegranate shrugged her shoulders and just stared at he alarm clock. "I don't know, just wanted to get out of the mansion. Why are you out here at this exact moment?" She asked as they pointed to the wafflebots. "I'm gonna make them stronger since that dumb gingerballs or gingerbrave or whatever his name was." They said as Pomegranate chuckled a little. "His name is Gingerbrave and I understand. I will leave for you to take care of your... things." Pomegranate said as Straberry Crepe rolled their eyes and nodded. "Yeah yeah, whatever Dumb Cookie. If i miss out on any drama tell me!" They yelled out as Pomegranate nodded and went back inside the mansion. She checked the time on the big clock in the living room. The clock read as 9:78 pm, the time that mostly everyone would be going to bed or at least their bedroom. She walked over to her bedroom and entered the room when she saw a note on her vanity. She looked at the note and grabbed it. It said : "My Faithful Pomegranate cookie,
I am not at the mansion at this exact moment because I need to do some unfinished business with the other puny cookies. I will be back shortly but in the meantime I trust you with keeping everyone in order like you were doing while I was not around before. I trust you, don't disappoint me.

-Dark Enchantress

"Sounds like she's going to battle the ancient cookies again." Pomegranate said outloud accidentally but luckily no one heard her. She got in her bed as she just wanted to sleep to make the pain in her fingers go away. She slid under she blankets as she stared at her walls not even baring to get into more comfortable clothes. She just wanted to sleep, as she started to drift off asleep she heard a knock at her door. "Come in." She said as she heard someone asks simple question. "Where's... Dark Enchantress..?" Poison Mushroom asked as Pomegranate said still facing the wall. "She's doing some unattended business so until she gets back im... taking care of you all." She said as Poison Mushroom nodded and closed her door. She closed her eyes and hoped that no one started an argument with the other one. "Will you shut up for once?" Licorice said to someone but Pomegranate couldn't hear anymore of the arguement after that. That's because she fell asleep before the arguement got worse. That was until she randomly woke up in the middle of the night to hear some people arguing, but it wasn't in the mansion. It was outside of the mansion for some odd reason. Pomegranate jumped out of bed and onto her feet as she ran to the window and opened it. Until she saw that it was just Red Velvet, Licorice, and Dark Choco all arguing outside. Pomegranate groaned as she knew that they were only arguing outside because the other two were... 'asleep.' She closed her window and walked over to her vanity only to remember she was still in her day clothes. She grabbed a Grey t-shirt with the words 'Fuck you' on it in bold black letters, some maroon pants with cute little pomegranates on it, and some white, fluffy, socks. She changed and got back into her bed and turned to face the wall, she just wanted more sleep. Pomegranate felt the wall but it hurt when she did, she looked at her fingers again to see the blood dried up but the cuts were still there. 'I supposed they're still healing. Thought they would be done by know.' She thought as she closed her eyes and fell alseep... again.

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