:Ron Weasley X Male Reader: "Competition." Part 1

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(For the sake of this, Reader is going to have dark brown hair like his twin, Harry. This is Male X Male, and not to mention very long for a one shot.)

It was definitely a Wednesday, you could guarantee that. Your name was none other than (Y/n) Potter, Harry's twin brother. Despite being a Potter you weren't all that brave — to top it off you were a Slytherin, and friends with Draco Malfoy.

This didn't stop your brother from caring about you though ever since you had been diagnosed with depression, being forcefully sent to a therapist at the age of 5 by Mrs Dursley.

The painful feeling of people leaving you, even if you were a jerk to your brother sometimes – you didn't want him to leave you. He was persistent on changing your ways, to see you smile again.

"(Y/n)? Are you alright?" Draco asked, shaking your shoulder. He would always call you by your first name, since your last name was reserved for Harry. You looked back and gave a fake smile. "Just a bit dizzy, is all." You mumbled, truthfully. "You should probably go see Pomfrey after this then." Draco advised, looking back towards Pansy.

You let out a sigh, trying to ignore the pain that you were in. You had held the secret of having a fever and other sickly symptoms that made you feel horrible – hoping it would just kill you. Ironically, it was more painful and didn't make you pass or black out at all the least.

It made you feel like crap, though. "I'll go now, since everyone is done eating." You mumbled, shuffling out of chair. You stumbled a bit, your dizziness increasing.

Halfway across the room, you could see slightly blurred black spots in your vision. This only made you more determined to get out of the hallway, so you wouldn't collapse on the ground with people everywhere.

Harry looked up, watching you dizzily sway back and forth. Worry filled him, more than anything. "He looks like he's going to pass out." He urgently whispered, about to get up. "You have to eat Harry, for the competition! Don't worry about him." Ron growled, pushing Harry back down.

"He's my brother – and seriously, look! He seems ill!" Harry anxiously glanced to the male who was struggling determinedly to get across the room. "If you're so worried I'll go and help him, okay?!" Ron snapped quietly, causing a sigh of relief to escape Harry. "Alright."

Ron did not want any part of it, but Harry would continue to flail on about his brother until he did something – the truth was, Ron had a huge crush on Harry's twin brother and the only person who knew was Hermione.

Your eyes widened to see Weasley approaching you. "Oi, (Y/n)! You look like you need help." Ron offered, holding out his arm. "Yes, thanks." You responded, half out of it.

Ron lifted you by your shoulder, letting you lean against him. "Madam Pomfrey's?" He asked, and you replied with a nod.

As you exited, you both were quiet for most of the way until Ron broke the silence. "What's up with you lately? You've been awfully quiet and haven't been acting like a jerk." He sarcastically spoke aloud, awkwardly.

Being the blunt person you were, you didn't refrain from admitting a self depreciating sentence. "I was hoping that if I was enough of a pessimist that a boggart would kill me already. Unfortunately I'm still alive." Ron flinched at the negativity that spewed from your mouth.

"Why would you do that?" He asked, slightly frightened and hurt at the same time. "Besides the crippling fear of everyone wanted me to disappear, I dunno." You mumbled back.

"That's totally not true," Ron began, stopping from walking which also stopped you. "-Harry worries about you 24/7, Hermione always offers to help you with your work, HELL, Even I-" He paused, a blush on his face.

You looked over to the ginger, who was turning a color darker than his own face. "Y-you know, we should just get you to Madam Pomfrey." He stuttered out, suddenly rushing forward while dragging you.

- - - - - - - - -Time skip and P.O.V change- - - - - - - - - -

Despite having the chance to retreat back to the common-room, Ron stayed close-by. He didn't want to admit it, but he had genuine concern for the brunette male. Pomfrey placed her hand upon (Y/n)'s forehead.

Not only that, but both Harry and Hermione were with him now. They too, wished to know why (Y/n) had been acting so odd for the past few days

"It seems like you have a high fever." She commented. "How long have you been feeling ill?" She asked, crossing her arms. (Y/n) sighed, taking a glance towards his feet. "2 in a half weeks or so now." This response caused Ron and Harry to audibly gasp in shock.

"Why ever would you keep it secret? Don't you know it's foolish to do something like that?" Pomfrey scolded. "I was hoping it would kill me, to be honest." (Y/n) said, rolling his eyes. Pomfrey exhaled, turning to find some of the medications she brought with her.

"Why would he do something like that?" Ron asked quietly. "I didn't know that he was still going through depression, now I feel even more like crap." Harry mumbled, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"He has.. depression?" Ron asked, now feeling guilty for all the things he had said. Harry nodded, hesitantly. "Bet you feel guilty now don't you." Hermione whispered, elbowing Ron. "Bug off...." Ron mumbled, standing up from his spot.

-----Timeskip and POV change-----

Potions was your second best class, but your least favourite in terms of classmates. Draco sat next to you, and yet he was always turned around and teasing Harry.

"If you all could settle down, I'd like to get to work," Professor Snape growled, aligning papers against the desk. "For the next few weeks or so you all will be in groups of 2 with a partner, working on a potion I choose for you. Though I must add, most of them are difficult."

The mention of, "partners" caused you and Draco to exchange looks, with grins. "I will be choosing the partners, however." Snape added on, as if reading the minds of the 2 teens.

Draco groaned in discomfort. "If I get assigned to potter I hope Moody turns me back into a ferret." He commented, causing a snicker to escape you.

"I honestly think it's a better look for you, Malfoy." A voice hissed back, behind you. "Butt out of our conversation will you Weasley? It certainly isn't polite." You replied.

Draco stuck his tongue out at Ron behind your back without you noticing, to which Ron was fuming with jealousy. "Why protect Malfoy?" He muttered to himself, leaning back in his chair.

"Looks like you've got a bit of competition there, Ron." Hermione cooed. Ron elbowed her with a blush on his face.

(End of Part 1! Let me know if you'd actually like to see this as an actual fanfic, it seems like a nice fic I could write.)

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