: Tom Riddle X Male Reader : "Your siren song." Smut/Lemon

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Summary and Note(s): Reader is masculine presenting but is biologically intersex, he is a siren (the fish kind, not the bird kind!)

If you want a version where the reader is a top, let me know!

Sorry if the writing or grammar is different than usual and if its cringy, I'm running on 2 brain cells and I'm sleepy as hell for some reason

Your eyes stayed closed to combat the bright sun, as you sat bare as the day you were born. You sat on the rocks of a large sea-sized lake, your silky wet skin glistening in the evening sun.

You were in no need of bottom or top surgery, being your reproductive system was not that of a human. Much like a lot of fish-like humanoid species, sirens were usually reliant on hermaphroditism.

Instead of testes or ovaries like a normal human has, you had both in a cloaca-like way. Due to the endangered nature of your species, reproduction with humans was one of the only ways of creating more of your kind without going into extinction.

However, at the moment there was a certain human whom was particularly 'curious' of you and your reproductive organs.

This certain human being none other than the infamous Tom Riddle.

"So it's hidden in there? Let's say if I were to-" Tom reached out, "–massage it the right way, it would slip right out?"

"I would rather you not, but yes it would." You squinted back venomously, curling your tail the opposite direction of the boy. 

"Is it even possible for us to produce offspring in any way?" He asked this, leaning closer towards the water.

"Yes, unfortunately."

"Unfortunately~?" Tom cocked his head with a hypnotic smirk on his face, his chin sitting unto his palm.

"It's spring and for my species it's considered our spawning season," The wind was refreshing so you took a moment to take a deep breath into the water before dipping back into the air, "And I'd rather not procreate with Merrow, Selkies or HUMANS."

"Why do you regard humans in such a disgusted manner?" Tom asked this in a more relaxed manner.

"They are crude, mean," You shuffled to comfortably swim over to the shore and lay belly side down onto the sand, "And worst of all, they don't ask for consent. They just expect us to want them."

"Yes, I agree." The boy looked towards you for a moment, "I suppose in a way I could agree with that, especially the last statement. Consent is important, I may be a bad person but even I respect sexual consent."

You were amused by this, smiling in a curious manner. "It's cute that you regard yourself as a bad person, without even explaining why."

His hand reached out and cupped your cheek for a few seconds, to observe your expression and to make eye contact. You weren't that good with eye contact so it made you very nervous.

"Would you endulge me, (Y/n)? How do you feel about my idea, about this little rendezvous? With a 'bad boy' such as myself? Even if humans disgust you?"

You gulped for a moment, seeing the lust in his eyes as he searched your entire body, "I don't like one time things, I'm looking for a perm-"

"–I never said it had to be a one time thing." His flirty aura strengthened and made you feel weak in a sexual and romantic way.

"If- if you say so," You looked side to side, to make sure nobody was around, "Then I accept your offer. Just- don't abandon me afterwards, please?"

For a moment it was awkward as your tail was tangled around his legs and waist, but the thick cloud of lust that polluted the air made it impossible to feel any awkwardness.

Yours and his lips connected again and again, his tongue danced against yours as he explored your mouth. He also kissed your neck and collarbone, though he was careful to avoid your gills.

Tom almost seemed as though he was prepared for this, like he had done it before. Had he? Or had he just looked through several smutty novels?

He was grinding against your tail, you were confused for a while until you realized that it felt good for him.

Your eyes widened as he was finally naked for you to explore his form freely. "Wow," You giggled cheekily, "Humans look weird- in a good way, if that makes sense."

Moving carefully so that he had access to where your entrance was, he took note of how red your face was getting.

The entrance was on the back of your tail rather than the front like regular fish, so it was safe to say that the missionary position was not physically possible.

You were lucky that the shore was covered in soft sand and grass rather than pebbles and rocks; Tom pressed you harshly onto the ground, his hand moving to your throat carefully to lift your head up so it wasn't planted into the dirt and sand.

"You're lucky we don't need any lubricant," He murmured this into your ear, "–Because I'm not going to be gentle."

As soon as this left his lips, his hips met the backside of your tail quickly; a sharp cry of both pain and pleasure rumbled from your vocal cords.

Tom was quick to cover your mouth, not wanting to draw the attention of anybody in the area.

The idea that anybody could discover the both of you at any moment was arousing in some sort of way- but also terrifying, if that made any sort of sense.

The feeling of your insides was erotic and way better than human could compare. Tom groaned, usually he was the silent type but this was a whole new experience for him.

Even though your insides were wet, it hard for him to move or thrust; it felt as though your insides were locked onto his cock tightly. 

On the other hand, you were whimpering as the new sensation was hypnotizing you in a very hormonal way.

"For fuck's sake, it feels like you're swallowing me whole," He grunted this, his lips pressed against your ear so you forced to hear every noise he made.

"I'm sorr-YY!" You cried out once more, his hips beginning to piston in a forceful way. Regardless of whether you were ready or not, he was going to take you by storm. (Almost literally, you forgot he was a wizard and you could feel the sparks forming at his fingertips.)

"You're being so compliant, taking me so well~" He purred this, you could hear the weakness in his voice. He may have been dominating, but even YOU could tell the feeling of pleasure was too much for him to act as tough as he usually was.

He had a cocky grin plastered on his face, as sweat glistened on his forehead. You couldn't help but smile for a moment as you spotted this in his reflection on the water nearby you.

"Only for you~" You had a moment of confidence before your new lover discovered how to take you even deeper; your eyes widened once more and you quickly were unable to stop the porno-esque noises escaping you.

The world around you was way blurrier than usual, you couldn't make out any details around you. Your mind could only focus on the pleasure that was overcoming you.

You only hoped that you weren't just an experiment to him. You knew his manipulative toxic ways, but he treated you as though you were a precious gem.

If only you knew what he had planned for you, because this was only the beginning of what was yet to come. He wasn't some vanilla man, no. He was way kinkier than this, and now that he knew how your body worked? He was going to have a LOT of fun with you.

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