《 Chapter 2 》

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Pomegranate stared at the table as Dark Enchantress arrived at the table and stared at Pomegranate. Pomegranate looked up from the table as she saw that Dark Enchantress was looking at her. "Oh, Hello Master! My apologies, for not responding sooner..!" Pomegranate said as Dark Enchantress slightly smiled and responded to Pomegranate as quickly as she could. "My faithful Pomegranate, no need to apologize. I have just now simply arrived, but where are the others?" Dark Enchantress asked as Pomegranate shrugged and looked behind her to see none of them in sight. "I actually don't know, maybe they all are taking their time and dreading coming to this table and interacting with eachother?" Pomegranate asked not trying to be 'sassy' but it came out that way. As soon as Pomegranate realized what tone she said that in, she slapped her hand over her mouth and panicked. Dark Enchantress stared at Pomegranate with a slight frown and simply said with the most serious tone. "Are you saying, that the others don't like me? Or are you trying to hint at something else." Dark Enchantress said as she eyed Pomegranate. But all Pomegranate do was just calmly put her hand down and stare at the table again. "I- I didn't mean to say it in that tone, Master. But I'm positive the others like you-" "Zip it, enough of your pity." Dark Enchantress cut off Pomegranate as Pomegranate listened and didn't say another word. Shortly after, the others arrived wondering why the silentness was so... loud. "Uhh, why are you cookies not talking?" Strawberry Crepe said as Pomegranate just stared at them and stared at the table again. They all sat down where they usually do and had a normal conversation. "So, uh, how are you Dark Enchantress cookie?" Licorice asked as Dark Enchantress simply looked at Licorice and said. "I'm fine, have been worse. Thank you, for asking Licorice." She said as Pomegranate sunk down in her seat more and just quietly sighed. She didn't know what took over her, she didn't mean for her to sound rude but it came out that way. 'Why the hell did I say it like that..? I never do, and always respect Master... or Dark Enchantress cookie. What's gotten over me?' Pomegranate thought as she realized that she started to tear up. 'Shit, how do I make an excuse to go wipe my tears now? Oh! Ill go get plates from the kitchen... yeah.' Pomegranate thought of as she took a deep breath. "Master..? May I go get silverware and dishes from the kitchen?" Pomegranate asked as Dark Enchantress noded as Pomegranate stood up and calmly walked over to the kitchen. But instead of going to the Kitchen, Pomegranate turned to a corner and wanted to listen to the others talk about whatever. "Why is always so formal with her words! It's- It's dumb!" Strawberry Crepe said as Licorice started to cackle. "Haha! I know right, and that dumb hair of hers!" Licorice said as Pomegranate felt a warm streak hit her face. Her knees hit the floor as she took down her hair and just cried. She couldn't take it anymore, she just wanted to have a shoulder to cry on. She kept taking deep breaths as her warm tears hit the dark maroon floor. 'I have feelings too...' Pomegranate thought as the few tears turned into sobs. Ugly sobs that no one wanted to hear, so bad to the point crying sounded better then her crying. Pomegranate took one more deep breath as she got up and wiped away her tears. She looked at the floor to see that there was tiny drops of salty tears on the floor. She sighed as she didn't really care that they were there, she just wanted to get the plates and forks. She walked to the kitchen as she heard the conversation again. "POMEGRANATE!" Dark Enchantress yelled as Pomegranate jumped a little as the others chuckled and giggled. "Yes, Master?" She asked trying her best to not to make her voice sound shaky. "Where are those plates and silverware!?" She yelled as the others were laughing their asses off as Pomegranate started to panic. "I had to use the bathroom so I uhm went. My apologies for not telling you!" Pomegranate said back as Dark Enchantress sighed a little and sat up in her seat even more. "Oh, I understand but please be quicker." Dark Enchantress yelled back as Pomegranate nodded and grabbed five marbled plates with gold on the sides of them. She opened one of the drawers and grabbed five gold forks and spoons. She only grabbed five for a reason, she didn't want to eat at that moment. She just wanted to go to her room and lay down and cry, so she only grabbed five plates and silverware. She walked calmly over to the table as gave everyone one of everything. "Thank you, Pomegranate cookie." Dark Enchantress said as she went to the kitchen to grab the food that she had made. "Pom..?" Poison Mushroom said as he tugged on her sleeve making her look their direction. "Yes?" She answered as she slightly smiled as they put their hand on her cheek. "Your... face... feels... wet." They said as Pomegranate chuckled nervously and stared at the ground trying to think of an excuse. 'Think Pomegranate think! Just lie to them like you always do..!' Pomegranate thought as she thought of an idea. "Oh, do not worry. I'm fine, I just splashed water on my face when I was in the kitchen and took my hair down because I wanted it to be more... f.r.e.e." She said as they smiled and believed her. They took their hand off her cheek and saw that Dark Enchantress brung the food and gave everyone a sample of something. However, when she got to Pomegranate. She saw that Pomegranate did not have a plate nor silverware. "Pomegranate. Why do you not have A Plate nor Silverware?" Dark Enchantress asked as Pomegranate thought of a lie off the top off her head. "I wasn't really hungry, so I didn't get me a plate nor silverware so Licorice didn't have to do as many dishes. And i still wanted to Respect you, so that tis why I am sitting at this table at this exact moment." Pomegranate said as Dark Enchantress said as she put the food on the table as everyone started to eat. "Why do you must be so... clumsy..?" Dark Choco asked Licorice as Licorice got offended and turned it into a fight. "OH REALLY? ME? Well damn, I'm not clumsy!" Licorice yelled as Pomegranate rolled her eyes as Strawberry Crepe kept yelling "Go Licorice! Beet his ass!!" Over and Over again and Poison Mushroom just kept eating and gave some of his food to Chiffon because they didn't want it. Red Velvet was too busy playing with some cake hounds to even hear the fight nor did he really care. Dark Enchantress kept rolling her eyes hearing the argument but giggling over and over again. But Pomegranate just kept grabbing the bottom of her outfit, being pissed off at how everyone was acting. Including Dark Enchantress, sure she was her admiration but she was a little mad that she kept giggling and not stopping the argument. She couldn't take it anymore, and stood up and said. "I don't feel very well. I shall be departing for the night, if I may." Pomegranate said as no one heard her and she just walked off too her room. She closed her door as she walked over to her closet and grabbed. A t-shirt with the words Bitch with an arrow pointing to the top of the shirt meaning that you were a bitch, some maroon shorts with leaves on it, and some white socks. She took off her headband with pomegranates on it and threw it on her vanity and laid down on her bed. She just wanted this day to be over with and never start another day again knowing it was going to be the same as today. She hated everyday because they were like this and no different. Pomegranate put both of her hands over her face and just stayed like that until she got bored of just laying there. She removed her hands from her face and looked to her left to see her bookcase to see that she could do something. She could, read a book to make time pass by. She sat up and walked over to the bookcase and looked at all the books she had. She saw a book about cake hounds, different types of magic that could help her get stronger, different types of monsters, but one book that interested her was The History of The witches! Pomegranate grabbed the book as she didn't care who the author was, even if it was Pure Vanilla. She was just interested to see the history of the witches, she's heard Dark Enchantress rant about how cookies were made but she wanted to know the history of the creator of the cookies. The witches! Pomegranate walked over to her Vanity and turned a lamp on and sat on her bed. She grabbed a fluffy blanket and propped her pillow and turned the page.

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