:Harry Potter X Male Reader: "Hey, it's me again."

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Warnings: A BIT OF SADNESS AHEAD, This is a platonic ship [not romantic, Harry and Reader are just friends+family in this], also a bit short, ALTERNATE UNIVERSE [so some things aren't canon]

Summary: [This is new but yeah, I'm adding summaries now in the beginning of my oneshots] Brother of James Potter, Reader, visits James and Lily's makeshift grave he made. Lil!Harry follows him

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The wind of the late autumn breeze stung your cheeks, as you walked through the frozen grass that crunched under your feet.

The wooden cross grave-marker sat there, the one you despised through your entire being, the one you wished that didn't exist. You wished they were here, alive, and not that wretched stone or the shitty wooden cross.

You couldn't visit the real grave, you didn't want to break down with other people around you. Sure, call it cowardly, but even after all these years you still missed them too bad to bring yourself to visit the real thing.

You missed your brother and Lily. You wished it was you that had died, not them. As much as you despised your brother for being in a relationship with the girl you had crushes on, you didn't want this to happen to them.

With your recent custody of your nephew, Harry, before you took him in he was stuck with an abusive family who rarely fed or cared for him. Now, he followed you around like a lost duckling, now wasn't any different.

You could feel footsteps sinking the long grass beside you; someone was just inches away from you, but you knew it was your nephew. He was only 10, but he followed you here anyway.

"Uncle (Y/n)?" Harry asked this softly, with an amount of pity and sadness in his tone, you sighed upon hearing him. You looked over, your (e/c) eyes were glistening from sorrow, and yet you looked as if you couldn't bring yourself to truly frown.

"Hey, kid." You spoke up, sitting down on the grass while gazing at the wooden marker that you hated so much, just the same as you hated the person who killed them, "D'ya follow me here?"

You glanced over, watching the small boy sit beside you and give a small nod, "Yes.." He paused a bit,  "Why don't you visit the real place?"

You cringed a bit at this question, sighing again as you patted his shoulder, "Some things I can't do, I'm not as heroic as you make me out to be," You continued to look off as you admitted, "I'm scared to visit the real place, the cemetery."

Harry went quiet, nodding as he thought of something to say, "Cemeteries can be scary," He didn't seem to be any less interested, causing you to laugh softly as he quietly added on, "...I'm cold."

You remembered a moment in your childhood when you heard Harry say that, he was just like your little brother and his father, James. "You and me both, kid."

You sat your blue tweed coat down onto the child's shoulders, leaving you in a white dress shirt and a polka-dotted white and red bow-tie.

It was quiet after that, perhaps it was a moment of silence, as you both allowed the autumn ambience embrace the both of your ears.

It was a while before another man-made noise was made, either by voice or footsteps, but it was Harry who chose to speak up.

"Do you miss them?"

You did a double take, as Harry asked this next question, it almost took you off guard. The sole purpose of him asking this wasn't something you could deter just from the determined look in the boy's eyes, causing you to purse your own lips and look away.

"Sometimes I ask myself the same thing, but it isn't easy to say, when I really do," You took a deep breath, "Yeah I miss them. Though we all lose in the long run, I just need to remember them on who they used to be and you should too, regardless of whether you remember them."

Harry was confused but also satisfied with this answer, though it took him a minute to think it through. "Thank you."

You smiled a bit, past your own sadness, patting Harry's now covered shoulder. "Let's go inside, kid. I'll make us some butterbeer."

You stood, letting your nephew stand as well while watching a warm smile spread across his face, "Chocolate pie too?"

Laughing blithely, you nodded and kept a grip on his shoulders to help lead him back towards the small cabin you lived in, "-And chocolate pie."

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