《 Chapter 9 》

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"Of course, Master." Pomegranate said as she helped Dark Enchantress up the stairs of the Mansion and into the Mansion. "Oh, thank you, Pomegranate. You truly are... faithful." Dark Enchantress said as everyone gasped that she was back early. "D-Dark Enchantress cookie!?" Everyone said Except for Pomegranate. Dark Enchantress smiled as she saw them all run towards her. "Pomegranate, go get the med kit." Dark Enchantress ordered as Pomegranate ran over to the kitchen. 'I didn't think Dark Enchantress would be back ao early, but I'm glad she is.' Pomegranate said as she opened a cabinet and grabbed the medkit. She ran back thinking about what could have happened to Dark Enchantress. 'Maybe she won but she's really injured. Yeah, let's hope that's what happened and not her losing for... the third or fourth time..? I forgot.' She thought as she arrived to Dark Enchantress with a med kit. Dark Enchantress was sitting in a chair with showing the others her injuries. "Oh! Just in time, Pomegranate. If you don't mind, could you patch up the injuries?" Dark Enchantress said as Pomegranate nodded and the others just started talking to each other and stated to walk away. Pomegranate looked at Dark Enchantress's arm and saw that it was covered with blood and scars. Pomegranate sighed as she grabbed some rubbing alcohol and a cotton swab. "If you don't mind me asking, how did the.... battle go?" Pomegranate asked as Dark Enchantress groaned from the memory of the battle. "Like every other time, Pomegranate. The 'Ancient Heros' won again, for the how many every time! How..!? I've gotten stronger over the years! I have better armor, better skills, better warriors, better everything but they still win no matter what! How do they suppose their always winning..?" Dark Enchantress asked Pomegranate as Pomegranate wiped away some of the blood away near a scar. "I do not know, However. They may be winning due to the fact they have a healer on their team." Pomegranate said as Dark Enchantress got more frustrated. "Are you saying, my powers are not good enough!?" She screamed slightly as Pomegranate shook her head 'No.' She didn't want to make Dark Enchantress angry but then again she already partly did. "No, Not at all. I'm just suggesting you ask Strawberry Crepe to able to get you some wonderful and powerful healers that can make you stronger during fights. That's all I'm suggesting, Master. Nothing more and Definitely nothing less." Pomegranate said as Dark Enchantress started to think and then cackle a little. "A wonderful idea, Pomegranate. I shall ask Strawberry Crepe that another time. Anymore Questions?" Dark Enchantress asked as Pomegranate shook her head 'No' and got another cotton swab. She put a tiny bit of rubbing alcohol on the cotton swab. "This might hurt a little so just be ready." Pomegranate said as Dark Enchantress inhaled and Pomegranate started to clean out the wounds. "Pomegranate... what all happened here whole I was... gone?" Dark Enchantress asked as Pomegranate threw away the cotton swab and move around Dark Enchantress and went to her other arm. "Well... Licorice and Dark Choco had way more fights but their arguments got much more calmer. Everyone has gotten stronger and more controllable over their abilities, for example. Poison Mushroom has gotten better at poisoning cookies and Licorice has gotten better at summoning his servants. However, nothing big has happened while you were away. So not much has happened, Master." Pomegranate said as Dark Enchantress smiled thinking of something. "So you all have gotten stronger? That's amazing, maybe we could all defeat the old five ancient cookies." Dark Enchantress said as Pomegranate nodded and smiled a little too. "Is that all your wounds, Master?" Pomegranate said as Dark Enchantress got up from her creaky chair and smiled. "Yes, I can do the rest of the wounds myself. Plus, they aren't as bad as the ones on my arms. Thank you for your help, Pomegranate." She said as Pomegranate smiled a little and blushed from embarrassment. "Just doing my part, Master." Pomegranate saying replying to her. Poison Mushroom ran over to Dark Enchantress and hugged her from where they could. Dark Enchantress chuckled as she hugged them back and smiled. "I... missed... you..!" Poison Mushroom said as Dark Enchantress start rocking back and forth. "I missed you, as well." She said as they let go and ran over to where they usually color with Strawberry Crepe. They grabbed a piece of paper that had been drew on and colored. They handed the paper to Dark Enchantress as she giggled from the paper. Pomegranate walked over to Dark Enchantress looking at the paper to see that Poison Mushroom drew and colored all of them. "Awh, Poison Mushroom. You did such an amazing job..!" Pomegranate said as Dark Enchantress nodded as she gave them back their painting and they walked away. "That picture was... something." Pomegranate said as Dark Enchantress laughed a little and agreed. "At least, they are trying." She replied and smiled at Pomegranate. "I'll go get food from the kitchen if we want to have dinner all together." Pomegranate said as Dark Enchantress nodded. "Go do that while I go round up every single one of them." Dark Enchantress said walking off and Pomegranate went to the kitchen. 'Weird... Why is she laughing so much more often? I mean... whatever makes her happy and smile, I guess. Well uhm, what do we have to eat. Jelly Jam, Sugar Cubes, Cotton Candy, Jellies. Eh, I'll just grab the jellies and whatever.' She thought as she grabbed plates and went over to the table to see mostly everyone was there except for.... Dark Choco. She put everyone a plate and even her one, she pur the jellies on the plate and sat down. "Wheres Dark Choco?" Pomegranate asked as Licorice pointed to him finally arriving at the table. "Hello, Everyone! As a welcome back to me, I thought maybe we could take a break from everything and.... work on our lives and ourselves. We need too, I've seen all of you a little more depressed then usual so we might as well just take a break from everything." Dark Enchantress said as Licorice's eyes sparked up with excitement and so did everyone else's except for Pomegranate's. She seemed confused.... 'It's like she's... White Lily and not Dark Enchantress cookie. What's wrong?' Pomegranate thought but but brushed it off as they all had a great dinner and were as happy they had been for years. Pomegranate wasn't mad or upset at all, Dark Choco and Licorice weren't arguing, Red Velvet was actually talking with them and not Chiffon, Poison Mushroom was still their same self, Strawberry Crepe was being nicer, and Dark Enchantress was enjoying the moment. They were all happy.

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