《 Chapter 7 》

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"Thank you, Licorice. I owe you this one." Pomegranate said as Licorice rolled his eyes and Pomegranate saw. "Yeah, Yeah whatever. Your lucky I lime taking care of Chiffon!" He said as Pomegranate rolled her eyes and walked away. She was glad that Licorice agreed to taking care of Licorice even though he didn't have a choice if he said 'No.' She smiled as she heard Licorice scream from being licked by Chiffon. "Pomegranate..! Can... we play... with... Licorice?" Poison Mushroom asked as they tugged on her outfit. "Yes you may, you don't have to ask me that question!" Pomegranate exclaimed as Poison Mushroom nodded and smiled and walked away. Pomegranate walked off to her room but when she got to her door she heard a knock at the front door. She ran over to the door thinking it was Dark Enchantress. She panted as she stood up straight and brushed off her outfit. She opened the door to see a cookie who looked like a MailWomen, her hair was black and slick, her uniform was a normal uniform for a MailWomen or a MailMan. "Hello Dear, What are you doing here..?" Pomegranate said in a stern but soft tone which made the girl calm down. "I have a letter for...Pomegranate cookie? Is that you, Ma'am?" She asked as Pomegranate nodded and smiled a little. She smiled because she didn't know who Pomegranate was and because no one has been that polite to her before. "Oh! I'm so sorry for not giving you your letter!" The girl said digging through her bag of letters and handed Pomegranate the letter. "Thank you, and no need to apologize. I'm guessing that today was your first day at this job of yours? Hm?" Pomegranate said as the girl looked shocked and nodded. Pomegranate smiled as she knew what would make the girl proud. "Well Dear, your doing an amazing job at your new job." Pomegranate said as the girl looked really happy. "Oh! Thank you so much, Pomegranate cookie! I'll be leaving now, have an amazing day!" The girl said as she skipped off and Pomegranate giggled seeing papers flying out of her bag. "You too, Dear!" Pomegranate yelled as she closed the door and saw the Licorice was right behind her. "HOLY SHIT. How long has your rag ass been there?" Pomegranate kinda yelled as Licorice seemed offended. "Rags? RAGS!? Whatever, Formal Bitch. I've been there the whole time but who is the letter from?" Licorice asked as Pomegranate glared at him and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't actually know, but if you can leave me the fuck alone." Pomegranate said as Licorice rolled his eyes and walked off angrily. Pomegranate looked at who the letter was from and ran to her room as fast as she could, knocking over Strawberry Crepe in the process of running. "Hey! What the fuck!?" She heard them scream but she didn't care. All she cared about was who sent her the letter. She opened her door as fast as she could and slammed the door behind her not caring if it knocked over anything in the mansion. She sat on her bed and smiled as she read over the name again and again three times. She gently opened the envelope and grabbed the card out of it. It read :

Dear Pomegranate,

This might be a little out of the ordinary but I miss you. I know what you've done is terrible and you even betrayed me. However, it's been years and years since that situation. I've been thinking and wondering if you would like to be friends again? I understand if you don't, I just miss you.

-An Old Friend..!

Pomegranate started crying as she knew who it was from. Pomegranate put down the note and envelope down on her bed and laid down. She smiled as she was glad she forgave her for her terrible actions and wanted to be her friend. Pomegranate wiped away her tears away as she grabbed a pen she had on her desk. She stood up as she walked over to her desk and opened the drawer. She grabbed a envelope decorated with little pomegranates and stars that she and her decorated years ago. Pomegranate sat down on the floor as she started trying to write neatly. She wrote :

Dear Starfruit,

I would adore if we became friends. I have thought of it as well, and I deeply regret betraying you. I miss you as well, and I have thought of being friends too. I hope you get this letter as soon as you can..! I hope your doing well and amazing, Starfruit.

-Pomegranate ♡

She wrote as she wanted to erase the heart but she didn't. She knew that Starfruit would know she meant it in a 'platonic' way. Well, of course Pomegranate was in love with her. She has been for years but she was just happy that Starfruit wanted to be her friend again. How Pomegranate missed the way her hair swayed back and forth through the wind, how simple words she said sounded like a symphony, the way her eyes shined whenever she looked at the sky. Pomegranate could rant about Starfruit for hours and hours but she knew it would be very unprofessional of her. Pomegranate wiped away her tears and stood up tall smiling as big as the sun. She put the card in the enovolope and closed it with some tape she found. She walked out of her room smiling nor caring if the others saw that she was red from crying. She walked into the kitchen to see Licorice talking with BatCat, his pet he always had around with him. "Oh..! Hey, Formal Bitch." Licorice said looking at Pomegranate as she glared at him in a joking way. "Yeah, Yeah, whatever. Anyway Rags, I found out who sent the letter if you even care." Pomegranate said as Licorice put BatCat down from his arms as BatCat ran to Chiffon. "Well Duh! Of course, I care..! It could be a letter from Dark Enchantress cookie or it could be your love life!" Licorice yelled slightly as Pomegranate almost kicked him in his shin. "Shut up, Rags! Your gonna drag more attention to us, bitch!" Pomegranate said as Licorice slightly rolled his eyes and mumbled something under his breath. "I'm sorry? What did you say?" Pomegranate said glaring at Licorice knowing it was something about her. "N-Nothing! Anyway, who's the God damn letter from!?" Licorice said as Pomegranate breathed in and paused for a moment thinking about her. "Pomegranate?" Licorice said as Pomegranate snapped out of her trance and remembered where she was. "Oh, sorry. I was thinking about the person who sent the letter again." She said as she sighed and looked Licorice dead in the eyes. "When I tell you who this is from, you promise your whole cookie body. You won't tell a soul?" She asked as Licorice looked terrifies but responded immediately out of fear. "Yes..! Yes..! I won't tell anyone, not even BatCat." He said as Pomegranate nodded and closed her eyes for a second. "Well then... the person who sent the letter was-" "OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR! ITS FREEZING!"

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