《 Chapter 3 》

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'All of these seems like it's fake knowledge.' Pomegranate thought as she closed the book, tired of it repeating the same words over and over again. She threw the book on her bed and heard the arguement. She groaned, as she turned to her vanity and saw that the lamp was still on. She sat up from her bed and walked over to the vanity, she looked in the mirror above the vanity. She looked at herself and realized her face was really red, more red than Red Velvet's jacket. She tried to wipe away the redness when someone walked in without knocking, it was Strawberry Crepe. "Oh. There you are, dumb cookie." They said as Pomegranate rolled her eyes and just sighed. "You do realize, your a cookie too." Pomegranate said as Strawberry Crepe looked at her and rolled their eyes. "Whatever, Just Dark Enchantress wanted to see you." Strawberry Crepe said as Pomegranate nodded and Strawberry Crepe left. Pomegranate sighed as she went back to looking at her vanity. 'Why would Dark Enchantress want to see me after what I said? Maybe, it's about that.' Pomegranate thought as she grabbed the bottom of her shirt and held it tightly. She knew that whenever Darl Enchantress wanted to have a conversation with her, it was either a good conversation or a terrible conversation. Pomegranate let go of her shirt as she saw that her face wasn't as red now. She walked over to her door and turned the nob but when she fully opened the door, someone was right there. Pomegranate looked up expecting Dark Choco but it wasn't him, it was Dark Enchantress. "Oh, Master..! Strawberry Crepe told me that you wanted to see me?" Pomegranate asked as Dark Enchantress noded and grabbed her arm calmly. "Is something wrong, my faithful Pomegranate? You seem... not like your usual self." Dark Enchantress said as Pomegranate had to make up a lie. It was the only thing to do in that moment, if she told the truth everything would turn to chaos. "Nothing is wrong at the moment, Just wish we could get more cookies to join your service, Master." Pomegranate said as Dark Enchantress let go of her arm and noded. "Very well then, but like I've said. If you need to talk to someone, you can talk to me." She said as Pomegranate noded and walked back into her room. She closed the door gently and laid down on her bed, she knew that she couldn't keep lying. Not at this rate, one day she'll be caught lying and she knows. But until that time, she'll keep lying to people to make life a little easier. Pomegranate stared at her ceiling until she looked at the clock on her side-table next to her bed and saw the time. '10:47 pm? How long have I been deep in my thoughts?' Pomegranate thought as she sighed and sat up, her back hurt a little from laying down. She got up from her bed and walked over to the bookshelf looking for a better book. 'Nothing. Damn.' She thought as she rolled her eyes, she thought that she might have at least one book entertaining but no. Not a single one looked interesting or was just not entertaining from her reading it in the past. She walked over to her vanity and looked at herself in the mirror above her vanity, she looked... different. She didn't really have her hair down, she never had her hair down really. She usually had it up so she didn't have to deal with it, but now that it was down, she looked different. She smiled as she remembered the times when a certain cookie she liked used to style her hair in different ways. But that smile slowly turned into a frown. That was another reason she kept her hair up, to not remind herself of that cookie. Pomegranate and that cookie didn't talk anymore because of what Pomegranate did to that cookie. She betrayed the cookie even though she regrets it deeply, she still wants to know that cookie better. The cookies name was... "Starfruit... I do miss you." Pomegranate said in a whisper as she felt a warm streak of water fall down to her cheek. Pomegranate and Starfruit knew each other for a long time and Starfruit told everything to Pomegranate. But, Pomegranate used that information against her, she manipulated and betrayed Starfruit. Pomegranate regrets it ever since, she... fell in love with Starfruit so it hurts her a lot to know that Starfruit will never forgive her nor see her again. Pomegranate quickly wiped away her tears as she looked at herself and sighed and opened one of the drawers to her vanity. She grabbed a picture out of one of the drawers and smiled, it was a picture Starfruit took of her and Pomegranate sitting and laughing. Pomegranate closed the drawer and grabbed a roll of see-through tape. She taped the picture on the vanity as she smiled, at least she had one thing of her. Pomegranate turned off the lamp of the vanity and walked over to her bed. She quickly got in the bed as she stared at her dark magenta ceiling and chuckled as she heard Strawberry Crepe and Poison Mushroom playing a Mushroom right by her room. She turned in her bed as she left a bard coverd book hit her hand. She sighed as she grabbed the book and threw it on the floor not really caring who heard the loud crashing sound. She looked at her walls and thought of Starfruit again, she missed her deeply but knew what she did was terrible and doesn't deserve to see her again. Not after what she did, but then she remembered what happened to her when she was younger. She groaned as she didn't want to remember that fateful night when she was only seven years old about to turn eight years old. On her birthday, she overheard a conversation she regret but also taught her a lesson. She heard two cookies talking about her, not in a good way either. They talked about how she was being manipulated and how they didn't want her knowing. That fateful night taught her, don't trust anyone you think you can until you know them really well. Pomegranate grabbed her pillow and wrapped it around her ears as if she wanted her thoughts to stop swarming in her head about that night. But the thoughts wouldn't go away, after Pomegranate heard the conversation she ran away. She knew if she told anyone, they would call her a liar so what was the point of staying around in that terrible place. She remembered how on that night in the woods, how cold it was and how she didn't sleep at all thinking that something was going to kill her. Pomegranate groaned as she heard Licorice and Dark Choco arguing with Red Velvet which just made the arguements louder and way more annoying. Her thoughts stopped as she tried to ignore the arguemt but couldn't couldn't but over it as she lifted the pillow from over her head. "No wonder, barely anyone cares about what you say. Because it's all lies." Red Velvet said as Pomegranate heard the three all arguing with eachother. She didn't listen to anymore of it because she knew she heard enough. Even though, he wasn't talking to her, it still felt like he was for some reason. Seconds passed as the arguement got louder and louder to the point where Pomegranate couldn't take it. She grabbed the book and threw it at her door, hoping that would shut them up and it did for a little bit. Pomegranate smiled as everything was quite until she heard someone open her door. Pomegranate groaned as she saw Licorice standing in the doorway and just looking at her confused. "Please, kindly shut the fuck up with your arguement." Pomegranate said as Licorice rolled his eyes and went back back arguing with the others but quieter. Pomegranate slightly smiled as she got tired and fell asleep and ther thoughts went away.

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