: Oliver Wood X Male Reader : "Room for improvement." SMUT/NSFW UNFINISHED

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Note(s): This was a suggestion. I'm finally getting to them now I feel bad for not getting to any sooner! Reader is Sirius' son. This is UNFINISHED, meaning I'll release a full version soon but want you all to enjoy what I have so far and give feedback on what to add.

Warning(s): Oliver being thirsty AF

"What should their couple name be? Oli(Y/n)? Black-Wood?" Hermione asked this as she tapped her quill against her chin.

"(Y/n) definitely wouldn't top, so Black-wood wouldn't sound right! But Oli(Y/n) doesn't either.. so Black-wood is the better of the two." Harry responded this as he flipped through his textbook, trying desperately to study.

"You two are gross, very gross." Ron groaned in disgust as he covered his head with his arms as he tried to avoid hearing them speak of such a gross topic.

"It's so obvious they've got a thing for one another! Have you ever seen the way Oliver LOOKS at (Y/n)? It's ridiculous they haven't been caught snogging!"

"-yet." Harry added this as he chuckled obnoxiously at the disgusted look on Ron's face.

The trio sat at a picnic blanket outside, near where the others were practicing. You couldn't hear what they were talking about, but got distracted by them and definitely took a hit.

"Don't sweat it, Black. You've got lots of room for improvement." Oliver called this out, as he walked over towards you.

You glared towards him in offense and sarcasm, "Oh wow, thanks. That's implying I suck, how did I even make the team?" He yanked you up by your arm, helping you stand.

You sniffed yourself and gagged, you definitely needed a shower. "Is it okay if I take a break? I smell horrible and need to wash off."

"Don't need my permission, mate. Go ahead." Oliver chirped this, you noted that George stood closely behind him.

You slowly took off all your equipment on the way to your dorm, tossing it onto your bunk once you arrived and rummaging through your trunk to find an extra uniform due to how the one you were in smelled like sweat and failure.

You hoped the bathrooms were relatively empty because you were a bit of a shy washer when it came to the shared showers.

As you grabbed your wash caddy and walked off towards the showers, you sighed in disappointment as you could hear water running.

It wasn't like you were a rich priss who enjoyed your own bathroom back at home, you just didn't like the stares you got in the bathrooms and locker rooms.

You placed your caddy down on one of the benches by the lockers as you undressed.

Not paying attention, you walked towards the showers absentmindedly.

You walked towards the same stall you used every time you showered and without thinking, had walked right in; however to your surprise, Oliver stood right in front of you (naked as the day he was born.).

How had he got there sooner than you?

That's when you realized how foolish you had been for overlooking a huge detail. The 'Oliver' you spoke to earlier was wearing Fred Weasley's quidditch uniform. You'd been had by the twins, they must've planned this somehow.

"Are you going to keep staring or are you going to do something, (Y/n)?" Oliver asked this with a cocky expression, thoroughly enjoying your staring, "You walked right in here so confident~."

"I-.. shut up!" You stuttered, your face heating up hotly as you didn't have much time to react. Your body did the action for you, jerking forward and causing you to press your bare body against his and pin him against the wall.

Your red face was now mere inches from his, his lips curled into a smirk as hot water soaked the both of you. Your eyes were locked on his, his filled with lust, and a part of your mind told you that he wasn't going to let you leave now.

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